
来源:互联网 发布:javascript权威指南 7 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 05:12

   1. 数据库JDBC驱动应该放在${tomcat.home}/server/lib目录下,而不能放在webapps的lib目录下,二者的class loader不同
   2. tomcat在启动时只会自动装载后缀为.jar的jar包,因此如果使用oracle9i的驱动,应把class12.zip改名为class12.jar
   3. 最好将JDBCRealm的配置信息放在webapp的context配置文件中,而不要放在server.xml中

<!-- ======================================================================= -->
<!-- This file is deployed to Tomcat 4.1.x using the "setup-tomcat" ant      -->
<!-- task. You can also manually copy it to Tomcat's webapps directory.      -->
<!-- ======================================================================= -->

<!-- To use Tomcat's MemoryRealm (in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml)
     simply comment out both of the Realm's below.  MemoryRealm is the
     default realm for all applications, specified in
     To use Tomcat's JDBCRealm, JNDIRealm or JAASRealm, uncomment the
     appropriate section below.  All of these 3 realms require supplemental
     drivers (JAR files) in $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib.
                 - JAR: mysql-connector-java-2.0.14-bin.jar
                 - JAR: postgresql-jdbc3-7.3.jar
                 - JAR: ldap.jar
                 - JAR: tagishauth.jar

     NOTE: For the JAASRealm, you must also add the path to NTSystem.dll to
     your $PATH environment variable.

<!-- Simchronize-selfcare Application Context -->
<Context path="/simchronize-selfcare" docBase="simchronize-selfcare" debug="99" reloadable="true">
    <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
        prefix="simchronize_selfcare_log." suffix=".txt" timestamp="true"/>

    <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm" debug="99"
      connectionName="SIMCHR_24" connectionPassword="SIMCHR_24"
           userTable="SIMCHR_SELFCARE_USERS" userNameCol="MSISDN" userCredCol="PASSWD"
       userRoleTable="SIMCHR_SELFCARE_USER_ROLES" roleNameCol="ROLE" />

    <!-- NOTE: If you want to use a DataSourceRealm, the Resource must be a
               global resource -->
    <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm" debug="99"
      connectionName="SIMCHR_24" connectionPassword="SIMCHR_24"
           userTable="SIMCHR_SELFCARE_USERS" userNameCol="MSISDN" userCredCol="PASSWD"
       userRoleTable="SIMCHR_SELFCARE_USER_ROLES" roleNameCol="ROLE" />
    <Resource name="jdbc/simchronize" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
    <ResourceParams name="jdbc/simchronize">
        <!-- Maximum number of dB connections in pool. Make sure you
             configure your mysqld max_connections large enough to handle
             all of your db connections. Set to 0 for no limit.
        <!-- Maximum number of idle dB connections to retain in pool.
             Set to 0 for no limit.
        <!-- Maximum time to wait for a dB connection to become available
             in ms, in this example 10 seconds. An Exception is thrown if
             this timeout is exceeded.  Set to -1 to wait indefinitely.
        <!-- MySQL dB username and password for dB connections  -->
        <!-- Class name for JDBC driver -->
        <!-- Autocommit setting.  This setting is required to make
             Hibernate work.  Or you can remove calls to commit(). -->
        <!-- The JDBC connection url for connecting to your MySQL dB.
             The autoReconnect=true argument to the url makes sure that the
             mm.mysql JDBC Driver will automatically reconnect if mysqld closed the
             connection.  mysqld by default closes idle connections after 8 hours.
        <!-- Recover abandoned connections -->
        <!-- Set the number of seconds a dB connection has been idle
             before it is considered abandoned.
        <!-- Log a stack trace of the code which abandoned the dB
             connection resources.