Hang up voice calls(转)

来源:互联网 发布:网络球机需要几根网线 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 07:55

Hanging up Phone calls

There are several ways on hanging up the phone calls, here’s a list on what isavailable for S60 in public space:

1. CTelephony 2. AT commands 3.CPhCltCommandHandler

Call can only be hang up in certaincall states, thus you should also have a look into call state monitoring example

Hanging up with CTelephony

With CTelephony you can only hang upcalls that you own and which are connected. Thus hanging up with CTelephony isonly usable if you either: Dialed the call with DialNewCall() or answrered thecall with AnswerIncomingCall() functions.

With both of these functions you getCTelephony::TCallId parameter, which you need to pass to the CTelephony’sHangup() function. The actual code is this simple:

iTelephony->Hangup(iStatus, iCallId);

The full code is also shown in How to terminate call

Hanging up with At Commands

AT commands sending example can befound from Send_AT_Commands.zip.

With the example you just sendAT+CHUP while having call in dialing,ringing or connected state.

Hangingup with CPhCltCommandHandler

First you need to construct ainstance of CPhCltCommandHandler, this can be done with following code:

_LIT( KPhCltExtLib, "PhoneClientExt.dll");
 User::LeaveIfError(iLibrary.Load(KPhCltExtLib ) ); // LoadPhoneClientExt  dll
 TInt res =0; TInt err=0;
 TRAP(err,res= iLibrary.Lookup( 1 )());
  if (err == KErrNone)
 iFactory =reinterpret_cast<CPhCltExtFactory * >( res );
 if ( iFactory )
        iHandler= iFactory->CPhCltCommandHandlerLD();       

After using the instance, you canclose and delete it as follows:

 iHandler =NULL;     

The actual hanging up is handledwith following active object function call:


Note:CPhCltCommandHandler will notwork from 3rd ed FP2 onwards



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