
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝售前客服培训 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 12:55
Returns true if the operating system is on the Windows 9x platform or false if not.
function IsWin9x: Boolean;begin  Result := SysUtils.Win32Platform = Windows.VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS;end;
Kind of Snippet: Routine
Required units: SysUtils, Windows.
Required snippets: None.
See also: IsWinNT, IsWow64, IsVista, IsWindows7, IsTabletOS, IsMediaCenterOS, [Show All].
Supported Compilers:
 D2  D3  D4  D5  D6  D7 D2005
PascalGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LED
Windows 95, 98 and Me are all on the Windows 9x platform.
Returns true if the operating system is on the Windows NT platform or false if not.
function IsWinNT: Boolean;begin  Result := (SysUtils.Win32Platform = Windows.VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT);end;
Kind of Snippet: Routine
Required units: SysUtils, Windows.
Required snippets: None.
See also: IsVista, IsWindows7, IsWin9x, IsWow64, IsTabletOS, IsMediaCenterOS, [Show All].
Supported Compilers:
 D2  D3  D4  D5  D6  D7 D2005
PascalGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LED
Windows NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Server 2008 and Windows 7 are all on the NT Platform.
Returns true if the current process is executing as a 32 bit process under WOW64 on 64 bit Windows.
function IsWow64: Boolean;type  TIsWow64Process = function( // Type of IsWow64Process API fn    Handle: Windows.THandle; var Res: Windows.BOOL  ): Windows.BOOL; stdcall;var  IsWow64Result: Windows.BOOL;      // Result from IsWow64Process  IsWow64Process: TIsWow64Process;  // IsWow64Process fn referencebegin  // Try to load required function from kernel32  IsWow64Process := Windows.GetProcAddress(    Windows.GetModuleHandle('kernel32.dll'), 'IsWow64Process'  );  if Assigned(IsWow64Process) then  begin    // Function is implemented: call it    if not IsWow64Process(      Windows.GetCurrentProcess, IsWow64Result    ) then      raise SysUtils.Exception.Create('IsWow64: bad process handle');    // Return result of function    Result := IsWow64Result;  end  else    // Function not implemented: can't be running on Wow64    Result := False;end;
Kind of Snippet: Routine
Required units: SysUtils, Windows.
Required snippets: None.
See also: IsWin9x, IsWinNT, IsVista, IsWindows7, IsTabletOS, IsMediaCenterOS, [Show All].
Supported Compilers:
 D2  D3  D4  D5  D6  D7 D2005
PascalGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LED
Returns true if the operating system is a Windows Tablet edition or false if not.
function IsTabletOS: Boolean;const  SM_TABLETPC = 86; // metrics flag not defined in Windows unitbegin  Result := Windows.GetSystemMetrics(SM_TABLETPC) <> 0;end;
Kind of Snippet: Routine
Required units: Windows.
Required snippets: None.
See also: IsMediaCenterOS, IsWinNT, IsWin9x, IsWow64, IsVista, IsWindows7, [Show All].
Supported Compilers:
 D2  D3  D4  D5  D6  D7 D2005
PascalGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LED
Returns true if the operating system includes Windows Media Center or false if not.
function IsMediaCenterOS: Boolean;const  SM_MEDIACENTER = 87; // metrics flag not defined in Windows unitbegin  Result := Windows.GetSystemMetrics(SM_MEDIACENTER) <> 0;end;
Kind of Snippet: Routine
Required units: Windows.
Required snippets: None.
See also: IsTabletOS, IsWinNT, IsWin9x, IsWow64, IsVista, IsWindows7, [Show All].
Supported Compilers:
 D2  D3  D4  D5  D6  D7 D2005
PascalGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LED
Returns true if the operating system is Windows 7 (or Windows Server 2008 R2) or later and false if not.
function IsWindows7: Boolean;var  PFunction: Pointer; // points to PowerCreateRequest function if existsbegin  // Try to load PowerCreateRequest from Kernel32:  // present if Windows 7 or Server 2008 R2  PFunction := Windows.GetProcAddress(    Windows.GetModuleHandle('kernel32.dll'), 'PowerCreateRequest'  );  Result := Assigned(PFunction);end;
Kind of Snippet: Routine
Required units: Windows.
Required snippets: None.
See also: IsWin9x, IsWinNT, IsWow64, IsTabletOS, IsMediaCenterOS, IsVista, [Show All].
Supported Compilers:
 D2  D3  D4  D5  D6  D7 D2005
PascalGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LEDGreen LED
Returns true even if the application has defined a Windows Vista (or other) compatibility mode.

