
来源:互联网 发布:2016最新网络红歌神曲 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/17 04:01


1. 安装ruby-debug

gem install ruby-debug -y  

2. 在rails中如何配置

# config/environments/development.rb config.breakpoint_server = truerequire "ruby-debug"



def new  @story =[:story])     @story.user = @current_user  if and       debugger       @story.tag_with params[:tags] if params[:tags]       flash[:notice] = "Story submission succeeded"    redirect_to :action => 'index'  endend




  1. ruby script/server -e development 



1. help


(rdb:5) help  ruby-debug help v0.10.3  


你可以用help cmd看cmd命令的内容详情

2. list

(rdb:2) list  [54, 63] in ./script/../config/../app/controllers/user_controller.rb     54      end   55    end   56       57    def login     58      debugger  => 59      user = User.auth(@params['login'], @params['pwd'])     60      if user     61        @session[USER_PARAM] = user     62        set_filter(user)     63      else


l[ist]          #列出当前代码,再次输入,列出后面代码l[ist] -        #列出当前代码,往前的代码l[ist] =        #列出当前行代码l[ist] nn-mm    #列出给定行的代码

3. where

(rdb:2) where  --> #1 ./script/../config/../app/controllers/user_controller.rb:59:in `login'#2 /usr/.../action_controller/base.rb:910:in `perform_action_without_filters'#3 /usr/.../action_controller/filters.rb:368:in `perform_action_without_benchmark'#4 /usr/.../action_controller/benchmarking.rb:69:in `measure'#5 /usr/.../action_controller/benchmarking.rb:69:in `perform_action_without_rescue'#6 /usr/.../action_controller/rescue.rb:82:in `perform_action'    ...  

4. up/down

(rdb:2) up 2  #3 /usr/.../action_controller/filters.rb:368:in `perform_action_without_benchmark'(rdb:2) l  [363, 372] in /usr/.../action_controller/filters.rb     363       364        def perform_action_with_filters     365          before_action_result = before_action     366       367          unless before_action_result == false || performed?  => 368            perform_action_without_filters     369            after_action     370          end   371       372          @before_filter_chain_aborted = (before_action_result == false)  (rdb:2) before_action_result  [:verify_login, :verify_access]  (rdb:2) performed?  false(rdb:2) down 2  

5. step/next

s[tep][+-]?[ nnn]         #nnn 表示次数#'+' 强制向其它线程#'-' 和上面相反并且禁用掉force_stepping setting.


(rdb:2) s  script/../config/../app/models/user.rb:27:    find :first,   (rdb:2) l  [22, 31] in script/../config/../app/models/user.rb     22    def status_name     23      STATUS_NAMES[self.status]     24    end   25       26    def self.auth(login, pwd)  => 27      find :first,      28        :conditions => ["login = ? AND pwd = ? AND status = ?",      29                      login, pwd, ACTIVE]     30    end   31       32    def is_admin?  

6. Thread

th[read] l[ist]                # 列出所有的线程th[read] stop             # 停止指定线程th[read] resume           # 恢复指定线程th[read] [sw[itch]]       # 切换执行环境到指定线程th[read] [cur[rent]]           # 显示当前线程


(rdb:2) thread list   1 # /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:91+2 # script/../config/../app/models/user.rb:27 31 # /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:944(rdb:2)  By the way, the debugger prompt also shows the current thread number (rdb:2).  

7. var

v[ar] cl[ass]                   #显示当前上下文的所有类变量v[ar] c[onst] #显示当前上下文的常数对象 v[ar] g[lobal] #显示当前上下文的全局变量 v[ar] i[nstance]#显示当前上下文的当前对象的实例变量 v[ar] l[ocal] #显示当前上下文的所有局部变量



(rdb:2) var local    login => "admin"  pwd => "letmein"(rdb:2) var global    $! => nil  $" => ["rubygems.rb", "rbconfig.rb", "rubygems/rubygems_version.rb",   ...  

8. breakpoint

b[reak] file:line [if expr] #在expr的条件下,设在文件的第几行设置断点b[reak] class(.|#)method [if expr] #在expr成立条件下,设置断点在类的方法下


#以下代码由夜鸣猪@javaeye奉献(rdb:1) l #list的简写,显示当前位置   26      #breakpoint   27      @current_item = @cart.add_product(product)     28      debugger  => 29        respond_to do |format|     30          format.js if request.xhr?     31          format.html {redirect_to_index}     32        end   33    rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound  (rdb:1) where  --> #0 StoreController.add_to_cart       at line D:/RORWS/depot_t/app/controllers/store_controller.rb:29  Warning: saved frames may be incomplete; compare with caller(0).  (rdb:1) b 30 #在第30行设置断点Breakpoint 1 file D:/RORWS/depot_t/app/controllers/store_controller.rb, line 30  (rdb:1) c #continue的缩写,推出debug环境执行Breakpoint 1 at store_controller.rb:30 #断点调试,中断了D:/RORWS/depot_t/app/controllers/store_controller.rb:30  format.js if request.xhr?  (rdb:1) l #再看一下位置[25, 34] in D:/RORWS/depot_t/app/controllers/store_controller.rb     25      product = Product.find(params[:id])     26      #breakpoint   27      @current_item = @cart.add_product(product)     28      debugger     29        respond_to do |format|  => 30          format.js if request.xhr?     31          format.html {redirect_to_index}     32        end   33    rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound     34      logger.error("Attempt to access invalid product #{params[:id]}")  (rdb:2) b 72 if params['user'] == 'admin' #在admin的条件下设置断点Set breakpoint 1 at ./script/.../controllers/user_controller.rb:69  To list all breakpoints use break command without parameters:  (rdb:1) info break # 显示当前都设置了什么断点Num Enb What    1 y   at store_controller.rb:30          breakpoint already hit 1 time  

9. continue

(rdb:2) cont - - [11/07/2006:15:09 EDT] "POST /user/login HTTP/1.1" 302 96  http://localhost:3000/bug/list -> /user/login - - [11/07/2006:15:12 EDT] "GET /bug/list HTTP/1.1" 200 3830  http://localhost:3000/bug/list -> /bug/list  

10. delete

del[ete][ nnn...]       #删除指定或者所有breakpoints

11. save

save [FILE]  

将当前debugger的状态保存成为文件,保存的状态,包括所有设定breakpoints,设定, 捕获的断点.不写文件名会假定生成一个.
12. catch

cat[ch]          #等同与 "info catch"cat[ch]       #拦截所指定的异常

13. backtrace

bt|backtrace            #where - display的别名(rdb:8) backtrace  --> #0 StoreController.add_to_cart       at line D:/RORWS/depot_t/app/controllers/store_controller.rb:29  #1 Kernel.send       at line c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.2.2/lib/action_controller/base.rb:1253  #2 ActionController::Base.perform_action_without_filters       at line c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.2.2/lib/action_controller/base.rb:1253  #3 ActionController::Filters::InstanceMethods.call_filters(chain#ActionController::Fil...,...)       at line c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.2.2/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:617  

显示所有堆栈的执行信息.使用"up" and "down" 可以调试和改变在堆栈的执行.当前的位置使用-->符号表明.

14. edit

15. quit

q[uit] [unconditionally]        #从调试环境推出.exit    #就是quit命令的别名

通常情况下,退出之前会有,确认提示. 然而,如果quit命令使用了参数"unconditionally",将不会有提示信息.

16. set
设定ruby-debug的环境,Boolean变量可以设定为on off或者1 0.设定变量可以用show显示

set annotate # 设定注释等级set args # 设定变量列表,用来传递给运行环境set autoeval # 在不能直接输出的表达式,进行eval计算set autolist # 在每个breakpoint时执行listset autoirb # 任何时候只要stop则执行irbset autoreload # 当代码有修改的时候,从新loadset basename # 设定basename只显示文件名set callstyle # 设定显示变量格式set debuggertesting # 用于测试debugger自身set forcestep # 保证'next/step'命令总是能向新行移动set fullpath # 在frames中显示文件的完整路径名set history # Generic command for setting command history parametersset keep-frame-bindings # Save frame binding on each callset linetrace+ # Set line execution tracing to show different linesset linetrace # Set line execution tracingset listsize # Set number of source lines to list by defaultset trace # Display stack trace when 'eval' raises exceptionset width # Number of characters the debugger thinks are in a line

17. info

info args # Argument variables of current stack frameinfo breakpoints  # 显示当前所有断点的状态info catch # 可以被捕获的Exceptions,通过catch命令设定info display  # 程序结束时的输出info file # 关于读取文件的内容info files # 关于读取文件的时间和名字等信息info global_variables # 所有全局变量info instance_variables # 当前frame的示例变量info line # 当前文件的当前行有关信息info locals # 局部变量信息info program # 程序执行状态信息info stack # 相关stack信息info thread # Thread相关信息info threads # Thread相关信息info variables # 局部变量示例变量信息

18. show

show annotate # 显示注释级别show args # 显示当程序要执行时的参数列表show autoeval # 是否显示当遇到不识别命令show autolist # 显示是否自动list的设定show autoirb # 显示是否有设定autoirbshow autoreload # 显示是否有设定autoreloadshow basename # Show if basename used in reporting filesshow callstyle # Show paramater style used showing call framesshow commands # Show the history of commands you typedshow forcestep # Show if sure 'next/step' forces move to a new lineshow fullpath # Show if full file names are displayed in framesshow history # Generic command for showing command history parametersshow keep-frame-bindings # Save frame binding on each callshow linetrace # 显示行执行信息show linetrace+ # Show if consecutive lines should be different are shown in tracingshow listsize # Show number of source lines to list by defaultshow port # Show server portshow post-mortem # Show whether we go into post-mortem debugging on an uncaught exceptionshow trace # Show if a stack trace is displayed when 'eval' raises exceptionshow version # 显示debug版本号show width # 显示调试信息的行字数

19. condition

Condition breakpoint-number expression  


20. eval

e[val] expression   #    计算表达式的值并输出#    可以做为p别名.

* 提示 - 如果,想要设定为自动调用eval进行,表达式计算.需要设定autoeval 使用命令

use 'set autoeval'

21. reload

r[eload]        forces source code reloading  

22. ps

ps expression   #计算数组,集合,序列,表达式组的值,并序列化输出

23. undisplay

undisp[lay][ nnn]  



Arguments are the code numbers of the expressions to stop displaying.
No argument means cancel all automatic-display expressions.
"delete display" has the same effect as this command.
Do "info display" to see current list of code numbers.

24. irb

irb    # 打开一个(IRB) 环境

25. finish

fin[ish] [frame-number] #Execute until selected stack frame returns.


If no frame number is given, we run until the currently selected frame
returns.  The currently selected frame starts out the most-recent
frame or 0 if no frame positioning (e.g "up", "down" or "frame") has
been performed. If a frame number is given we run until that frame

