
来源:互联网 发布:java饿汉是线程安全 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 05:04

Inet是密歇根大学于1999~2002年间开发的一个AS 级拓扑产生器,最新发布的是3.0版本。其特点是利用route-views.oregon-ix.net上从1997年11月到2002年2月间的大量 BGP数据来确定拓扑度量的值,可信性很高。Inet采用PLGR算法与优先附着实现幂律,重视连通性(最小节点覆盖),并针对最大团尺寸和聚类系数做了 优化。Inet使用简便,只需在命令行输入拓扑图节点总数即可。

Inet, currently at version 3.0, is an Autonomous System (AS) level Internet topology generator. Our understanding of the Internet topology is quickly evolving, and thus, our understanding of how synthetic topologies should be generated is changing too. Inet-3.0 improves upon Inet-2.2's two main weaknesses by creating topologies with more accurate degree distributions and minimum vertex covers as compared to Internet topologies. Inet-3.0 also better approximates the actual Internet AS topology than does Inet-2.2. Inet-3.0's topologies still do not well represent the Internet in terms of maximum clique size and clustering coefficient. These related problems stress a need for a better understanding of Internet connectivity and will be addressed in our future work.

This project is supported in part by NSF Grant No. ANI-0082287, by ONR Grant No. N000140110617, and by AT&T Research. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, nor those of AT&T Research.

University of Michigan Technical Report CSE-TR-456-02  describes Inet-3.0.

Inet-3.0 has been compiled on the following platforms:

  • FreeBSD
    • 4.X for i386
  • Linux
    • Kernel 2.4.X for i386
  • Mac OS X
    • 10.0.4 for PPC
  • Solaris
    • 5.X for UltraSparc







inet -n N [-d k] [-p n] [-s sd] [-f of]


-n N: the total number of nodes in the topology.
-d k: the fraction of degree-one nodes. Default is 0.3.
-p n: the size of the plane used for node placement. Default is 10,000.
-s sd: the seed to initialize the random number generator. Default is 0.
-f of: the debugging output file name. Default is stderr.


To generate a 6,000-node network with default values:
example% inet -n 6000 > Inet.6000
To generate a 6,000-node network on a 10,000 by 10,000 plane with 30% of total nodes as degree-one
nodes, random seed of 16, and debug file debug:
example% inet -n 6000 -f debug -d .3 -s 16 -p 10000 > Inet.6000



The output of inet follows the following format:
nodes links
id x y
id1 id2 weight
The first line of the output specifies the number of nodes with nodes, and the number of undirected
links with links. The next section contains the location of each node. Each line contains the node
id, id, and the xy-coordinate, x and y. The last section contains the list of links in the topology. Each
line contains the ids of the two nodes incident to the link, id1 and id2, and the link weight, weight
