
来源:互联网 发布:windows 2000在线音乐 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 23:28

How to add contacts from phonebook


Note:API is deprecated in S60 3.2 so while using this API do consider this
在S60 3.2中不建议使用


There are plenty of occasions when you need to add contacts from Phonebook to your Symbian C++ application.
Examples are SMS, Call Control applications etc.
To do that you have to first load the phonebook's resource file like



RPbkViewResourceFile phonebookResource( *(CEikonEnv::Static()) );


In general you would want to allow users to fetch multiple entries from the phonebook dialog
so you can use CPbkMultipleEntryFetchDlg and pass the correct parameters.
 Also attach the correct Phonebook Contact Engine to the dialog.
(Here I am picking the default contact book,
whereas you may want to display your own special contact book database.) The code may look like

一般来说,你想允许用户能从电话本对话框得到多个入口,所以你可以使用CPbkMultipleEntryFetchDlg ,然后传入正确的参数。


CPbkMultipleEntryFetchDlg::TParams params;
CPbkContactEngine* iPbkContactEngine =
params.iContactView = &iPbkContactEngine->AllContactsView();
CPbkMultipleEntryFetchDlg* fetcher =
   CPbkMultipleEntryFetchDlg::NewL(params, *iPbkContactEngine);


Later just execute the dialog. On return, the dialog will give you a list of contact ids with
which you can access individually selected contacts from Contact Engine and process them


TBuf<30> phoneNumber;
TInt paramCount = params.iMarkedEntries->Count();
// Get the selected contacts id array // 得到选择的联系人ID数组
for ( TInt i = 0; i < paramCount; ++i )
 const TContactItemId cid = ( *params.iMarkedEntries )[i];

 // Open the selected contact using Phonebook engine,
 // choose correct number (launch list query if needed)
 // 使用电话本引擎打开选择的联系人,选择的正确的号码(如果需要启动列表询问框)
 CPbkContactItem* pbkItem = iPbkContactEngine->ReadContactLC( cid );
 TPbkContactItemField* tmp;
 if ((tmp = pbkItem->FindField(EPbkFieldIdPhoneNumberMobile)) != NULL)
  phoneNumber = tmp->Text();
  if(phoneNumber.Length() > 0){


If you want to implement the behavior that, if a contact item has more than one number,
and you want to show native dialog to choose between the numbers(like in native Sms application),
you can use following code


TBuf<30> phoneNumber;
TInt paramCount = params.iMarkedEntries->Count();
// Get the selected contacts id array
for ( TInt i = 0; i < paramCount; ++i )
 TBuf<128> phoneNumber;
 TBuf<128> phoneName;
 TBool namefound = EFalse;
 const TContactItemId cid = ( *params.iMarkedEntries )[i];
 // Open the selected contact using Phonebook engine,
 // choose correct number (launch list query if needed)
 CPbkContactItem* pbkItem = iPbkContactEngine->ReadContactLC( cid );

        //Using CPbkSmsAddressSelect dialog for user to choose between numbers
 // 使用CPbkSmsAddressSelect 对话框给用户选择号码
 CPbkSmsAddressSelect* dlg = new (ELeave) CPbkSmsAddressSelect();
 CPbkSmsAddressSelect::TParams addparams(*pbkItem);
 TBool selected = dlg->ExecuteLD(addparams);

 //If selected is ETrue, it means that user has selected some number, else user has pressed cancel
 //Also, if contact item has only one number, then there is no popup shown to the user and returned value is ETrue

 // 如果selected是ETrue,表明用户选择了某个号码,否则用户取消了选择。同样如果联系人项只有一个号码,就没有弹出菜单给用户,返回值仍然为ETrue

                //Getting the selected field, i.e. Mobile, Mobile (Business),Tel, Tel. (Home)
                //You can find the exact label of field by numtmp->Label()

  const TPbkContactItemField* numtmp = addparams.SelectedField();
   phoneNumber = numtmp->Text();
  TPbkContactItemField* nametmp;
  if ((nametmp = pbkItem->FindField(EPbkFieldIdFirstName)) != NULL)
   phoneName = nametmp->Text();
   if(phoneName.Length() > 0){
    namefound = ETrue;
  if ((nametmp = pbkItem->FindField(EPbkFieldIdLastName)) != NULL)
           phoneName.Append(_L(" "));
     phoneName = nametmp->Text();


In the end clean up your stack and close phonebook resource


//CPbkContactEngine, CPbkMultipleEntryFetchDlg::TParams
Headers required
#include <rpbkviewresourcefile.h>
#include <cpbkmultipleentryfetchdlg.h>
#include <cpbkcontactengine.h>
#include <cpbkcontactitem.h>
#include <cpbksmsaddressselect.h>

Library needed
LIBRARY   pbkview.lib pbkeng.lib

Capability required
Capability  ReadDeviceData ReadUserData WriteDeviceData WriteUserData

