多个域名后缀同时查询的域名查询系统 --原创

来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu系统login输什么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 10:18


Function formaturl(yes)
 If mid(yes,5,1)<>"" then
 yes1 = left(yes,3)
 yes2 = right(yes,cint(len(yes))-3)
 formaturl = yes1 & "." & yes2
 end if
End Function 
Function getBoy(url)
 'on error resume next
 Set objXml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XmlHttp")
 with objXml
  .open "get",url,false,"",""
  getBoy = .responsebody
 end with
 getBoy = BytesToBstr(GetBoy,"GB2312")
 Set objXml = nothing 
end function

Function BytesToBstr(strBody,CodeBase)
        dim objStream
        set objStream = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
        objStream.Type = 1
        objStream.Mode =3
        objStream.Write strBody
        objStream.Position = 0
        objStream.Type = 2
        objStream.Charset = CodeBase
        BytesToBstr = objStream.ReadText
        set objStream = nothing
End Function
If Request.Form("yes") <> "" Then
 yes = replace(Request.Form("yes")," ","")  '去除复选框字符串中的空格
 yes = split(yes,",")  '实例化一个数组yes,将用逗号隔开的yes数组赋值给yes新数组
 For i = 0 to ubound(yes)   '遍历数组循环开始
  url = "http://panda.www.net.cn/cgi-bin/Check.cgi?domain="&Request.Form("domain")&"&ext="&yes(i)
  wstr = getBoy(url)  '获取查询后的源代码
  If instr(wstr,"未被注册的域名") <> 0 Then   '判断是否为已经注册的域名
   Response.Write Request.Form("domain")&"."&formaturl(yes(i))&"<br><br><br><br>"  '列出未注册的域名
  End If  
 response.Write "<p><p><p>已注册的域名如下:<br>"
 For i = 0 to ubound(yes)   '遍历数组循环开始
  url = "http://panda.www.net.cn/cgi-bin/Check.cgi?domain="&Request.Form("domain")&"&ext="&yes(i)
  wstr = getBoy(url)  '获取查询后的源代码
  If instr(wstr,"已被注册的域名") <> 0 Then   '判断是否为已经注册的域名
   Response.Write Request.Form("domain")&"."&formaturl(yes(i))&"<br><br><br><br>"  '列出已注册的域名
  End If  

<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
    <input name="domain" type="text" id="domain">
    <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="查询">
    <input name="yes" type="checkbox" id="yes" value="com">
    <input name="yes" type="checkbox" id="yes" value="net">
<input name="yes" type="checkbox" id="yes" value="org">
.org </p>
    <input name="yes" type="checkbox" id="yes" value="comcn">
    <input name="yes" type="checkbox" id="yes" value="netcn">
  <input name="yes" type="checkbox" id="yes" value="orgcn">
<input name="yes" type="checkbox" id="yes" value="govcn">
gov.cn </p>
    <input name="yes" type="checkbox" id="yes" value="info">
    <input name="yes" type="checkbox" id="yes" value="biz">
<input name="yes" type="checkbox" id="yes" value="tv">
<input name="yes" type="checkbox" id="yes" value="cc">
    <input name="yes" type="checkbox" id="yes" value="cn">
    <input name="yes" type="checkbox" id="yes" value="name">
.name  </p>
End If
