
来源:互联网 发布:c%2b%2b游戏编程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/06 18:56


0000172009010199999999001         他们对应的结构体是id[7];date[9],date[9];item[4]

0000202009010299999999001         这是一个纯文本文件,名字叫info(d:/info)







int  getValue( char A )


         if(A与info文件中id匹配,并且id对应的item是“001”的话){return 1;}

         if(A与info文件中id匹配,并且id对应的item是“002”的话){return 2;}


以前还碰到一个类似的问题,是在Window Mobile上的。



1) key单一的情况,用map

#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

#include <map>

#include <string>

using namespace std;


// 假定info.txt的内容是:

// 0000172009010199999999001

// 0000202009010299999999001

// 0000222009010399999999003

// 0000232009010499999999002

// 0000242009010599999999005

// 0000212009010599999999005   <<<  strkey为000021,目前排第6

// 0000302009010699999999001

//* 用map的方式解决

int main(void)


         ifstream fin("info.txt");



                   cout << "can not open file..." << endl;



         // 创建map,第一个string做为key,第二个string作为value

         map<string, string> linemap;

         string strkey;

         string strvalue;

         char linestring[26];



                   // 读取info.txt的一行,存入linestring

                   fin.getline(linestring, 26);


                   // 将lingstring赋值给strvalue

                   strvalue = linestring;


                   // 取前位作为key

                   strkey = strvalue.substr(0, 6);


                   // 将key,value对存入map中

                   linemap.insert(pair<string, string>(strkey, strvalue));




         // 设定要查找的字符串,将查得的结果存入stringresult中

         string s = "000017";

         string stringresult;

         // 声明iterator

         map<string, string>::iterator p;


         // 检查数据被插入后,是否根据strkey排序了 ->  结论:排序了

         // 即使info.txt中有重复的key,也只会有第一行含有key的文本,会被读入到map中

         for(p = linemap.begin(); p != linemap.end(); ++p)


                   cout << p->second << endl;



         // 查找。用find的方式只能得到符合结果的第一条记录

         p = linemap.find(s);


         // 如果找到

         if(p != linemap.end())


                   // 将p->second,即被找到符合条件记录的strvalue赋给stringresult

                   stringresult = p->second;


                   // 拆分stringresult

                   cout << "   id: " << stringresult.substr(0,6) << endl;

                   cout << "date1: " << stringresult.substr(6, 8) << endl;

                   cout << "date2: " << stringresult.substr(14, 8) << endl;

                   cout << " item: " << stringresult.substr(22) << endl;


         return 0;



//  所得结果如下:

//  0000172009010199999999001

//  0000202009010299999999001

//  0000212009010599999999005    <<< 根据strkey,被排到了前面,即第3的位置

//  0000222009010399999999003

//  0000232009010499999999002

//  0000242009010599999999005

//  0000302009010699999999001

//  The result is: 0000172009010199999999001

//     id: 000017

//  date1: 20090101

//  date2: 99999999

//   item: 001


我们知道,the main characteristics of a map as an associative container are:

- Unique key values: no two elements in the map have keys that compare equal to each other. 即不能有重复的key。

- Each element is composed of a key and a mapped value.

- Elements follow a strict weak ordering at all times. 也就说是插入效率相对较低,因为在插入时,对根据key来做排序。


2) key有重复的情况,用multimap


#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

#include <map>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

// 用multimap解决,解决有重复的key

// 假定info.txt的内容如下

// 0000172009010199999999001    <<< 重复

// 0000172009010199999999002    <<< 重复

// 0000172009010199999999003    <<< 重复

// 0000172009010199999999004    <<< 重复

// 0000202009010299999999001

// 0000222009010399999999003

// 0000232009010499999999002

// 0000242009010599999999005

// 0000302009010699999999001

int main(void)


         ifstream fin("info.txt");



                   cout << "can not open file..." << endl;



         // 创建multimap,第一个string做为key,第二个string作为value

         multimap<string, string> linemap;

         multimap<string, string>::iterator it;

         pair<multimap<string, string>::iterator, multimap<string, string>::iterator> ret;

         string strkey;

         string strvalue;

         char linestring[26];



                   // 读取info.txt的一行,存入linestring

                   fin.getline(linestring, 26);

                   // 将lingstring赋值给strvalue,它value(有点数据冗余,纯为编程简单起见)

                   strvalue = linestring;


                   // 取前位作为key

                   strkey = strvalue.substr(0, 6);


                   // 将key,value对存入map中

                   linemap.insert(pair<string, string>(strkey, strvalue));




         // 设定查找字符串为"000017"

         string s = "000017";

         // stringresult用来取出一个返回文本行

         string stringresult;


         // 当返回结果中的记录数量超过是,必须用equal_range函数代替find方法。

         // equal_range函数的返回值:

         // The function returns a pair, where its member pair::first is an iterator to the lower bound of the range with the same

         // value as the one that would be returned by lower_bound(x), and pair::second is an iterator to the upper bound of the

         // range with the same value as the one that would be returned by upper_bound(x).


         ret = linemap.equal_range(s);


         for(it = ret.first; it != ret.second; it++)


                   // stringresult就是要找的结果

                   stringresult = it->second;

                   cout << stringresult << endl;


                   // 拆分stringresult

                   cout << "   id: " << stringresult.substr(0,6) << endl;

                   cout << "date1: " << stringresult.substr(6, 8) << endl;

                   cout << "date2: " << stringresult.substr(14, 8) << endl;

                   cout << " item: " << stringresult.substr(22) << endl;


         return 0;



//  所得结果如下(返回了条id为的记录):

//  0000172009010199999999001

//     id: 000017

//  date1: 20090101

//  date2: 99999999

//   item: 001

//  0000172009010199999999002

//     id: 000017

//  date1: 20090101

//  date2: 99999999

//   item: 002

//  0000172009010199999999003

//     id: 000017

//  date1: 20090101

//  date2: 99999999

//   item: 003

//  0000172009010199999999004

//     id: 000017

//  date1: 20090101

//  date2: 99999999

//   item: 004



3) 大数据量处理

如果的info.txt非常巨大,那么就不能将整行的数据作为strvalue存入map了,因为那样可能会吃掉很多内存, 解决的办法就是,将行号作为value存入即可,那么查询的结果得到就是行号,有了行号就可以很容易定位到那一行,从而取出该行的数据。当然这时候multimap应该声明成:multimap <string, int> linemap;

// 生成info.txt的据程序

// info.txt中有900万行数据,大小近250M

int main ()


         char buffer[28];

         clock_t start, finish;

         ofstream outfile ("info.txt");


         // 获取写物理文件起始时钟周期

         start = clock();

         for(int i = 0; i < 9000001; i++)


                   sprintf(buffer, "%07d2009010120090606%03d/n", i, i%1000);

                   outfile.write (buffer, strlen(buffer));


         // 获取写文件结束时钟周期

         finish = clock();

         int interval = (finish - start) * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

         cout << "写物理文件所花时间:" << interval << "ms" << endl;



         return 0;


// 显示结果:

// 写物理文件所花时间:20329ms



// 用multimap处理大数据量的问题的程序

#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

#include <map>

#include <string>

using namespace std;


int main(void)


         ifstream fin("info.txt");



                   cout << "can not open file..." << endl;



         // 创建map,string作为key,int作为value

         multimap<string, int> linemap;

         multimap<string, int>::iterator it;

         pair<multimap<string, int>::iterator, multimap<string, int>::iterator> ret;

         string strkey;

         string strtemp;

         int intvalue = 0;

         char linestring[27];


         clock_t start, finish;

         int interval;

         start = clock();



                   // 读取info.txt的一行,存入linestring

                   fin.getline(linestring, 27);

                   strtemp = linestring;


                   // 取前7位作为key

                   strkey = strtemp.substr(0, 7);


                   // 将key,value(行号)对存入map中

                   linemap.insert(pair<string, int>(strkey, intvalue));


                   // 将行号加1




         // 取结束时钟周期

         finish = clock();

         interval = (finish - start) * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;


         cout << "读取info.txt到multimap所花时间:" << interval << "ms" << endl;


         // 设定查找字符串

         string s = "0899946";

         // intresult用来取出一个返回的行号

         int intresult;


         // 当返回结果中的记录数量超过是,必须用equal_range函数代替find方法。

         // equal_range函数的返回值:

         // The function returns a pair, where its member pair::first is an iterator to the lower bound of the range with the same

         // value as the one that would be returned by lower_bound(x), and pair::second is an iterator to the upper bound of the

         // range with the same value as the one that would be returned by upper_bound(x).


         ret = linemap.equal_range(s);

         // 获取查询起始时钟周期

         start = clock();

         for(it = ret.first; it != ret.second; it++)


                   // stringresult就是要找的结果

                   intresult = it->second;

                   cout << intresult << endl;


         // 获取查询结束时钟周期

         finish = clock();

         interval = (finish - start) * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

         cout << "查询所花时间:" << interval << "ms" << endl;


         // 从物理文件中读取刚才查询到的一行

         // 获取读取物理文件起始时钟周期

         start = clock();

         ifstream fin2("info.txt");



                   cout << "can not open file..." << endl;


         char buffer[27];

         fin2.seekg(intresult * 28);

         fin2.read(buffer, 27);

         buffer[27] = 0;


         // 获取读取物理文件结束时钟周期

         finish = clock();

         interval = (finish - start) * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

         cout << "读取物理文件所花时间:" << interval << "ms" << endl;


         cout << buffer << endl;


         return 0;


// 显示结果:

// 读取info.txt到multimap所花时间:30904ms

// 899946

// 查询所花时间:0ms

// 读取物理文件所花时间:10ms

// 08999462009010120090606946


a.       上面的程序是在T42/主频1.6G/内存1.2G(单核)上完成的。说明map的写入性能略低(其实也很不错),查询性能是非常好的。

b.       返回多条重复记录的情况,和返回单条记录所消耗的时间几乎没有差别


