
来源:互联网 发布:软件操作手册怎么写 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 09:43



// Conversion from RGB24 to YUV420
void InitLookupTable();
int ConvertRGB2YUV(int w,int h,unsigned char *rgbdata,unsigned int *yuv);

// Conversion from YUV420 to RGB24
void InitConvertTable();
void ConvertYUV2RGB(unsigned char *src0,unsigned char *src1,unsigned char *src2,unsigned char *dst_ori,
     int width,int height);




#include "convert.h"

// Conversion from RGB to YUV420

int RGB2YUV_YR[256], RGB2YUV_YG[256], RGB2YUV_YB[256];
int RGB2YUV_UR[256], RGB2YUV_UG[256], RGB2YUV_UBVR[256];
int RGB2YUV_VG[256], RGB2YUV_VB[256];

// Conversion from YUV420 to RGB24

static long int crv_tab[256];
static long int cbu_tab[256];
static long int cgu_tab[256];
static long int cgv_tab[256];
static long int tab_76309[256];

static unsigned char clp[1024]; //for clip in CCIR601


// Table used for RGB to YUV420 conversion


void InitLookupTable()
 for(int i = 0;i < 256;i++)
  RGB2YUV_YR[i] = (float)65.481 * (i<<8);
  RGB2YUV_YG[i] = (float)128.553 * (i<<8);
  RGB2YUV_YB[i] = (float)24.966 * (i<<8);
  RGB2YUV_UR[i] = (float)37.797 * (i<<8);
  RGB2YUV_UG[i] = (float)74.203 * (i<<8);
  RGB2YUV_VG[i] = (float)93.786 * (i<<8);
  RGB2YUV_VB[i] = (float)18.214 * (i<<8);
  RGB2YUV_UBVR[i] = (float)112 * (i<<8);


// Convert from RGB24 to YUV420


int ConvertRGB2YUV(int w,int h,unsigned char *bmp,unsigned int *yuv)
 unsigned int *u,*v,*y,*uu,*vv;
 unsigned int *pu1,*pu2,*pu3,*pu4;
 unsigned int *pv1,*pv2,*pv3,*pv4;
 unsigned char *r,*g,*b;
 int i,j;
 u = new unsigned int[w*h];
 vv = new unsigned int[w*h];
 if(uu==NULL || vv==NULL)
  return 0;
 y = yuv;
 u = uu;
 v = vv;

 // Get r,g,b pointers from bmp image data....

 r = bmp;
 g = bmp + 1;
 b = bmp + 2;

 //Get YUV values for rgb values...

   *y++ = ( RGB2YUV_YR[*r] + RGB2YUV_YG[*g] + RGB2YUV_YB[*b] + 1048576)>>16;
   *u++ = (-RGB2YUV_UR[*r] - RGB2YUV_UG[*g] + RGB2YUV_UBVR[*b] + 8388608)>>16;
   *v++ = ( RGB2YUV_UBVR[*r]-RGB2YUV_VG[*g]-RGB2YUV_VB[*b] + 8388608)>>16;
   r += 3;
   g += 3;
   b += 3;

 // Now sample the U & V to obtain YUV 4:2:0 format

 // Sampling mechanism...

 /* @ -> Y

 # -> U or V

 @ @ @ @

 # #

 @ @ @ @

 @ @ @ @

 # #

 @ @ @ @


 // Get the right pointers...

 u = yuv + w * h;
 v = u + (w * h) / 4;

 // For U

 pu1 = uu;
 pu2 = pu1+1;
 pu3 = pu1+w;
 pu4 = pu3+1;

 // For V

 pv1 = vv;
 pv2 = pv1+1;
 pv3 = pv1+w;
 pv4 = pv3+1;

 // Do sampling....

 for(i = 0;i < h;i += 2)
  for(j = 0;j < w;j += 2)
   *u ++= (*pu1 + *pu2 + *pu3 + *pu4) >>2;
   *v ++= (*pv1 + *pv2 + *pv3 + *pv4) >>2;
   pu1 + =2;
   pu2 += 2;
   pu3 += 2;
   pu4 += 2;
   pv1 += 2;
   pv2 += 2;
   pv3 += 2;
   pv4 += 2;
  pu1 += w;
  pu2 += w;
  pu3 += w;
  pu4 += w;
  pv1 += w;
  pv2 += w;
  pv3 += w;
  pv4 += w;
 delete uu;
 delete vv;
 return 1;


//Initialize conversion table for YUV420 to RGB


void InitConvertTable()
 long int crv,cbu,cgu,cgv;
 int i,ind;
 crv = 104597; cbu = 132201; /* fra matrise i global.h */
 cgu = 25675; cgv = 53279;
 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
  crv_tab[i] = (i-128) * crv;
  cbu_tab[i] = (i-128) * cbu;
  cgu_tab[i] = (i-128) * cgu;
  cgv_tab[i] = (i-128) * cgv;
  tab_76309[i] = 76309*(i-16);
 for (i=0; i<384; i++)
  clp[i] =0;
 for (i=0;i<256; i++)
 for (i=0;i<384;i++)



// Convert from YUV420 to RGB24


void ConvertYUV2RGB(unsigned char *src0,unsigned char *src1,unsigned char *src2,unsigned char *dst_ori,
     int width,int height)
 int y1,y2,u,v;
 unsigned char *py1,*py2;
 int i,j, c1, c2, c3, c4;
 unsigned char *d1, *d2;
 for (j = 0; j < height; j += 2)
  for (i = 0; i < width; i += 2)
   u = *src1++;
   v = *src2++;
   c1 = crv_tab[v];
   c2 = cgu_tab[u];
   c3 = cgv_tab[v];
   c4 = cbu_tab[u];
   y1 = tab_76309[*py1++];
   *d1++ = clp[384+((y1 + c1)>>16)];
   *d1++ = clp[384+((y1 - c2 - c3)>>16)];
   *d1++ = clp[384+((y1 + c4)>>16)];
   y2 = tab_76309[*py2++];
   *d2++ = clp[384+((y2 + c1)>>16)];
   *d2++ = clp[384+((y2 - c2 - c3)>>16)];
   *d2++ = clp[384+((y2 + c4)>>16)];
   y1 = tab_76309[*py1++];
   *d1++ = clp[384+((y1 + c1)>>16)];
   *d1++ = clp[384+((y1 - c2 - c3)>>16)];
   *d1++ = clp[384+((y1 + c4)>>16)];
   y2 = tab_76309[*py2++];
   *d2++ = clp[384+((y2 + c1)>>16)];
   *d2++ = clp[384+((y2 - c2 - c3)>>16)];
   *d2++ = clp[384+((y2 + c4)>>16)];
  d1 += 3*width;
  d2 += 3*width;
  py1 += width;
  py2 += width;