里程碑 - 上海美国领事馆面签实录

来源:互联网 发布:阴阳师 御魂强化数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 12:05




VO: (疯狂打字中,同时念念有词)&^*&*...

me: (努力的试图听清)Pardon? What?

VO: Wait a minute, I just busy doing...^*&$%$#$(继续听不清)

VO: So, what type of VISA are you applicating?

me: J-1, visiting scholar.

VO: Well, tell me something about your reaserch.

me: I'm a MBA graduate student of Nanjing University, I will go to California for my semester exchange program in USD, or University of San Diego. I'm selected out to attend this program...by Nanjing University.

VO: Oh, kind, so wish you a good journey in California.



一起的同学被另一个VO问了两三分钟,包括目的地、学校、工作、资金来源等,最终也顺利得到approval。事后我们研究发现,原来面试我的人是Consul本人,面试她的是一位Vice consul,看来这就是传说中正副领导的区别啦,哈哈!




I refuse to lose my dream or let myself down, and will keep a willing heart forever.
