WTL出现GUID错误 Did you forget to pass the LIBID to CComModule::Init?

来源:互联网 发布:冰川网络vr游戏 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 08:10
WTL出现GUID错误 Did you forget to pass the LIBID to CComModule::Init?
    When using WTL 7.0 with ActiveX controls under ATL 7.1, the framework will ASSERT inside atlcom.h on the following line:
    ATLASSERT(!InlineIsEqualGUID(*m_plibid,GUID_NULL) && "Did you forget to pass the LIBID to CComModule::Init?");

    This can be solved one of two ways:
    1) Change your "Use of ATL" setting to "Dynamic Link to ATL" in your project properties.
    2) Change your "Use of ATL" setting to "Static Link to ATL" and instead of using
hRes = _Module.Init(NULL, hInstance);
       line in your _tWinMain, use this instead:
     GUID guid;
       hRes = _Module.Init(NULL, hInstance, &guid);

   The ATLASSERT is apparently a bug in ATL 7.0/7.1 because everythingworks right if you pass a non-null GUID to _Module.Init(). Note thatsome people prefer to pass the actual LIBID instead of a garbage GUID,but this has no effect on whether the framework works correctly or not.

   I was unsure whether to post this under GDI or WTL, but WTL won outsince I was using CScrollImpl when I encountered this problem. On oneof the views in my WTL program, I was creating controls dynamically onthe output screen. This worked fine until the controls I was creatingextended beyond the range of the viewport. When I kept using the sameRECT coordinates for the created controls in the scrolled view, Istarted having all sorts of positioning and resizing problems.

    Turns out that Create assumes that the RECT coordinates you specify in the call are from the top of the viewport, not the top of the window. Thiswas not at all intuitive to me. Consequently, if you want to keep acommon coordinate system when creating controls on a scrolling view,you must either 1) factor in the scroll bar offset yourself, or 2)scroll back to the top left of the window (without updating), placeyour controls and then scroll back to the proper position.


   By default, the COM Server code that the WTL AppWizard adds does nothave the _Module.RegisterServer function set to TRUE by default. As aresult, the type library information never showed up in the registry. Amessage in the ATL Archives relayed the answer to this problem.

   After trying to use extended combo boxes within a WTL app and notgetting them to load, I knew I must be doing something wrong. I wasinitializing them with ::InitCommonControlsEx() in OnInitDialog(),which was a little too late. I moved them to DllMain, and that solvedthe problem. (The Microsoft ATL mailing list archives saved the day ...)

   I was trying to modify a WTL frame window by using ModifyStyle inOnCreate(). WTL doesn't like this very well. Instead I discovered thatI got the results I was looking for by modifying CFrameWindowImpl totake a customized version of CWinTraits by adding it to the templatedefinition. By the way, this also works for CWindowImpl, which is whereI found this trick in the MSDN docs and ATL Internals. Also, this linkshows another tricky portion of the whole process.

    Steps to use CDialogResize (from WTL 3.1):
    1) #include <atlframe.h> in your view/dialog class
    2) derive your view/dialog from CDialogResize:
        class CMyClass: public CDialogImpl<CMyClass>, ....
                              public CDialogResize<CMyClass>
    3) Add a DLGRESIZE_MAP to your view as follows:
       The first parameter in the DLGRESIZE_CONTROL macro is the resource IDof your control. The second parameter(s) is the way that you want thatcontrol to be resized; valid values are DLSZ_MOVE_X, DLSZ_MOVE_Y,DLSZ_SIZE_X, DLSZ_SIZE_Y. (Note that you can OR these together with a|). You can also resize controls as a group by enclosing a number ofDLGRESIZE_CONTROL macros with BEGIN_DLGRESIZE_GROUP() andEND_DLGRESIZE_GROUP(). More on grouping in the next tip.
    4) Chain your message map to CDialogResize, i.e.
   5) Initialize the resizing for your view with DlgResize_Init(false,true, WS_CLIPCHILDREN) in OnInitDialog. Normally (for standard dialogs)you would just use DlgResize_Init() and accept the default parameters,but for a view you have to supply the extra settings since the viewdoesn't need a gripper or a frame like a dialog would.

  Some things I've noticed about grouping controls with CDialogResize:
   1) You can group controls in one direction and leave them ungrouped in another direction to achieve good effects.
       For instance, if you had Save, Print and Close buttons running alongthe bottom of your dialog, centered and spaced evenly apart, you'dprobably want to do this grouping:

      This would keep all of them centered and spaced evenly as you movedthem, while also moving them up and down independently.

    2) As soon as you noticed this little trick, however, you might start to take notice that your buttons don't exactlyline up with the other controls on screen. You'd see this as the dialogwas sized larger and larger. What's happening is that the leftmostbutton in the resource (this doesn't mean the top one in theDLGRESIZE_GROUP -- it's unrelated) is acting as an anchor for all theother buttons in the group. So when you resize the dialog, the leftmost button isn't moving ... it's just staying in place.
   There may be better ways to solve this problem, but what I did isinsert a new invisible button on the resource in the leftmost positionto act as the anchor. I then included the button in the DLGRESIZE_GROUPwith a DLSZ_MOVE_X command as well so it would make all the other threebuttons move together correctly. Like I said -- it works. If youstumble on something better
