
来源:互联网 发布:mac 系统占用空间太大 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 05:11




 ;File Name : boot.com
 ;代码长度(Bytes): 200h

.model tiny

code segment byte public 'CODE' use16
assume cs:code, ds:code
org 100h
 ;Physical Sector:Cyl 0,Side 0,Sector 1
public start
start proc near
jmp short @13E


 db 'MSWIN4.1';OEM ID 制造商
 dw 512 ;Bytes per Sector 比特数/扇区
 db 1 ;Sectors per cluster 扇区数/簇
 dw 1 ;Reserved Sectors at beginning 头部保留扇区数
 db 2 ;FAT Copies 文件分配表份数
 dw 224 ;Root directory entries 根目录个数
 dw 2880 ;Total Sectors on disk 磁盘总扇区数
 db 0F0H ;Media descriptor byte 介质描述符
 dw 9 ;Sectors per FAT 扇区数/每份分配表
 dw 18 ;Sectors per track 扇区数/每簇
 dw 2 ;Sides 面数
 dd 0 ;Special hidden Sectors 特别隐含扇区数
 dd 0 ;(Unused)Big total number of Sectors (未用)大总扇区数
 dw 0 ;Physical drive number 物理驱动器数
 db 29h ;Extended Boot Record Signature 扩展引导记录标记
 dd 1B271AF7h ;Volume Serial Number 卷连续数
 db 'PM',9 dup(20h) ;Volume Label 卷标
 db 'FAT12' ;File System ID 文件系统标志符
 db 3 dup(20h) ;(Unused) 未用

xor cx, cx
mov ss, cx
mov sp, 7BFCh
push ss
pop es
mov bp, 78h
lds si, [bp+0]
push ds
push si
push ss
push bp
mov di, 522h
mov [bp+0], di
mov [bp+2], cx
mov cl, 0Bh
rep movsb
push es
pop ds
mov bp, 7C00h
mov byte ptr [di-2], 0Fh
cmp [bp+24h], cl
jge short @18D
mov ax, cx
call sub_2F1
sub bx, 3Ah
mov eax, ds:7C1Ch

cmp eax, [bx]
mov dl, [bx-4]
jnz short @188
or dl, 2
mov [bp+2], dl

add bl, 10h
jnb short @17A

xor cx, cx
inc byte ptr ds:7DD8h

mov al, [bp+10h]
mul word ptr [bp+16h]
add ax, [bp+1Ch]
adc dx, [bp+1Eh]
add ax, [bp+0Eh]
adc dx, cx
mov si, [bp+11h]
mov [bp-4], ax
mov [bp-2], dx
mov ax, 20h
mul si
mov bx, [bp+0Bh]
add ax, bx
dec ax
div bx
add [bp-4], ax
adc [bp-2], cx

mov di, 700h
call sub_2F1
jb short @209

cmp [di], ch
jz short @1E6
mov cl, 0Bh
mov si, 7DD8h
repe cmpsb
jz short @217
dec si
jz short @1E6
add di, 20h
cmp di, bx
jb short @1CB
jmp short @1C3

dec byte ptr ds:7DD8h
jnp short @193
mov si, 7D7Fh

add si, ax

inc ax
jz short @204
dec ax
jz short @20E
mov ah, 0Eh
mov bx, 7
int 10h  ; - VIDEO - 写字符并移动光标 (TTY WRITE)
   ; AL = 字符, BH = 显示页码 (alpha 模式)
   ; BL = 字符前景色 (图形模式)
jmp short @1F3

mov si, 7D82h
jmp short @1EF

mov si, 7D80h
jmp short @1EF

@20E:  ; KEYBOARD -
int 16h
pop si
pop ds
 db 66h, 8Fh, 04  ;pop large dword ptr [si]
int 19h  ;  系统重启 DISK BOOT
mov si, 7D81h
mov di, [di+1Ah]
lea ax, [di-2]
mov cl, [bp+0Dh]
mul cx
add ax, [bp-4]
adc dx, [bp-2]
mov cl, 4
call sub_2F2
jb short @209
 db 0EAh, 0, 2, 70h, 0  ;jmp far ptr 70h:200h
start endp ;
push dx
push ax
push es
push bx
push 1
push 10h
xchg ax, cx
mov ax, [bp+18h]
mov ds:526h, al
xchg ax, si
xchg ax, dx
xor dx, dx
div si
xchg ax, cx
div si
inc dx
xchg cx, dx
div word ptr [bp+1Ah]
mov dh, dl
mov ch, al
ror ah, 2
or cl, ah
mov ax, 201h
cmp byte ptr [bp+2], 0Eh
jnz short @26B
mov ah, 42h
mov si, sp

mov dl, [bp+24h]
int 13h  ; DISK -
jb short locret_27E
inc ax
jnz short @278
inc dx

add bx, [bp+0Bh]
dec cx
jnz short @2F5

db 3
 ;offset 280h
db 18h, 1, 27h
 ;offset 283h
db 0Dh, 0Ah, 'Invalid system disk',0FFh
db 0Dh, 0Ah, 'Disk I/O error',0FFh
db 0Dh, 0Ah, 'Replace the disk, and then press any key',0Dh,0Ah,0
db 0
;offset 2d8h
db 'IO', 6 dup(20h), 'SYS'
;offset 2e3h
db 'MSDOS', 3 dup(20h), 'SYS'
db 7Fh, 1, 0

sub_2F1 proc near
inc cx
sub_2F1 endp ;

sub_2F2 proc near
mov bx, 700h

 db 66h, 6ah, 0  ;push large 0
jmp @237
sub_2F2 endp

db 2 dup(0), 55h, 0AAh

code ends
end start

