SQL Server工具——微软的免费版

来源:互联网 发布:听音乐学英语软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 15:00
Free SQL Server tools that might make your life a little easier
Update: New Stuff from the latest update will be in RED .

这份名单将成长为我找到新的工具。 This list will grow as I find new tools. 所以,如果你知道一些不在此名单中的意见后做他们。 So if you know of some not on this list do post them in the comments.


SQL Server管理工作室外接的 SQL Server Management Studio Add-in's

SSMS的工具包 -加载项与区域地段的IDE选项(查询执行的历史,调试部分,CRUD的存储过程的创建,新的查询模板,运行SQL Server的SQL Server Management Studio和管理自定义脚本从对象资源管理器的上下文菜单) Studio速成 SSMS Tools Pack - an add-in with lots of IDE options (Query Execution history, regions, debug sections, CRUD stored procedures creation, new query templates, running custom scripts from Object explorer's context menu) for SQL Server Management Studio and SQL Server Management Studio Express

数据的编剧 -生成一个表中插入报表 Data Scripter - generates insert statements for a table

创建数据库快照 -简单的图形用户界面创建一个快照数据库 Create Database Snapshot - simple GUI for creating a database snapshot

排序SQL项目文件 -项目排序的SQL文件 Sort SQL Project Files - sorts SQL project files

黑色的写作艺术的SQL Server Management Studio的2005外接 -一个如何对文章和一个搜索数据库对象加载的代码 The Black Art of Writing a SQL Server Management Studio 2005 Add-In - a how-to article and a Search DB Objects add-in with code

如何创建SSMS中添加中 -一篇文章,介绍如何创建任何源代码的加载项无 How to create SSMS Add-in - an article that describes how to create add-ins without any source code


免费的SQL Server的书籍 Free SQL Server books

“提升您的DBA专业知识”和“DBA的最佳实践” -由两个免费书籍展鹏 "Boost your DBA expertise" and "DBA Best Practices" - two free books by RedGate


SQL注入工具 SQL Injection tools

排名前15位免费SQL注入扫描仪 - 15个免费SQL注入扫描仪:) Top 15 free SQL Injection Scanners - 15 free SQL injection scanners :)

微软的源代码分析器SQL注入 -一个静态代码的ASP代码分析工具,SQL注入漏洞的发现在 Microsoft Source Code Analyzer for SQL Injection - a static code analysis tool for finding SQL Injection vulnerabilities in ASP code

都是Urlscan.MMDDYY.log 3.0测试版 -微软安全工具,限制HTTP请求类型的Internet信息服务(IIS)将进程 UrlScan v3.0 Beta - a Microsoft security tool that restricts the types of HTTP requests that Internet Information Services (IIS) will process

惠普Scrawlr -抓取一个网站,同时分析注入漏洞的SQL参数页的每一个人网站 HP Scrawlr - crawls a website, simultaneously analyzing the parameters of each individual web page for SQL Injection vulnerabilities

SQL盲注野蛮Forcer的版本2 -接受命令行参数定制的SQL查询,它作为一个工程都注射整数和字符串的基础。 Blind Sql Injection Brute Forcer version 2 - accepts custom SQL queries as a command line parameter and it works for both integer and string based injections.


管理 Administration

Web数据的SQL管理员 -让您可以轻松地从Web浏览器管理您的SQL Server数据 SQL Web Data Administrator - enables you to easily manage your SQL Server data from a web browser

SQL Server的缓存管理器 -允许您返回存储的信息是什么是SQL Server缓存,以及如何有效地使用它。 SQL Server Cache Manager - allows you to return information about what is stored is the SQL Server cache and how efficiently it is being used.

浏览器的SQL内件 -一个存储工具寻找到SQL Server存储引擎,看数据是如何分配体力,主办。 SQL Internals Viewer - a tool for looking into the SQL Server storage engine and seeing how data is physically allocated, organized and stored.

微软的SQL Server 2000/2005管理包 - 2005年监测的可用性和性能的SQL Server 2000和问题,可以发出警报的配置。 Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005 Management Pack - monitors the availability and performance of SQL Server 2000 and 2005 and can issue alerts for configuration problems.

性能分析日志(PAL)的工具 -工具,读取性能监视器计数器日志(任何已知的格式),并分析它使用复杂的,但已知的阈值(提供)。 Performance Analysis of Logs (PAL) Tool - tool that reads in a performance monitor counter log (any known format) and analyzes it using complex, but known thresholds (provided).

微软基线安全分析器 -帮助小型和中小型企业确定其与微软的安全建议国家按照安全,并提供具体的整治指导 Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer - helps small- and medium-sized businesses determine their security state in accordance with Microsoft security recommendations and offers specific remediation guidance

二零零一年五)水电费用于SQL Server(86(x64)的 -工具,以帮助数据库管理员管理服务器的性能的微软SQL: 概述 RML Utilities for SQL Server (x86) and (x64) - tools to help database administrators manage the performance of Microsoft SQL Server: Overview

运行Sqldumper.exe -来自与SQL服务器。 SQLDumper.exe - comes with SQL Server. 安装在.. Microsoft SQL Server的 90 共享运行Sqldumper.exe。生成一个转储微软Windows应用程序文件的任何需求。 Installed at ..Microsoft SQL Server90SharedSQLDumper.exe. Generates a dump file on demand for any Microsoft Windows application.

SQL Server 2005的分区管理 -帮助分区加载和提取数据 SQL Server 2005 Partition Management - helps in data loading and extraction from partitions

SQLdiag实用工具 -一种通用的诊断工具,可以收集(运行作为控制台应用程序或作为一个服务来与SQL服务器) SQLdiag Utility - a general purpose diagnostics collection utility that can be run as a console application or as a service (comes with SQL Server)

的SQL的Nexus -捕捉分析执行SQLDIAG SQL Nexus - analyzes SQLDIAG captures

PSSDiag实用工具 -通用诊断收集的实用工具,Microsoft产品支持服务使用收集各种日志和数据文件 PSSDiag Utility - a general purpose diagnostic collection utility that Microsoft Product Support Services uses to collect various logs and data files

的SQL侦察 -执行扫描您的网络主动和被动,以确定企业所有的SQL服务器/您的MSDE装置 SQL Recon - performs active and passive scans of your network in order to identify all of the SQL Server/MSDE installations in your enterprise

的SQL Server 2005 Express的探查 -免费为SQL Express的SQL事件探查器 SQL Server 2005 Express Profiler - a free SQL Profiler for SQL Express

日志分析器2.2 -提供查询访问日志文件,XML文件和CSV文件,事件日志,注册表,文件系统和Active Directory Log Parser 2.2 - provides query access to log files, XML files and CSV files, the Event Log, the Registry, the file system, and Active Directory

微软SQL Server Management Studio的Express的 -显然是一个很多人不知道这个存在。 Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express - apparently a lot of people don't know this exists. SSMS中剥离下来的版本 Stripped down version of SSMS

SQL Server 2005系统点击地图 -一个不错的地图所有机动车管理局的和它们之间的联系 SQL Server 2005 System Views Map - a nice map of all the DMV's and links between them

SQL Server的Web数据管理 -管理员在网上您的SQL Server SQL Server Web Data Administrator - admin your SQL Server over the web

SQL Server Express的工具 - SQL Server的简单互动 SQL Server Express Utility - simple interaction with SQL Server

TableDiff.exe -实用工具,比较2000年和2005年2表差价服务器在数据和架构为SQL TableDiff.exe - utility that compares 2 tables for differences in data and schema for SQL Server 2000 and 2005

DMVStats -收集,分析和报告的SQL服务器2005年机动车管理局的性能数据 DMVStats - collects, analyzes and reports on SQL Server 2005 DMV performance data


最佳做法,分析,卫生和性能 Best practices, analysis, health and performance

SQL Server的FineBuild -提供一键安装和最佳做法2005年配置的SQL服务器。 SQL Server FineBuild - provides one-click install and best-practice configuration of SQL Server 2005.

SQL Server 2005的评估配置奥克斯利Pack的萨班斯法案(SOX) -包含配置项规定的努力旨在帮助您建立您的SQL和验证所需的配置2005服务器,以支持您的萨班斯法案 SQL Server 2005 Assessment Configuration Pack for Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) - contains configuration items intended to help you establish and validate a desired configuration for your SQL 2005 servers in order to support your Sarbanes-Oxley compliance efforts

SQLIO界面 -用户界面的工具磁盘子系统基准SQLIO SQLIO GUI - user interface for SQLIO Disk Subsystem Benchmark Tool

SQLQueryStress -自动收集数据,以帮助您确定是否您的查询将执行负载下,什么样的资源紧张,他们把你的服务器 SQLQueryStress - automatically collects metrics to help you determine whether your queries will perform under load, and what kind of resource strain they put on your server

SQLIO磁盘子系统基准工具 -用来确定的I / O能力给出一个配置 SQLIO Disk Subsystem Benchmark Tool - used to determine the I/O capacity of a given configuration

SQL Server 2005的最佳实践分析工具 -让您确认2005年共同实施的最佳实践在SQL Server SQL Server 2005 Best Practices Analyzer - lets you verify the implementation of common Best Practices in SQL Server 2005

