Effective preparation

来源:互联网 发布:南方策略优化基金净值 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 10:14

He effectively prepare for the exam, can be divided into: before the examination, examination, examination of three parts with people. 

    Chinese course Shanghai
Before the test: psychological development is very important, the saying goes, there are plans to not busy, confidence will not panic, do not worry a budget, therefore, develop good study habits, in the weekly log sheet , with rows of time to prepare homework and watching TV, there will be more easy to learn. Second Kaoshi ago You three R rule, the first is a REPEAT Zhong Fu, studies have shown that if a lesson you first Yicihuafei 1 hour, cook the it may only take 40 minutes, the third may only take 20 minutes. Underwear OEM Second, RECORD, is to use a number of memory options such as using five fingers to the five major rivers Lenovo, the first of the Yangtze, Yellow River, etc. The second is to do a similar association, with a new approach to memory. The third is the most important RECOGNITION back then their knowledge,  elektrische Zigarette then try to write it down, and thus the answer will be helpful. the third before the exam should also pay attention: to simulation exercises, imagine that a teacher may be the subject of questions from the archaeological, or the subject from the self-assessment, from the key vocabulary from my attempt to answer, I believe in constant practice, you can know what part of the need to strengthen. 

   elektrische Zigaretten 
In the examination: to get test paper (1) First take a deep breath, not panic. (2) to look at the meaning of problems and the type of answer. Even before simulation framework written in answer to further try to word it then fine brushwork write clearly, because sometimes we see some students to write into a ball chaos, teachers did not understand, further speaking, that is, in answer, to check whether missed? In particular, when the best sections, clear answer, as far as possible to avoid their of its own, according Questions in good pop star. 

    elektrische Zigarette
After the examination: in particular, examination of each court should not immediately rush to the right answer, but let your heart is very nervous, perhaps the day after the examinations are to do the review, I believe every review, are we prepared to start this one. In addition, the discussion may also be shared with the students and teachers to ask face to face, I believe the answer can learn more skills, especially the opportunity to send down any papers, and students may, after discussion, to understand how others pop star, but also get high points.

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