
来源:互联网 发布:全国小龙虾消费数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 04:05
// 得到应用程序路径 void cutFileName(wchar_t *lpszPath){wchar_t *lpszEnd = lpszPath;int charset = 0  ;while(*lpszPath != '\0') {if((*lpszPath == '\\') || (*lpszPath == '/') || (*lpszPath == ':')) {lpszEnd=lpszPath+1;}lpszPath++;}if(lpszEnd == lpszPath) {return;}*lpszEnd='\0';return;}int GetAppPath(wchar_t *App_Path){GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, App_Path, MAX_PATH);cutFileName(App_Path);return 1;} //16进制字符串转换成INT类型整形:"FFFF" -> 65535int HexToInt(const char *str, unsigned int *ival ){u_long u;const char *cp;cp = str;if (*cp == '\0')return 0;u = 0;while (*cp != '\0') {if (u >= 0x10000000)return 0;   /* overflow */u <<= 4;if (*cp <= '9')         /* very ascii dependent */u += *cp++ - '0';else if (*cp >= 'a')u += *cp++ - 'a' + 10;elseu += *cp++ - 'A' + 10;}*ival = u;return 1;}char *strstr(char *buf, char *sub)     {    char *bp = NULL;    char *sp = NULL;    if (!*sub)      return buf;   while (*buf)   {        bp = buf;        sp = sub;    while(true){if (!*sp)   return buf;        if (tolower(*bp) != tolower(*sp)){break;}bp++;sp++;}buf += 1;    }    return 0;}void Log(const char *format, ...){        va_list parameters;TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH] = {0};char buf[1024];FILE *fp;if(*szFileName == '\0'){GetAppPath(szFileName);_tcscat(szFileName,_T("debug.log"));}fp = _tfopen(szFileName, _T("a+"));if (fp != NULL){va_start(parameters, format);vsprintf(buf, format, parameters);fputs(buf, fp);va_end(parameters);fclose(fp);}}//.h#ifdef    UNICODE    #pragma comment(linker,"/ENTRY:wWinMainCRTStartup")#endif-------------------------------------分割线-------------------------------------static char HEXC[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";#define ISCHINESE(c)  *(c)&0x80//需要转义的字符 (除 '0'-'9' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' 外) #define IsEscapeChar(c) ((((c)<'0' ) || ( (c)>'9'&& *ptmp<'A') ||  ((c)>'z') || ((c)>'Z' && (c)<'a')))void URLEnGBKCode(char *szsrc,char *szdst){int len=0;unsigned char *ptmp=(unsigned char *)szsrc;int index=0;if (szsrc==NULL){return;}len=strlen(szsrc);while(len){if(IsEscapeChar(*ptmp)){szdst[index]='%';szdst[index+1]=HEXC[(*ptmp)>>4];szdst[index+2]=HEXC[(*ptmp)&0xF];index+=3;len--;ptmp++;}else{szdst[index]=*ptmp;index++;len--;ptmp++;}}}//GBK转义解码void URLDeGBKCode(char *szsrc,char *szdst){int len=0;int nchar;char *ptmp=szsrc;int index=0;int lentmp=0;int ideHex;if (szsrc==NULL){return;}len=strlen(szsrc);while(len){char c=*ptmp;if (c=='%' && len>2){ideHex=(ptmp[1]-'0');nchar=(int)((ideHex)<9?(ideHex<<4):((ideHex-7)<<4));ideHex=(ptmp[2]-'0');nchar+=(int)((ideHex)<9?(ideHex):((ideHex-7)));szdst[index++]=(char)nchar;ptmp+=3;len-=3;}else{szdst[index++]=*(ptmp++);len--;}}}time_t rep_getsystemtime(void){struct tm stm = {0};#if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) || defined(PLATFORM_MAC)time_t ltime = 0;time(<ime);stm = *localtime(<ime);return rep_mktime(&stm);#elseSYSTEMTIME st = {0};GetLocalTime(&st);stm.tm_year = (Gint32)(st.wYear-1900u);stm.tm_mon = (Gint32)(st.wMonth-1u);stm.tm_mday = (Gint32)st.wDay;stm.tm_hour = (Gint32)st.wHour;stm.tm_min = (Gint32)st.wMinute;stm.tm_sec = (Gint32)st.wSecond;stm.tm_wday = (Gint32)st.wDayOfWeek;return rep_mktime(&stm);#endif}struct tm rep_gmtime(Guint32 time){struct tm sttm = {0};Guint32 caltim = time;int islpyr = 0;  int tmptim;struct tm *ptb = &sttm;int *mdays;       /*         * Determine years since 1970. First, identify the four-year interval         * since this makes handling leap-years easy (note that 2000 IS a         * leap year and 2100 is out-of-range).         */        tmptim = (int)(caltim / FOUR_YEAR_SEC);        caltim -= ((Guint32)tmptim * FOUR_YEAR_SEC);        /*         * Determine which year of the interval         */        tmptim = (tmptim * 4) + 70;         /* 1970, 1974, 1978,...,etc. */        if ( caltim >= YEAR_SEC ) {            tmptim++;                       /* 1971, 1975, 1979,...,etc. */            caltim -= YEAR_SEC;            if ( caltim >= YEAR_SEC ) {                tmptim++;                   /* 1972, 1976, 1980,...,etc. */                caltim -= YEAR_SEC;                /*                 * Note, it takes 366 days-worth of seconds to get past a leap                 * year.                 */                if ( caltim >= (YEAR_SEC + DAY_SEC) ) {                        tmptim++;           /* 1973, 1977, 1981,...,etc. */                        caltim -= (YEAR_SEC + DAY_SEC);                }                else {                        /*                         * In a leap year after all, set the flag.                         */                        islpyr++;                }            }        }        /*         * tmptim now holds the value for tm_year. caltim now holds the         * number of elapsed seconds since the beginning of that year.         */        ptb->tm_year = tmptim;        /*         * Determine days since January 1 (0 - 365). This is the tm_yday value.         * Leave caltim with number of elapsed seconds in that day.         */        ptb->tm_yday = (int)(caltim / DAY_SEC);        caltim -= (long)(ptb->tm_yday) * DAY_SEC;        /*         * Determine months since January (0 - 11) and day of month (1 - 31)         */        if ( islpyr )            mdays = _lpdays;        else            mdays = _days;        for ( tmptim = 1 ; mdays[tmptim] < ptb->tm_yday ; tmptim++ ) ;        ptb->tm_mon = --tmptim;        ptb->tm_mday = ptb->tm_yday - mdays[tmptim];        /*         * Determine days since Sunday (0 - 6)         */        ptb->tm_wday = ((int)( time / DAY_SEC) + BASE_DOW) % 7;        /*         *  Determine hours since midnight (0 - 23), minutes after the hour         *  (0 - 59), and seconds after the minute (0 - 59).         */        ptb->tm_hour = (int)(caltim / 3600);        caltim -= (Guint32)ptb->tm_hour * 3600L;        ptb->tm_min = (int)(caltim / 60);        ptb->tm_sec = (int)(caltim - (ptb->tm_min) * 60);        ptb->tm_isdst = 0;         return sttm;}struct tm rep_gmtime2(time_t t){struct tm stm = {0}; #if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID) || defined(PLATFORM_MAC) stm = *gmtime(&t);#elseFILETIME pft = {0};SYSTEMTIME st = {0};Gint64 ll = Int32x32To64(t, 10000000) + 116444736000000000;pft.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD) ll;pft.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(ll >>32);FileTimeToSystemTime(&pft,&st); stm.tm_year = (Gint32)st.wYear-1900;stm.tm_mon = (Gint32)st.wMonth-1;stm.tm_mday = (Gint32)st.wDay;stm.tm_hour =(Gint32) st.wHour;stm.tm_min = (Gint32)st.wMinute;stm.tm_sec = (Gint32)st.wSecond;stm.tm_wday = (Gint32)st.wDayOfWeek;#endifreturn stm;}


