Sicily 1022. Poor contestant Prob

来源:互联网 发布:linux上jdk安装.gz 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 07:19


As everybody known, “BG meeting” is very very popular in the ACM training team of ZSU. 
After each online contest, they will go out for “smoking”. Who will be the poor ones that have to BG the others? Of course, the half who solve less problems. 
The rule runs well when the number of the contestants is even. But if the number is odd, it is impossible to divide them into two equal parts. It gives a dilemma to the BG meeting committee. After a careful discussion with Mr. Guo, a new rule emerged: if the number of the contestant is odd, the committee will first sort the contestants according to the number of problems they solved, and then they will pick out the middle one. This poor boy or girl will have no chance to attend the BG meeting. 
Strange rule, isn`t it?
As the number of the contestants is becoming more and more large, the committee need to write a program which will pick out the poor one efficiently.
Note that: Every contestant solves different number of problems. The total number of the contestants will not exceed 10^5.
There are several cases in the input. The first line of the input will be an integer M, the number of the cases.
Each case is consisted of a list of commands. There are 3 types of commands.
1. Add xxx n : add a record to the data base, where xxx is the name of the contestant, which is only consisted of at most 10 letters or digits, n is the number of problems he/she solved. (Each name will appear in Add commands only once).
2.Query :
3.End :End of the case.
1.For the Query command: If the current number of contestants is odd, the program should output the poor contestant’s name currently even if there is only one contestants, otherwise, just out put “No one!” (without quotes).
2.For the End command: 
   If the total number of contestants in the data base is even, you should out put “Happy BG meeting!!”(without quotes),otherwise, you should out put the “xxx is so poor. ”(without quotes) where xxx is the name of the poor one.
3.Each case should be separated by a blank line.
Sample Input
2Add Magicpig 100Add Radium 600Add Kingfkong 300Add Dynamic 700 QueryAdd Axing 400QueryAdd Inkfish 1000Add Carp 800EndAdd Radium 100Add Magicpig 200End
Sample Output
No one!AxingRadium is so poor.Happy BG meeting!!
这道题乍一看来很简单,但是在打的数据量时,用一般的插入方法肯定会查超时,所以当时的第一反应是用排序二叉树,但是排序二叉树是不稳定的,它的时间复杂度介于O(logn)与O(n)之间,当输入数据是已排好序的数据时,则其时间复杂度就是O(n),这样做在这道题的数据下已经超时了。鉴于这种情况,要用一种稳定的方法,而且时间复杂度要求最多数O(log n),这样的话,很显然堆可以满足要求。
在这道题中,要查询的是中间元素,所以在此利用这个要求就有了个比较适合的数据结构,即,设计两个堆,一个是大根堆,一个是小根堆,且要求小根堆中的任意元素都要大于大根堆中的所有元素,而且大根堆的元素数要大于等于小根堆元素,使得中间元素在总数为奇数的情况下处于大根堆的堆顶,这样的话,对与中间元素的查找复杂度就是O(1)了。这里的唯一复杂度就是堆的调整,而堆的调整的复杂度为O(log n),可以保证题目要求。由于既有从堆顶加入元素又有从堆尾加入元素,所以要设计两个调整函数,一个从堆顶开始向下调整,这个和堆排序中的调整是一样的,另一个就是从堆尾调整,这个是前一个函数的反向,主要注意下表的变换即可。

