Java编码规范(The Elements of Java Style)

来源:互联网 发布:奇虎软件计划 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/08 20:13

Java编码规范(The Elements of Java Style)
Genaral Principles
 1.Adhere to the style of the original.

 2.Adhere to the Principle of Least Astonishment.

 3.Do it right the first time.

 4.Document any deviations.

Formatting Conventions
 5.Indent nested code.

 6.Break up long lines.

 7.Include white space.

 8.Do not use "hard" tabs.

Naming Conventions
 9.Use meaningful names.

 10.Use familiar names.

 11.Question excessively long names.

 12.Join the vowel generation.

 13.Capitalize only the first letter in acronyms.

 14.Do not use names that differ only in case.

 Package Names
  15.Use the reversed, lowercase form of your organization's Internet domain name as the root qualifier for your package names.

  16.Use a single, lowercase word as the root name of each package.

  17.Use the same name for a new version of a package, but only if that new version is still binary compatible with the previous versin, otherwise, use a new name.
 Type Names
  18.Capitalize the first letter of each word that appears in a class or interface name.
  Class Names
   19.Use nouns when naming classes.
   20.Pluralize the names of classes that group related attributes, static services, or constants.
  Interface Names
   21.Use nouns or adjectives when naming interfaces.
 Method Names
  22.Use lowercase for the first word and capitalize only the first letter of each subsequent word that appears in a method name.]

  23.Use verbs when naming methods.

  24.Follow the JavaBeans conventions for naming property accessor methods.

 Variable Names
  25.Use lowercase for the first word and capitalize only the first letter of each subsequent word that appears in a variable name.

  26.Use nouns to name fields.

  27.Pluralize the names of collection reference.
  28.Establish and use a set of standard names for trivial "throwaway" variables.
  Field Names
   29.Qualify field variables with "this" to distinguish them from local variables.
  Parameter Names
   30.When a constructor or "set" method assigns a parameter to a field, give that parameter the same name as the field.

 Constant Names
  31.Use uppercase letters for each word and separate each pair of words with an underscore when naming constants.

Documentation Conventions
 32.Write documentation for those who must use your code and those must maintain it.
 33.Keep comments and code in sync.
 34.Use the active voice and omit needless words.

 Comment Types
  35.Use documentation comments to describe the programing interface.

  36.Use standard comments to hide code without removing it.

  37.Use one-line comments to explain implementation details.

 Documentation Comments
  38.Describe the programing interface before you write the code.

  39.Document public, protected, package, and private members.
  40.Provide a summary description and overview for each package.
  41.Provide a summary description and overview for each application or group of packages.
  Comment Style
   42.Use a single consistent format and organization for all documentation comments.
   43.Wrap keywords, identifiers, and constants with <code>...</code> tags.

   44.Wrap code with <pre>...</pre> tags.

   45.Consider marking the first occurrence of an identifier with a {@link} tag.

   46.Establish and use a fixed ordering for Javadoc tags.

   47.Write in the third-person narrative form.
   48.Write summary descriptions that stand alone.
   49.Omit the subject in summary descriptions of actions or services.
   50.Omit the subject and the verb in summary descriptions of things.

   51.Use "this" rather than "the" when referring to instance of current class.
   52.Do not add parentheses to a method or constructor name unless you want to specify a particular signature.

  Comment Content
   53.Provide a summary description for each method.

   54.Fully describe the signature of each method.

   55.Include examples.

   56.Document preconditions, postconditions, and invariant conditions.
   57.Document known defects and deficiencies.
   58.Document synchronization semantics.
 Internal Comments
  59.Add internal comments only if they will aid others in understanding your code.
  60.Describe why the code is doing what it does, not what the code is doing.

  61.Avoid the use of end-line comments.
  62.Explain local variable declarations with an end-line comment.
  63.Establish and use a set of keywords to flag unresolved issues.
  64.Label closing braces in highly nested control structures.
  65.Add a "fall-through" comment between two case labels, if no break statement separates those labels.
  66.Label empty statements.

Programming Convertions
 67.Consider declaring classes representing fundamental data types as final.

 68.Build concrete types from native types and other concrete types.

 69.Define small classed and small methods.
 70.Define subclasses so they may be used anywhere their superclasses may be used.

 71.Make all fields private.

 72.Use polymorphism instead of instanceof.

 Type Safety
  73.Wrap general-purpose classes that operate on java.lang.Object to provide static type checking.

  74.Encapsulate enumerations as classes.

 Statements and Expressions
  75.Replace repeated nontrivial expressions with equivalent methods.

  76.Use block statements instead of expression statements in control flow constructs.

  77.Clarify the order of operations with parentheses.

  78.Always code a break statement in the last case of a switch statement.

  79.Use equals(), not ==, to test for equality of objects.

  80.Always construct objects in a valid state.

  81.Do not call nonfinal methods from within a constructor.

  82.Use nested constructors to eliminate redundant code.

 Exception Handling
  83.Use unchecked, run-time exceptions to report serious unexpected errors that may indicate an error in the program's logic.

  84.Use checked exceptions to report errors that may occur, however rarely, under normal program operation.
  85.Use return codes to report expected state change.
  86.Only convert exceptions to add information.
  87.Do not silently absorb a run-time or error exception.
  88.Use a finally block to release resources.
  89.Program by contract.
  90.Use dead code elimination to implement assertions.
  91.Use assertions to catch logic errors in your code.
  92.Use assertions to test pre- and postconditions of a method.
  93.Use threads only where appropriate.

  94.Avoid synchronization.
  95.Use synchronized wrappers to provide synchronized interfaces.
  96.Do not synchronize an entire method if the method contains significant operations that do not need synchronization.]
  97.Avoid unnecessary synchronization when reading or writing instance variables.
  98.Consider using notify() instead of notifyAll().

  99.Use the double-check pattern for synchronized initialization.

  100.Use lazy initialization.

  101.Avoid creating unnecessary objects.

  102.Reintialize and reuse objects to avoid new object construction.
  103.Leave optimization for last.

Packaging Conventions
 104.Place types that are commonly used, changed, and released together, or mutually dependent on each other, into the same package.
 105.Isolate volatile classes and interfaces in separate packages.
 106.Avoid making packages that are difficult to change dependent on packages that are easy to change.
 107.Maximize abstraction to maximize stability.
 108.Capture high-level design and architecture as stable abstractions organized into stable package.
