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来源:互联网 发布:软件部门应聘 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 03:18

get so used to ... 习惯于
paranoia 妄想狂, 偏执狂
The plot thickens 事情越来越复杂了
squirrely 古怪的
contrive 设法做到 we can contrive without meet
contrived 勉强的,不自然的
switch to less contrived example
terse 简洁的,扼要的
wild goose chase 徒劳无益的追求
shove the file into an .obj shove 推
give sth much thought 仔细想某事
coalesce 联合,合并
a few minor hassles hassles困难的事
tragic 悲剧的
pessimization 最差化
FWIW = for what it's worth 值得一提的
dive into 钻研
delve into 钻研
that would be catastrophic 悲惨的,灾难的
darn 织补
darned 十足
pretty darned good 极好的
straightforward 简单的, 老实的
Time to plug a new compiler feature plug 插上插头
azure 天蓝色
momentum 动力
tweak 拧
I'm just going to tweak what we've got
in hindsight 事后想来
verbose 冗长的
annoying (令人烦恼的)and error-prone
adjacent 邻近的
disastrous 灾难性的
supersede 取代  vt
preserve locality 保护了本地性
fare 进展 i fare quite well in the interview
upshot 结果
capricious 变幻莫测的
coerce 强迫
can c++ compiler implicitly make coerce the native to managed work?
cripple 严重消弱
without full type name xx is crippled
amidst 在..之中
obnoxious 讨厌的
Function objects are obnoxious to define
Syntactic contortions 句法歪曲
propagate 繁衍,传播
dinkum 可靠的,诚实的
xx can be elided from xx 从什么省略
as opposed to 与..相反
anomaly 异常,妨常
I tried to repro this in an isolated test case and found some odd anomalies
IMHO In my humble(谦逊的) opinion 书我直言
permissive 宽容的,自由的
to choose to be permissive
sneaky 鬼祟的
Is something sneaky going on?
I vaguely recall reporting this bug over 10 years ago
fabulous  巨大的,寓言般的
plainly state 明确说明
penalty   处罚,损失
It forces all clients of the collection to pay the penalty
goofy 傻瓜的 goofy threading logic
nonsensical 无意义,荒谬的
culprit 犯过错者
ODR is a common culprit.
