Clothes Phrase

来源:互联网 发布:黑马程序员培训费用 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 09:28


一摞衣服:a pile of clothes

穿上衣服:put on clothes

穿着衣服:wear clothes

试穿衣服:try on clothes

从衣柜拿出衣服:take clothes out of  the wardrobe

把衣服前后穿反:put clothes on backwards

把衣服里外穿反:put clothes on inside out

脱衣服: take off clothes

换衣服:change clothes

换下来湿衣服:change out of wet clothes

换上干衣服:change into dry clothes

把衣服摊平放在床上:lay clothes out on the bed

叠衣服:fold clothes

缝补衣服上的破洞:sew up the hole in clothes

用洗衣机洗衣服:wash the clothes with the washing machine

把洗衣机里的衣服拿出来:take clothes out of the washing machine

用水冲洗衣服上的肥皂沫:rinse soap bubble off clothes with water

拧干衣服:wring clothes

把衣服放进烘干机:put clothes into the dryer

把衣服晾在晾衣绳上:hang up the clothes on the washing line

把衣服从衣架上取下来:take clothes off the hanger

逛街买衣服:shop for clothes

带一套换洗衣服:bring a change of clothes

捐赠衣服:donate clothes


来源 QQ群:36829871资料
