The ranger Lor'themar Theron

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The ranger Lor'themar Theron organized the remaining survivors to fight the undead, but it gold for wow was the return of Prince Kael'thas that brought the elves a fragment of renewed hope. Tragically Kael'thas soon learned that the greatest danger to his people was posed not by the Scourge, but by buy wow gold cheap the Sunwell itself. The corrupted powers of the well still permeated not only the elves, but all that they had built. Given enough time, the vile necromantic energies would kill buying wow gold the elves and spread an incurable poison throughout the surrounding land. Kael'thas painfully concluded that the Sunwell, the heart of their society, must be destroyed. And so he executed a plan that would irrevocably change the fate of his people. With the aid of the most powerful wow gold cheap remaining magi, accompanied by Lor'themar and a party of volunteer defenders, Kael'thas succeeded in destroying the mystical Sunwell. The Sunwell's energies had been dispersed, and yet not all of its essence was lost. A mysterious individual cheapest wow gold named Borel gathered what remained of the energies and hid them away in the guise of a mortal girl, Anveena. In the aftermath of the Sunwell's destruction, Kael'thas declared that his people would be forever known as cheap wow gold the sin'dorei, or blood elves, so they would never forget those who had fallen in defense of their homeland. Although the Sunwell's threat was ended, Kael'thas could not have foreseen the effect its loss would have star trek online credits on his people. The elves suffered terribly from withdrawal, for many of them had been infused with the arcane energies of the well all their lives. Only in the absence of the Sunwell did the blood elves come to realize how addicted they had grown to its powers. Over time the elves grew ill, and the youngest and oldest among them died. Determined to find a cure for his people's crippling addiction, Prince Kael'thas sought a renewed source of arcane power, and he soon fell into the service of the demon Illidan Stormrage. With Illidan's aid, the blood elves found a temporary reprieve, learning to siphon the magical energies cheap wow gold of others to ease their own suffering. As Kael'thas joined the fight against Illidan's many enemies, the prince came to rely more and more on fel energy: the dark and corrupting essence wielded by the demonic Burning Legion itself. Now, bristling with newfound power, Kael'thas has turned his back on his former master, Illidan, and has finally returned to Quel'Thalas, promising final deliverance to his people. To this end he has harnessed the mortal possessor of the Sunwell's energies, Anveena. Yet many believe that the prince's exposure to fel energies has made him unstable, and that he has sought out a new master, a demon lord of the Burning Legion so terrible that even the mighty

Illidan would tremble in fear at the sound of his name: Kil'jaeden.
