Flex checkBox

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝卖家直播条件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 09:16



现在进行的就是UI Controls:Data Entry Controls:CheckBox

<?xml version="1.0"?><!-- Simple example to demonstrate the CheckBox control --><mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" backgroundGradientColors="[0x000000,0x323232]" viewSourceURL="srcview/index.html">     <mx:Script>        <![CDATA[            import mx.controls.Alert;                     // This event handler adds and deletes items from the shopping cart.           private function modifyCart():void            {                cartItems.text = "";                 if(milkCB.selected == true) {                                  cartItems.text += "milk" + '/n' ;                }                    if(eggsCB.selected == true) {                    cartItems.text += "eggs" + '/n';                }                 if(breadCB.selected == true) {                     cartItems.text +="bread" + '/n';                }              }            // This event handler opens the Alert control.           private function sendMessage():void            {                if(couponCB.selected == true) {                  Alert.show('You will receive coupons.');                }                else {                    Alert.show('You will not receive any coupons.');                }           }            ]]>    </mx:Script>     <mx:Panel title="CheckBox Control Example"         height="75%" width="75%" layout="horizontal"        paddingTop="10" paddingBottom="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10"        color="0xffffff" borderAlpha="0.15">         <mx:VBox color="0x000000">            <mx:CheckBox id="milkCB" label="milk" click="modifyCart()"/>            <mx:CheckBox id="eggsCB" label="eggs" click="modifyCart()"/>            <mx:CheckBox id="breadCB" label="bread" click="modifyCart()"/>        </mx:VBox>         <mx:VBox>            <mx:Label text="Items in my cart " color="0x000000"/>            <mx:TextArea id="cartItems" width="300" height="50" verticalScrollPolicy="off" color="0x000000"/>            <!-- Event handler sendMessages() is used to handle event click -->            <mx:CheckBox id="couponCB" label="Send me coupons for items in my cart"                click="sendMessage()" selected="true" color="0x000000"/>        </mx:VBox>    </mx:Panel></mx:Application>

