pku1148 Utopia Divided

来源:互联网 发布:定时复制文件软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 20:33




问题描述 utopia.doc

  • 问题分析



         符号序列 si

         数值序列 xi


  • Definition alternating sequence


A sequence of non-zero integers X=(xa, xa+1,, xb,), ab is an alternating sequence if

       1) |xa|< |xa+1|< <|xb|, and

       2) for all i, a<ib, the sign of xi is different from the sign of xi-1.

Here, |xa| is the absolute value of xa.

  • Lemma 1. Let X=(xa, xa+1,, xb) be an alternating sequence. The sign of xb is equal to the sign of aibxi , the total sum of elements in X.
  • Proof


         xb is positive

         number of elements in X is even

  • Then:
  • xa+xa+1 , xa+2+xa+3 , … , xb-1+xb are all positive, thus the total sum aibxi is positive.
  • Theorem 1.

Let X=(xa, xa+1,, xb), ab be an alternating sequence, and let S=(sa, sa+1,, sb) , ab be a sequence of signs. If the sign of xb is equal to sb , then there exists a sequence X=(xia, xia+1,, xib) such that

1)      {xa, xa+1,, xb} ={xia, xia+1,, xib}, and

2)      X is valid with respect to S.

3)      Proof

The proof is by induction on the number of k of elements in X. When k=1, it is easy to see that X=X is a valid sequence with respect to S. Now we assume that k2. We let S1=S-sb, that is, S1=(sa,sa+1,…,sb-1).

Case 1. The sign of sb-1 is equal to xb ,

Let X1=X-xa, that is, X1=(xa+1,xa+2,…,xb).

Case 2. The sign of sb-1 is equal to xb-1 ,

Let X1=X-xb, that is, X1=(xa,xa+1,…,xb-1).

  • Algorithm of utopia


Step 1. //read input

       1.1 read N;

       1.2 read 2N code numbers and            partition them into A and B such that |A|=|B|;

       1.3 read a sequence of regions     R=(r1, r2, ,rN );

Step 2. //find x-coordinates of code pairs


2.1 find a sequence of signs S=(s1, s2, ,sN ) such that for all j , 1jN, sj=+ if rj=1,4; otherwise sj=-.

2.2 find an alternating sequence X=(x1, x2, ,xN ) from A such that the sign of xN is equal to sN .

2.3 given X and S , find a valid sequence X=(xi1, xi2, ,xiN ) w.r.t S according to the proof of Theorem 1.

Step 3. //find y-coordinates of code pairs


3.1 find a sequence of signs S=(s1, s2, ,sN ) such that for all j , 1jN, sj=+ if rj=1,2; otherwise sj=-.

3.2 find an alternating sequence Y=(y1, y2, ,yN ) from B such that the sign of yN is equal to sN .

3.3 given Y and S , find a valid sequence Y=(yi1, yi2, ,yiN ) w.r.t S according to the proof of Theorem 1.

Step 4. //write output

       print (xi1,yi1),(xi2,yi2),,(xiN,yiN).
