
来源:互联网 发布:终极算法 书评 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 18:31

It is a graphic client for condor job.


Following the INSTALL file in condorview

Server Side:

1) Edit your condor_config.local file , and append the following:


POOL_HISTORY_DIR = /opt/osg/condor-cron/local.osg/condorview/history



Client Side:

2)    Set some variables

3) ./make_stats setup

4)add make_stats to cron: note do not use "crontab cronentries"it will overload other cron jobs. Using "crontab -e",append the content of cronentries.

5) In the file conf/server.xml of your tomcat(httpd is not valid, since it doesn't support java applet), append the following:


<Context path="/condorview" docBase="/opt/osg/condor-cron/local.osg/condorview" crossContext="true" reloadable="true"/>
restart tomcat, if something is wrong. "netstat -anp 8080"


6) If anything is wrong , please check the condor log (CollectorLog, SchedLog...)


I exactly followed the above, but always failed in viewing data. It has data in the HISTORY_DIR.

I manually executed the following, and it worked.


./make_stats hour


what aoubt week, month, I don't know for now. Maybe, they will be evidented a week and a month later.


