CLRS (Introduction to Algorithms 2nd) reading notes 5

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝企业店铺运营方案 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 12:09

Summer vacation is always pleasant not only because it offers you much entertainment time, but also you can read whatever book you like to learn – CLRS, for example.

This note is the for the first 6 chapter in Part 7 (Chapter 27 to 32). Yes they are more intriguing and of course more abstruse.

Chapter 27 – Sorting network. To me it is more like a VHDL implementation of sorting. It is a new perspective against the traditional serial sorting algorithms.

Chapter 28 – Matrix computation. It is more about numerical linear algebra instead of computer science. Strassen algorithm enhances basic matrix multiplication performance by reducing each iterative step by about 1/8 – using combinations of matrix addition & subtraction to replace one of the 8 matrix multiplication – it was quite shocking because people never thought that it was possible to improve the basic numerical calculation procedures. About linear system solving: LUP-Factorization is the basic numerical method. Essentially it is Gaussian Elimination method – a simple iterative matrix solving method.

Chapter 29 – Linear programming. Essentially it is another form of linear system solving problem – through several transformation, and Gaussian elimination is still useful here. One noticeable issue is that we need a feasible starting guess as the prerequisite of the next iterations. This can be solved by a simple linear transformation.

Chapter 30 – Polynomial and Fourier Transformation. Fourier transformation is the process from continuous signal to a sequence of discretized signals (DFT, there’s CFT that is continuous Fourier transformation) and also backward(DFT^-1). FFT is an effective implementation of Fourier transformation, which takes advantage of complex root properties and divide & conquer strategy. FFT divides each iteration into two parts and in each iteration, due to the symmetry of the unit complex roots (recall the unit complex roots chart in a complex plane), an operation called “butterfly operation” is applied. BTW, FFT is very useful in ocean simulation.

Chapter 31 – Number theory. I think this chapter can be put in a MATHs textbook about number theory. Most of the referenced papers are from MATHs journals / conferences. I think the main reason that this chapter exists is that Cryptology is based on it – like RSA that takes advantage of the extremely difficulty of large prime numbers factorization.

Chapter 32 – String matching. It is not as hard as the chapter mentioned above. Rabin-Karp simplifies the pattern and the sub-strings into number comparisons; finite automation method, as clear as its term; KMP algorithm, makes a significant improvement against the naive match algorithm by investigating more useful hints within each matching attempt (what’s the next reasonable starting offset?). A preprocessing is required – the useful information can be retrieved by a comparison between the pattern and itself.

Obviously things are getting ‘mathematical’ and everything is more abstract and abstruse – the common style of the theoretical textbooks. It is hard to get clear for each MATHS detail in the text. This is also the main source that most complaints originate –, school mates, etc.. I think it requires at least several weeks for each math-based topic (number theory, numerical algebra, etc.) for a more in-depth understanding.

P.S. it is said a book called ‘Algorithms’ from UC-Berkeley is elaborated in a more pleasant way.. hmmm..

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