在C++中使用Google的“Protocol Buffers”

来源:互联网 发布:最小生成树kruskal算法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/13 09:39

    如果您已经初步了解了Protocol Buffers并打算试着使用它,本文符合您的胃口。如果您刚听说Protocol Buffers,请先到本文末尾的附录区看一看。

1.下载并安装Protocol Buffers

可以从官方下载源码包,linux下和Solaris下的安装直接见源码包中的“README.txt”。这里详细说下Windows下的安装,源码包里有一个“vsprojects”目录,其中就是vs的工程文件和解决方案。用vs(版本得高点)打开“protobuf.sln”解决方案,编译。其中包括四个工程 libprotobuf(接口dll库)、libprotoc(转换器的实现库)、protoc(windows下转换器的实现)、tests(使用gTest库进行的测试)。编译好之后在Debug目录下可以找到“libprotobuf.dll、libprotobuf.lib”,这个是我们的程序要使用的动态链接库和导入库。“libprotoc.dll、libprotoc.lib”,这个是完成.proto文件到cpp、java、python格式数据转换的库。“protoc.exe”,这个是windows下转换程序(它使用了刚才的libprotoc库),这个程序的静态链接版本也在此项目老家提供下载。


    linux下,只要将Protocol Buffers源码包安装到系统即可开始使用。而windows下需要设置一下编译环境,将“src”目录加入到编译器的头文件搜索路径,将“vsprojects/Debug”目录加入到编译器的lib搜索路径中。为了更方便的在windows命令行下使用protoc.exe转换程序,可以将“vsprojects/Debug”目录添加到系统PATH变量中。



--code begin--

package tutorial;message Person {  required string name = 1;  required int32 id = 2;  optional string email = 3;  enum PhoneType {    MOBILE = 0;    HOME = 1;    WORK = 2;  }  message PhoneNumber {    required string number = 1;    optional PhoneType type = 2 [default = HOME];  }  repeated PhoneNumber phone = 4;}message AddressBook {  repeated Person person = 1;}

--code end--


    protoc.exe --cpp_out=./ addressbook.proto



    新建vs工程,除了设置以上的头文件搜索路径和库文件搜索路径外,还要链接到库“libprotobuf.lib”。将4步生成的一个.h文件和一个.cpp文件添加并拷贝到工程里,由于vs的特性(需要预编译头),所以在addressbook.pb.cc开头添加“#include "stdafx.h"”,主代码如下,然后编译。这个演示程序需要一个参数用于指定数据文件文件名,第一次运行,会生成这个数据文件。它会先让用户输入一条通讯录信息并添加进数据文件,然后再显示出指定的数据文件中所有的数据。注意,为了使DEMO程序可以运行,别忘了拷贝“vsprojects/Debug”目录下的动态链接库“libprotobuf.dll”到当前目录。

--code begin--

// testprotocolbuffer.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。//#include "stdafx.h"// See README.txt for information and build instructions.#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <string>#include "addressbook.pb.h"using namespace std;// This function fills in a Person message based on user input.void PromptForAddress(tutorial::Person* person) {  cout << "Enter person ID number: ";  int id;  cin >> id;  person->set_id(id);  cin.ignore(256, '/n');  cout << "Enter name: ";  getline(cin, *person->mutable_name());  cout << "Enter email address (blank for none): ";  string email;  getline(cin, email);  if (!email.empty()) {    person->set_email(email);  }  while (true) {    cout << "Enter a phone number (or leave blank to finish): ";    string number;    getline(cin, number);    if (number.empty()) {      break;    }    tutorial::Person::PhoneNumber* phone_number = person->add_phone();    phone_number->set_number(number);    cout << "Is this a mobile, home, or work phone? ";    string type;    getline(cin, type);    if (type == "mobile") {      phone_number->set_type(tutorial::Person::MOBILE);    } else if (type == "home") {      phone_number->set_type(tutorial::Person::HOME);    } else if (type == "work") {      phone_number->set_type(tutorial::Person::WORK);    } else {      cout << "Unknown phone type.  Using default." << endl;    }  }}// Iterates though all people in the AddressBook and prints info about them.void ListPeople(const tutorial::AddressBook& address_book) {  for (int i = 0; i < address_book.person_size(); i++) {    const tutorial::Person& person = address_book.person(i);    cout << "Person ID: " << person.id() << endl;    cout << "  Name: " << person.name() << endl;    if (person.has_email()) {      cout << "  E-mail address: " << person.email() << endl;    }    for (int j = 0; j < person.phone_size(); j++) {      const tutorial::Person::PhoneNumber& phone_number = person.phone(j);      switch (phone_number.type()) {        case tutorial::Person::MOBILE:          cout << "  Mobile phone #: ";          break;        case tutorial::Person::HOME:          cout << "  Home phone #: ";          break;        case tutorial::Person::WORK:          cout << "  Work phone #: ";          break;      }      cout << phone_number.number() << endl;    }  }}// Main function:  Reads the entire address book from a file,//   adds one person based on user input, then writes it back out to the same//   file.int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {  // Verify that the version of the library that we linked against is  // compatible with the version of the headers we compiled against.  GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_VERIFY_VERSION;  if (argc != 2) {    cerr << "使用方法:  " << argv[0] << " 想要生成的存储数据的文件" << endl;    return -1;  }  tutorial::AddressBook address_book;  {    // Read the existing address book.    fstream input(argv[1], ios::in | ios::binary);    if (!input) {      cout << argv[1] << ": 指定的文件没找到,创建一个新文件." << endl;    } else if (!address_book.ParseFromIstream(&input)) {      cerr << "解析addressbook数据文件失败。" << endl;      return -1;    }  }  // Add an address.  PromptForAddress(address_book.add_person());  {    // Write the new address book back to disk.    fstream output(argv[1], ios::out | ios::trunc | ios::binary);    if (!address_book.SerializeToOstream(&output)) {      cerr << "写入文件失败。" << endl;      return -1;    }  }  //再从文件中读取刚才那个数据  tutorial::AddressBook address_book2;  {    // Read the existing address book.    fstream input(argv[1], ios::in | ios::binary);    if (!address_book2.ParseFromIstream(&input)) {      cerr << "解析文件失败。" << endl;      return -1;    }  }  ListPeople(address_book2);  return 0;}

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