
来源:互联网 发布:手机版易汇通软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 14:21
CREATE proc sp_MSforeachObject
 @objectType int=1,
 @command1 nvarchar(2000),
 @replacechar nchar(1) = N'?',
 @command2 nvarchar(2000) = null,
 @command3 nvarchar(2000) = null,
 @whereand nvarchar(2000) = null,
 @precommand nvarchar(2000) = null,
 @postcommand nvarchar(2000) = null
EXEc sp_MSforeachObject @command1="sp_changeobjectowner '?', 'dbo'",@objectType=4
         1    'IsUserTable'  表
         2    'IsView'  视图
         3    'IsTrigger'  触发器
         4    'IsProcedure'   存储过程
         5    'IsDefault'  
         6    'IsForeignKey'  外键
         7    'IsScalarFunction' 自定义函数
         8    'IsInlineFunction'
         9    'IsPrimaryKey'
         10  'IsExtendedProc'     主键
         11  'IsReplProc'
         12  'IsRule'   自定义规则
 /* This proc returns one or more rows for each table (optionally, matching @where), with each table defaulting to its
own result set */
 /* @precommand and @postcommand may be used to force a single result set via a temp table. */
 /* Preprocessor won't replace within quotes so have to use str(). */
 declare @mscat nvarchar(12)
 select @mscat = ltrim(str(convert(int, 0x0002)))
 if (@precommand is not null)
 /* Defined  @isobject for save object type */
 Declare @isobject varchar(256)
 select @isobject= case @objectType when 1 then 'IsUserTable'
         when 2 then 'IsView'
         when 3 then 'IsTrigger'
         when 4 then 'IsProcedure'
         when 5 then 'IsDefault'  
         when 6 then 'IsForeignKey'
         when 7 then 'IsScalarFunction'
         when 8 then 'IsInlineFunction'
         when 9 then 'IsPrimaryKey'
         when 10 then 'IsExtendedProc'   
         when 11 then 'IsReplProc'
         when 12 then 'IsRule'
 /* Create the select */
 /* Use @isobject variable isstead of IsUserTable string */
EXEC(N'declare hCForEach cursor global for select ''['' + REPLACE(user_name(uid), N'']'', N'']]'') + '']'' + ''.'' + ''['' +
REPLACE(object_name(id), N'']'', N'']]'') + '']'' from dbo.sysobjects o '
        + N' where OBJECTPROPERTY(o.id, N'''+@isobject+''') = 1 '+N' and o.category & ' + @mscat + N' = 0 '
       + @whereand)
 declare @retval int
 select @retval = @@error
 if (@retval = 0)
  exec @retval = sp_MSforeach_worker @command1, @replacechar, @command2, @command3
 if (@retval = 0 and @postcommand is not null)
 return @retval