用python写一个ftp server最小实现

来源:互联网 发布:天刀太白帅气捏脸数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 02:27

最近由于要在嵌入式系统中加入一个ftp功能,于是用python研究起ftp协议来。这个就是两个星期的学习的结果,它实现了一个最小功能的ftp server。我用这个验证了我对ftp协议的理解,可惜的是,它最终证实我的嵌入式系统还有些其他的问题,不在ftp协议的范围内,我还得从tcp/ip协议栈里找原因:-(


#import sys
import os,glob,time
import string
import socket
#faitdir="-rw-rw-rw- 1 user group 1024 Jun 12 14:13 aaa.txt/r/n/-rw-rw-rw- 1 user group 1048576 May 12 16:12 bbb.txt/r/n";
class FtpServ:
    def do_user(self):
        print self.cmd[5:]
            self.connect.send("331 user name ok,need password./r/n")
            self.connect.send("430 user name error./r/n")
    def do_pass(self):
        print self.cmd[5:]
                self.connect.send("230 User logged in, proceed./r/n")
                self.connect.send("530 who are you/r/n")
            self.connect.send("430 pass word error./r/n")
    def do_mode(self):
            self.connect.send("200 stream mode is ok/r/n")
            self.connect.send("500 only stream mode is support/r/n")
    def do_pwd(self):
        #show user the directory here
        self.connect.send("257 /"//" is current directory./r/n")
    def do_noop(self):
        self.connect.send("200 ok/r/n")
    def do_type(self):
        print self.cmd[5:6]
            self.connect.send('200 type set to I./r/n')
            self.connect.send('200 type set to A./r/n')
        else :
            self.connect.send('500 parm error./r/n')
    def do_quit(self):
        self.connect.send("221 Goodbye./r/n")
    def do_feat(self):
    def do_port(self):
        print "clinet ask data connect to ", self.dataClient,":",self.dataPort
        self.connect.send("200 PORT Command successful./r/n")
    def do_pasv(self):
        self.connect.send("500 passive mode not supported./r/n")
    def do_list(self):
            self.connect.send("150 Opening data connection./r/n")
            self.datasocket=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #prepare for data trans
            for i in self.fileList.keys() :
            self.connect.send("226 Transfer complete./r/n")
            print "dir data sended."
            self.connect.send("503 on port specify/r/n")
    def do_retr(self):
        if self.cmd[5:-2] in self.fileList.keys():
            print "asking for ",self.cmd[5:-2]
            self.connect.send("150 Opening data connection./r/n")
            self.datasocket=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #prepare for data trans
                #print data
            self.connect.send("226 Transfer complete./r/n")
            self.connect.send("503 no such file/r/n")

    def do_stor(self):
        self.connect.send("150 Opening data connection./r/n")
        self.datasocket=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #prepare for data trans
        self.connect.send("226 Transfer complete./r/n")
        print filename," received."
    def getFileList(self):
        print tempList
        for i in tempList:
            self.fileList[file[7:]]="-rw-rw-rw- 1 user group "+str(os.stat(file)[6])+" "+/
                time.strftime("%m %d %H:%M",time.gmtime(os.stat(file)[8]))+" "+file[7:]+"/r/n"
        print self.fileList
    def __init__(self):
        self.sockobj = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        self.sockobj.bind((self.myHost, self.myPort)) # bind it to server port number
    def loop(self):
        self.sockobj.listen(2) # listen, allow 5 pending connects
            print "starting ftp service"
            print 'Server connected by',self.addr
            self.connect.send("220 Wellcom to CNC ftp./r/n")
                print 'recv: ',self.cmd
                if not self.cmd:
                    if(self.cmd[0:4] in self.commands.keys()):
                        print "handle command ",self.cmd[0:4]
                            print "client left!"
                        self.connect.send("500 unkonw command./r/n")
            print 'closing connection',self.addr

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #print faitData
