ARPSender by Refdom代码

来源:互联网 发布:做h5的软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 22:31

//     ARPSender
//     File     : ARPSender.cpp
//     Comment   : A program for sending ARP packet
//     Created at : 2002.8.6
//     Created by : Refdom
//            Email       : [email][/email]
//            Home Page : [url][/url]
//            If you modify the code, or add more functions, please email me a copy.

#include "Mac.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <Packet32.h>

#pragma comment (lib, "ws2_32.lib")
#pragma comment (lib, "packet.lib")

#define EPT_IP            0x0800                  /* type: IP      */
#define EPT_ARP            0x0806                  /* type: ARP */
#define EPT_RARP      0x8035                  /* type: RARP */
#define ARP_HARDWARE 0x0001                  /* Dummy type for 802.3 frames */
#define      ARP_REQUEST      0x0001                  /* ARP request */
#define      ARP_REPLY      0x0002                  /* ARP reply */

#define Max_Num_Adapter 10

#pragma pack(push, 1)

typedef struct ehhdr
     unsigned char      eh_dst[6];            /* destination ethernet addrress */
     unsigned char      eh_src[6];            /* source ethernet addresss */
     unsigned short      eh_type;            /* ethernet pachet type      */

typedef struct arphdr
     unsigned short      arp_hrd;                  /* format of hardware address */
     unsigned short      arp_pro;                  /* format of protocol address */
     unsigned char      arp_hln;                  /* length of hardware address */
     unsigned char      arp_pln;                  /* length of protocol address */
     unsigned short      arp_op;                        /* ARP/RARP operation */

     unsigned char      arp_sha[6];                  /* sender hardware address */
     unsigned long      arp_spa;                  /* sender protocol address */
     unsigned char      arp_tha[6];                  /* target hardware address */
     unsigned long      arp_tpa;                  /* target protocol address */

typedef struct arpPacket
     EHHDR      ehhdr;
     ARPHDR      arphdr;

#pragma pack(pop)

void Usage()
     printf("/t Written by Refdom/n");
     printf("/t Email: [email][/email]/n");
     printf("Usage: ARPSender.exe sha spa tha tpa arp_op times/n");
     printf("/tsha:the MAC address of packet sender, eg:AAAAAABBBBBB/n");
     printf("/tspa:the IP address of packet sender, eg:");
     printf("/ttha:the MAC address of target/n");
     printf("/ttpa:the IP address of target/n");
     printf("/tarp_op: the operation of ARP, 1:request, 2:reply/n");
     printf("/ttimes: the times of sending ARP packet.(int)/n");

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
     static char AdapterList[Max_Num_Adapter][1024];     
     char szPacketBuf[600];
     char MacAddr[6];

     LPADAPTER      lpAdapter;
     LPPACKET      lpPacket;
     WCHAR            AdapterName[2048];
     WCHAR            *temp,*temp1;

     ULONG AdapterLength = 1024;
     int AdapterNum = 0;
     int nRetCode, i;
     int nARPOP = 0;
     int nTimes = 0;
     int nAdapter = 0;

     if (argc < 7)
           return 0;

     nARPOP = atoi(argv[5]);
     if (!(nARPOP == 1 || nARPOP == 2))
           printf("/nPlease enter the ARP op!/n");

     nTimes = atoi(argv[6]);
     if (nTimes <= 0)
           nTimes = 1;

     //Get The list of Adapter
     if(PacketGetAdapterNames((char*)AdapterName, &AdapterLength) == FALSE)
           printf("Unable to retrieve the list of the adapters!/n");
           return 0;

     temp = AdapterName;
     i = 0;
     while ((*temp != '/0')||(*(temp-1) != '/0'))
           if (*temp == '/0')
     AdapterNum = i;
     for (i = 0; i < AdapterNum; i++)
           wprintf(L"/n%d- %s/n", i+1, AdapterList[i]);

     while((nAdapter <= 0) || (nAdapter > AdapterNum))
           printf("/nPlease choose your Adapter:");
           scanf("%1d", &nAdapter);

     //Default open the 0
     lpAdapter = (LPADAPTER) PacketOpenAdapter((LPTSTR) AdapterList[nAdapter - 1]);
     if (!lpAdapter || (lpAdapter->hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE))
           nRetCode = GetLastError();
           printf("Unable to open the driver, Error Code : %lx/n", nRetCode);
           return 0;

     lpPacket = PacketAllocatePacket();
     if(lpPacket == NULL)
           printf("/nError:failed to allocate the LPPACKET structure.");
           return 0;

     ZeroMemory(szPacketBuf, sizeof(szPacketBuf));

     if (!GetMacAddr(argv[3], MacAddr))
           printf ("Get Mac address error!/n");
           return 0;
     memcpy(ARPPacket.ehhdr.eh_dst, MacAddr, 6);

     if (!GetMacAddr(argv[1], MacAddr))
           printf ("Get Mac address error!/n");
           return 0;
     memcpy(ARPPacket.ehhdr.eh_src, MacAddr, 6);

     ARPPacket.ehhdr.eh_type = htons(EPT_ARP);

     ARPPacket.arphdr.arp_hrd = htons(ARP_HARDWARE);
     ARPPacket.arphdr.arp_pro = htons(EPT_IP);
     ARPPacket.arphdr.arp_hln = 6;
     ARPPacket.arphdr.arp_pln = 4;
     ARPPacket.arphdr.arp_op = htons(nARPOP);

     if (!GetMacAddr(argv[1], MacAddr))
           printf ("Get Mac address error!/n");
           return 0;
     memcpy(ARPPacket.arphdr.arp_sha, MacAddr, 6);

     ARPPacket.arphdr.arp_spa = inet_addr(argv[2]);

     if (!GetMacAddr(argv[3], MacAddr))
           printf ("Get Mac address error!/n");
           return 0;
     memcpy(ARPPacket.arphdr.arp_tha , MacAddr, 6);

     ARPPacket.arphdr.arp_tpa = inet_addr(argv[4]);

     memcpy(szPacketBuf, (char*)&ARPPacket, sizeof(ARPPacket));
     PacketInitPacket(lpPacket, szPacketBuf, 60);

     if(PacketSetNumWrites(lpAdapter, 1)==FALSE)
           printf("warning: Unable to send more than one packet in a single write!/n");
     for (i = 1; i <= nTimes; i++)

           if(PacketSendPacket(lpAdapter, lpPacket, TRUE)==FALSE)
                 printf("Error sending the packets!/n");
                 return 0;


     printf ("/nSend ok!/n");

     // close the adapter and exit

     return 0;
