测试设计技术 - 我们需要吗?

来源:互联网 发布:微店和淘宝的区别 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 18:20

20103月份的《testing experience》杂志Erik van Veenendaal在名为《Test Techniques - Why bother?》的文章中表达了测试设计技术的重要性。








Why use test case design techniques at all? Maybe the following will convince you of their value:


- Objectivityguarantees a certain level of coverage linked to an identifiable process of achieving it

- Increase in the defect finding capability (recent surveys indicate up to 25% more defects are found when testers are trained and use test design techniques)

- The ability to reproduce tests

- Building testware to support long-term system maintainability and test automation



