
来源:互联网 发布:大连贵金属看盘软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 00:08

适用版本:cas-client-java-2.1.1 cas-client-core-3.1.10.jar  cas-server-core-3.1.1.jar 





1. 登陆后将用户密码保存到起来


        Map attributes = this.attributeRepository.getUserAttributes(principalId);
         UsernamePasswordCredentials usernamePasswordCredentials = (UsernamePasswordCredentials) credentials;
         if(attributes == null){
          attributes = new HashMap<String, String>();
         attributes.put("password", usernamePasswordCredentials.getPassword());

2. 验证客户端ticket时,读出保存的密码


    attributes.put("password", principal.getAttributes().get("password"));


3. 修改验证成功后返回给客户端的数据模板文件





1. CASReceipt类增加password字段,并提供get,set方法


2. 修改edu.yale.its.tp.cas.client.ServiceTicketValidator


    private String casValidateUrl, proxyCallbackUrl, st, service, pgtIou,
    user, password, errorCode, errorMessage, entireResponse;

    public String getPasswor(){
        return this.password;

    修改内部类class Handler,代码如下:


  protected class Handler extends DefaultHandler {

    // Constants

    protected static final String AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS =
    protected static final String AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE =
    protected static final String PROXY_GRANTING_TICKET =
    protected static final String USER = "cas:user";
    protected static final String PASSWORD = "cas:password";

    // Parsing state

    protected StringBuffer currentText = new StringBuffer();
    protected boolean authenticationSuccess = false;
    protected boolean authenticationFailure = false;
    protected String netid, pgtIou, errorCode, errorMessage;

    // Parsing logic

    public void startElement(String ns, String ln, String qn, Attributes a) {
      // clear the buffer
      currentText = new StringBuffer();

      // check outer elements
      if (qn.equals(AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS)) {
        authenticationSuccess = true;
      } else if (qn.equals(AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE)) {
        authenticationFailure = true;
        errorCode = a.getValue("code");
        if (errorCode != null)
          errorCode = errorCode.trim();

    public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) {
      // store the body, in stages if necessary
      currentText.append(ch, start, length);

    public void endElement(String ns, String ln, String qn)
        throws SAXException {
      if (authenticationSuccess) {
        if (qn.equals(USER))
          user = currentText.toString().trim();
        if (qn.equals(PASSWORD))
            password = currentText.toString().trim();
        if (qn.equals(PROXY_GRANTING_TICKET))
          pgtIou = currentText.toString().trim();
      } else if (authenticationFailure) {
        if (qn.equals(AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE))
          errorMessage = currentText.toString().trim();
    public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
      // save values as appropriate
      if (authenticationSuccess) {
        ServiceTicketValidator.this.user = user;
        ServiceTicketValidator.this.password = password;
        ServiceTicketValidator.this.pgtIou = pgtIou;
        ServiceTicketValidator.this.successfulAuthentication = true;
      } else if (authenticationFailure) {
        ServiceTicketValidator.this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
        ServiceTicketValidator.this.errorCode = errorCode;
        ServiceTicketValidator.this.successfulAuthentication = false;
      } else
        throw new SAXException("no indication of success or failure from CAS");
