.NET 领域对象持久化模式

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝划线价格怎么弄 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/13 10:08

原模式说明请见: http://www.theserverside.net/articles/showarticle.tss?id=DomainObjectsPersistencePattern

领域(业务)对象(Domain Objects)是应用中的核心数据结构,也包含了商业规则,怎么持久化领域对象,做到灵活、易复用、好维护,是这个Pattern想解决的问题。要解决这个问题就要将持久化代码(Persistence Code)和领域对象代码分开,中间使用了Factory来加载、存储领域对象,此外通过定义抽象IFactory接口来实现调用代码和不同具体存取工厂实例来的松耦合。下面是它的示例代码:

public class Customer { // Private data members String _customerId; String _companyName; String _contactName; String _contactTitle; public Customer() {} // Properties for Customer object public String CustomerId { get { return _customerId; } set { _customerId = value;} } public String CompanyName { get { return _companyName; } set { _companyName = value;} } public String ContactName { get { return _contactName; } set { _contactName = value;} } public String ContactTitle { get { return _contactTitle; } set { _contactTitle = value;} }}public interface ICustomerFactory { // Standard transactional methods for single-row operations void Load(Customer cust); void Insert(Customer cust); void Update(Customer cust); void Delete(Customer cust); // Query method to return a collection ArrayList FindCustomersByState(String state);}public class CustomerFactory : ICustomerFactory{ // Standard transactional methods for single-row operations void Load(Customer cust) { /* Implement here */ } void Insert(Customer cust) { /* Implement here */ } void Update(Customer cust) { /* Implement here */ } void Delete(Customer cust) { /* Implement here */ } // Query method to return a collection ArrayList FindCustomersByState(String state) { /* Implement here */ }}


public class NorthwindApp { static void Main (string[] args) { Customer cust = new Customer(); CustomerFactory custFactory = new CustomerFactory(); // Let's load a customer from Northwind database. cust.CustomerId = "ALFKI"; custFactory.load(cust); // Pass on the Customer object FooBar(cust); // custList is a collection of Customer objects ArrayList custList = custFactory.FindCustomersByState("CA"); } }


想法是不是很简单?而且越看越和微软早期的ECC Pattern(就是我们常见的Ctrl +Info类的处理方式)很像:





