
来源:互联网 发布:js array转字符串 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 18:11

If AlertBox( TEXT_Supplier_Info || i_hWndFrame.tbwRequisitionLinePart.colVendorNo ||' -- ' || i_hWndFrame.tbwRequisitionLinePart.colVendorName || ' ?' , CAPTION_Warning , QUESTION_YesNo ) = IDNO

Number AlertBox( sMessage, sTitle, nFlags )

String: sMessage Message
String: sTitle Message box title
Number: nFlags Message box style
The AlertBox function shows a translated message to the user and returns the user's response.

Parameter Description
sMessage Message text shown to the user. This parameter should be a translatable constant.
sTitle Text to be included in the title of the message box shown. This parameter should be a translatable constant. There are five predefined constants to use for this parameter: CAPTION_Critical, CAPTION_Error, CAPTION_Information, CAPTION_Question, CAPTION_Warning to use with this parameter.
nFlags Style of the message box that appears. This is a combination (using the Or (|) operator) for MB_* constants. There are some predefined combinations constants CRITICAL_*, WARNING_*, INFO_*, and QUESTION_* available for use with this parameter.

The return value is IDABORT, IDCANCEL, IDIGNORE, IDNO, IDOK, IDRETRY or IDYES corresponding to the button the user pressed in response to the message.


This function does not support parameters in the message text. To show a message with parameters, use the AlertBoxWithParams function.


If AlertBox( TEXT_QuestionSave, CAPTION_Question, QUESTION_YesNo ) = ISYES

Call SalPostMsg( i_hWndFrame, PM_DataSourceSave, METHOD_Execute, 0 )

IFS Client Developer
