来源:互联网 发布:电影售票系统java 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/02 04:49

su(super user)

中文解释:su(super user)
语  法:su [-flmp][--help][--version][-][-c <指令>][-s <shell>][用户帐号]
参  数:
 -c<指令>或--command=<指令>  执行完指定的指令后,即恢复原来的身份。 
 -f或--fast  适用于csh与tsch,使shell不用去读取启动文件。 
 -.-l或--login  改变身份时,也同时变更工作目录,以及HOME,SHELL,USER,LOGNAME。此外,也会变更PATH变量。  
 -m,-p或--preserve-environment  变更身份时,不要变更环境变量。 
 -s<shell>或--shell=<shell>  指定要执行的shell。 
 --help  显示帮助。 
 --version  显示版本信息。 
 [用户帐号]  指定要变更的用户。若不指定此参数,则预设变更为root



su [option] [user] [shell_args]

Create a shell with the effective user ID user. If no user is specified, create a shell for a privileged user (i.e., become a superuser). Enter EOF to terminate. You can run the shell with particular options by passing them as shell_args (e.g., if the shell runs bash, you can specify -c command to execute command via bash, or -r to create a restricted shell).



Go through the entire login sequence (i.e., change to user's environment).

-c command--command=command

Execute command in the new shell and then exit immediately. If command is more than one word, it should be enclosed in quotes. For example:

su -c 'find / -name *.c -print' nobody


Start the shell with the -f option, which suppresses the reading of the .cshrc or .tcshrc file. Applies to csh and tcsh.


Do not reset environment variables.

-s shell--shell=shell

Execute shell, not the shell specified in /etc/passwd, unless shell is restricted.


Print a help message and then exit.


Print version information and then exit.


Become root and obtain all of root's user environment:

&dollar; su -

Become root long enough to restart the Apache httpd web server, then revert to the current user:

&dollar; su -c /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart

sliplogin(上) sudo(下)
