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function bapi_acc_manual_alloc_post.
*"*"Lokale Schnittstelle:


BAPI中调用了函数K40C_CO_ACTUAL_POSTING,在这个函数,会对许多参数进行校验,其中有一个函数 'K40C_DOCUMENT_LINE_CHECK',里面调用了一个函数

   input = doc_item-ausbr
   round_sign = 'X'
   unit_in = doc_item-aubeh
   unit_out = itobjects-auseh
   output = ausbtr

这是个简单的单位转换函数,但是由于设置了round_sign = 'X' 表示会在单位转换后进行四舍五入,这样就会把5毛钱以下的金额舍为0,于是便出现了错误。

之前认为BAPI_ACC_MANUAL_ALLOC_POST 只能进行5毛钱以上的费用分摊,后来向SAP提了message,回复得到的消息是已经在一个note中得到解决。


“the message has been forwarded to us in CO-OM development. As far as described, I think note 614127 should be the exact alternative to avoid rounding of quantities for manual CO-postings.”

找到note 614127,描述如下:

You enter quantities for manual CO actual postings. Even though you can enter up to three decimal places for the quantity, the system rounds the quantity.

Reason and Prerequisites
You have implemented the corrections from Note 503659 or you have imported one of the Support Packages SAPKH46B41, SAPKH46C32 or SAPKH46C33.

The quantities are always rounded according to the number of decimal places defined for the selected unit of measure. This was not the case for the manual actual postings due to a program error that was corrected with Note 503659.


  • Change the number of decimal places for the selected unit of measure (transaction CUNI, maintenance of units of measurement). Note the following: The "Decimal pl. rounding" field (number of decimal places to which figure is to be rounded) in the "Conversion" section is relevant for rounding quantities. The "Decimal places" field in the "Display" section is not relevant.


Implement the program modification. This prevents the rounding of the quantity.

这里面提到了note 503659,检查了一下系统,一般补丁都已经打了。于是按照解决方法里面写的步骤,运行CUNI,修改单位的配置参数。在BAPI_ACC_MANUAL_ALLOC_POST里面用到的单位是EA,于是双击EA,将Decimal pl. rounding填入2,表示小数点后两位进行四舍五入。然后保存。

