Installing DBI / DBD-Oracle with ActivePerl

来源:互联网 发布:2017智能电视直播软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 18:18

Installing DBI / DBD-Oracle with ActivePerl

by Jeff Hunter, Sr. Database Administrator



This article provides an overview on the steps required to install ActivePerl and DBI/DBD-Oracle (using Perl Package Manager). Also included in this article is a short Perl program that can be used to test the DBI/DBD installation with an Oracle database.

Download and Install ActivePerl


To start, you need to download a copy of ActivePerl. At the time of this writing, the highest release of ActivePerl is 5.8.3 (build 809), but there is no DBD-Oracle package for this release, and you will therefore need to download and install ActivePerl release 5.6.1.

NOTE: Until a DBD package is created for ActivePerl release 5.8.3, you will need to download the ActivePerl 5.6.1 (build 635) release.

You can download ActivePerl from the following location:

NOTE: It is recommended that you use the MSI installer to install ActivePerl. The Windows AS Package provides NO uninstall functionality, and is recommended only if you are unable to install ActivePerl using the MSI installer.

The installation process for ActivePerl is a very straighforward process as long as you already have the "Windows Installer" service software installed. This service allows you to install, repair, and remove software according to instructions contained in .MSI files. To start the installation process, simply click the downloaded MSI file for ActivePerl: "ActivePerl-" and follow the screen instructions.

For the purpose of this document, it is assumed that I installed ActivePerl in the directory: C:/Perl.

Download and Install DBI / DBD-Oracle


After successfully installing ActivePerl, it is time to download and install the DBI and DBD-Oracle packages using the Perl Package Manager (PPM) application. First, download the version of DBI and DBD-Oracle packages for the release of ActivePerl we are using: 5.6.1 from the following location:

Download the two PPM Packages and put them in a temporary directory (i.e. C:/temp):


Once you have the two files into a temporary directory, unzip them:

C:/temp> unzip DBI-1.37.zipC:/temp> unzip
To install each of the packages, simply use the Perl Package Manager (PPM) application.

NOTE: You must install DBI BEFORE installing Oracle DBD !!!!

Installing DBI


C:/temp> ppm install DBI.ppd
Installing DBD


C:/temp> ppm install DBD-Oracle.ppd

Perl / Oracle Test Application


   Sample Oracle DBI Script.
#!/usr/local/bin/perl# +----------------------------------------------------------------------+# | FILE         :                              |# | AUTHOR       : Jeff Hunter, Senior Database Administrator            |# | PURPOSE      : This script will test the DBI/DBD installation.       |# | OUTPUT FILES : NONE                                                  |# +----------------------------------------------------------------------+require "";require "";use DBI;&declareGlobalVariables;&printHeader;$dbh = &getOracleLogin("$ORACLE_SID", "$ORACLE_USERID", "$ORACLE_PASSWORD");$dbh->{LongReadLen} = 64000;&performTest;&logoffOracle($dbh);&printFooter;exit;# +--------------+# | SUB ROUTINES |# +--------------+sub declareGlobalVariables {  $ORACLE_SID              = "JEFFDB";  $ORACLE_USERID           = "system";  $ORACLE_PASSWORD         = "manager";  $ENV{'ORACLE_SID'}       = "$ORACLE_SID";  $ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'}      = "c://oracle//ora92";}sub printHeader {  print "/n";  print "Running";  print "/n";}sub printFooter {  print "Ending";  print "/n";}sub getOracleLogin {  local ($oracle_sid, $username, $password) = @_;  local ($temp_dbh);  local($tempID, $tempPassword, $tempKey);  print "  (*) Attempting Oracle Login .../n";  unless ( $temp_dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:$oracle_sid", "$username", $password, {AutoCommit => 0}) ) {    &programError("Oracle Login Failed as $username", "", "$DBI::errstr", "dba", "jhunter-pager");    exit;  }  print "      OK/n/n";  return $temp_dbh;}sub logoffOracle {  ($dbh) = @_;  print "  (*) Attempting Oracle Logoff .../n";  unless ($dbh->disconnect) {    # &programError("Could not disconnect from Oracle", "", "$DBI::errstr", "dba", "jhunter-pager");    # exit;    # Commented out this section because of the errors we get: ORA-02050    # (some remote DBs may be in doubt (DBD: disconnect error)    1;  }  print "      OK/n/n";}sub performTest {  local ($rows1, $rows2, $rows3, $rows4);  local ($test_dbi_intr_no, $test_dbi_name);  local ($user, $sysdate);  # +-----------------------+  # | CREATE TABLE test_dbi |  # +-----------------------+  print "  (*) Creating table TEST_DBI .../n";  $sql_statement = "    CREATE TABLE test_dbi (        test_dbi_intr_no    NUMBER(15)      , test_dbi_name       VARCHAR2(100)    )  ";  unless ($rows = $dbh->do("$sql_statement")) {    &programError("Could not create table TEST_DBI", "$sql_statement", "$DBI::errstr", "dba", "jhunter-pager");    $dbh->rollback;    &logoffOracle($dbh);    exit;  }  print "      OK/n/n";  # +----------------------------+  # | INSERT INTO TABLE test_dbi |  # +----------------------------+  print "  (*) Insert into TEST_DBI .../n";  $sql_statement = "    INSERT INTO test_dbi (        test_dbi_intr_no      , test_dbi_name    ) VALUES (        1000      , 'Jeff Hunter'    )   ";  unless ($rows1 = $dbh->do("$sql_statement")) {    &programError("Could not do INSERT_TEST_DBI (Jeff) cursor", "$sql_statement", "$DBI::errstr", "dba", "jhunter-pager");    $dbh->rollback;    &logoffOracle($dbh);    exit;  }  print "      $rows1 rows inserted./n";  $sql_statement = "    INSERT INTO test_dbi (        test_dbi_intr_no      , test_dbi_name    ) VALUES (        1001      , 'Melody Hunter'    )   ";  unless ($rows2 = $dbh->do("$sql_statement")) {    &programError("Could not do INSERT_TEST_DBI (Melody) cursor", "$sql_statement", "$DBI::errstr", "dba", "jhunter-pager");    $dbh->rollback;    &logoffOracle($dbh);    exit;  }  print "      $rows2 rows inserted./n";  $sql_statement = "    INSERT INTO test_dbi (        test_dbi_intr_no      , test_dbi_name    ) VALUES (        1002      , 'Alex Hunter'    )   ";  unless ($rows3 = $dbh->do("$sql_statement")) {    &programError("Could not do INSERT_TEST_DBI (Alex) cursor", "$sql_statement", "$DBI::errstr", "dba", "jhunter-pager");    $dbh->rollback;    &logoffOracle($dbh);    exit;  }  print "      $rows3 rows inserted./n";  unless ($dbh->commit) {    &programError("Could not commit INSERT_TEST_DBI transaction", "$sql_statement", "$DBI::errstr", "dba", "jhunter-pager");    $dbh->rollback;    &logoffOracle($dbh);    exit;  }  print "      OK/n/n";  # +----------------------------+  # | SELECT FROM TABLE test_dbi |  # +----------------------------+  print "  (*) Select from TEST_DBI .../n";  $sql_statement = "    SELECT        test_dbi_intr_no      , test_dbi_name    FROM        test_dbi  ";  unless ($cursor = $dbh->prepare("$sql_statement")) {    &programError("Could not prepare SELECT_TEST_DBI cursor", "$sql_statement", "$DBI::errstr", "dba", "jhunter-pager");    $dbh->rollback;    &logoffOracle($dbh);    exit;  }  unless ($cursor->execute) {   &programError("Could not execute SELECT_TEST_DBI cursor", "$sql_statement", "$DBI::errstr", "dba", "jhunter-pager");   $dbh->rollback;   &logoffOracle($dbh);   exit;  }  while ((   $test_dbi_intr_no           , $test_dbi_name) = $cursor->fetchrow_array) {    print "/n";    print "        --> TEST_DBI_INTR_NO :  $test_dbi_intr_no/n";    print "        --> TEST_DBI_NAME    :  $test_dbi_name/n";    print "/n";  }  unless ($cursor->finish) {   &programError("Could not finish SELECT_TEST_DBI cursor", "$sql_statement", "$DBI::errstr", "dba", "jhunter-pager");   $dbh->rollback;   &logoffOracle($dbh);   exit;  }  print "      OK/n/n";  # +----------------------------+  # | DELETE FROM TABLE test_dbi |  # +----------------------------+  print "  (*) Delete from TEST_DBI .../n";  $sql_statement = "    DELETE FROM test_dbi  ";  unless ($rows4 = $dbh->do("$sql_statement")) {    &programError("Could not do DELETE_TEST_DBI (All Names) cursor", "$sql_statement", "$DBI::errstr", "dba", "jhunter-pager");    $dbh->rollback;    &logoffOracle($dbh);    exit;  }  print "      $rows4 rows deleted./n";  unless ($dbh->commit) {    &programError("Could not commit DELETE_TEST_DBI transaction", "$sql_statement", "$DBI::errstr", "dba", "jhunter-pager");    $dbh->rollback;    &logoffOracle($dbh);    exit;  }  print "      OK/n/n";  # +---------------------+  # | DROP TABLE test_dbi |  # +---------------------+  print "  (*) Drop table TEST_DBI .../n";  $sql_statement = "    DROP TABLE test_dbi  ";  unless ($rows = $dbh->do("$sql_statement")) {    &programError("Could not drop table TEST_DBI", "$sql_statement", "$DBI::errstr", "dba", "jhunter-pager");    $dbh->rollback;    &logoffOracle($dbh);    exit;  }  print "      OK/n/n";  # +-------------------+  # | GET USER and DATE |  # +-------------------+  print "  (*) Select USER and SYSTEM .../n";  $sql_statement = "    SELECT        user      , TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')    FROM        dual  ";  unless ($cursor = $dbh->prepare("$sql_statement")) {    &programError("Could not prepare SELECT_SINGLE cursor", "$sql_statement", "$DBI::errstr", "dba", "jhunter-pager");    $dbh->rollback;    &logoffOracle($dbh);    exit;  }  unless ($cursor->execute) {   &programError("Could not execute SELECT_SINGLE cursor", "$sql_statement", "$DBI::errstr", "dba", "jhunter-pager");   $dbh->rollback;   &logoffOracle($dbh);   exit;  }  ($user, $sysdate) = $cursor->fetchrow_array;  print "/n";  print "        --> USER             :  $user/n";  print "        --> SYSDATE          :  $sysdate/n";  print "/n";  unless ($cursor->finish) {   &programError("Could not finish SELECT_SINGLE cursor", "$sql_statement", "$DBI::errstr", "dba", "jhunter-pager");   $dbh->rollback;   &logoffOracle($dbh);   exit;  }  print "      OK/n/n";}sub programError {  local($message, $sql_statement, $ora_errstr, $email_who, $page_who) = @_;  print "+--------------------------+/n";  print "| SUB: programError        |/n";  print "+--------------------------+/n";  print "/n";  unless($message) {$message = "No message provided from calling module.";}  print "+-------------------------------------------------------+/n";  print "| ******************* PROGRAM ERROR ******************* |/n";  print "+-------------------------------------------------------+/n";  print "/n";  print "/n";  print "Message:/n";  print "--------------------------------------------------------/n";  print "$message/n";  print "/n";  if ($sql_statement) {    print "SQL:/n";    print "--------------------------------------------------------/n";    print "$sql_statement/n";    print "/n";  }  if ($ora_errstr) {    print "Oracle Error:/n";    print "--------------------------------------------------------/n";    print "$ora_errstr/n";  }  # +-------------------------------------+  # | SEND THIS OUTPUT TO THE MAIL SYSTEM |  # +-------------------------------------+  if ($email_who) {    $AUTO_MESSAGE = "/n";    $AUTO_MESSAGE .= "+-------------------------------------------------------+/n";    $AUTO_MESSAGE .= "| The following message was automatically               |/n";    $AUTO_MESSAGE .= "| genereated by the Sysmon System.                      |/n";    $AUTO_MESSAGE .= "+-------------------------------------------------------+/n";    $AUTO_MESSAGE .= "/n";    @EMAIL_ARRAY = split(/ /, $email_who);    foreach (@EMAIL_ARRAY) {      $TO = $_."/";      $FROM_FULL = "/"Sysmon Admin/"";      $FROM = "/"dba/"";      $Subject = "Sysmon Mail Error";      open (MAIL,"|/usr/lib/sendmail -f $FROM -F $FROM_FULL $TO");      print MAIL "To: $TO/n";      print MAIL "From: $FROM/n";      print MAIL "Reply-To: $FROM/n";      print MAIL "Subject: $Subject/n/n";      print MAIL "$AUTO_MESSAGE";      print MAIL "+-------------------------------------------------------+/n";      print MAIL "| ******************* PROGRAM ERROR ******************* |/n";      print MAIL "+-------------------------------------------------------+/n";      print MAIL "/n";      print MAIL "/n";      print MAIL "Message:/n";      print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------/n";      print MAIL "$message/n";      print MAIL "/n";      if ($sql_statement) {        print MAIL "SQL:/n";        print MAIL "$sql_statement/n";        print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------/n";        print MAIL "/n";      }      if ($ora_errstr) {        print MAIL "Oracle Error:/n";        print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------/n";        print MAIL "$ora_errstr/n";      }      close MAIL;    }  }  if ($page_who) {    @PAGER_ARRAY = split(/ /, $page_who);    foreach (@PAGER_ARRAY) {      $TO = $_."/";      $FROM_FULL = "/"Sysmon Admin/"";      $FROM = "/"dba/"";      $Subject = "Sysmon Program Error";      open (MAIL,"|/usr/lib/sendmail -f $FROM -F $FROM_FULL $TO");      print MAIL "To: $TO/n";      print MAIL "From: $FROM/n";      print MAIL "Reply-To: $FROM/n";      print MAIL "Subject: $Subject/n/n";      print MAIL "$message/n";      close MAIL;    }  }}