struts2 标签初识 Form Tags

来源:互联网 发布:网络空间国际合作战略 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 00:30

1: <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>
2: <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %>
3: <%@ taglib prefix="sx" uri="/struts-dojo-tags" %>
5: <html>
6: <head>
7:     <title>UI Tags Example</title>
8:     <sx:head/>
9: </head>
11: <body>
13: <s:actionerror/>
14: <s:actionmessage/>
15: <s:fielderror />
18: <s:form action="exampleSubmit" enctype="multipart/form-data" javascriptTooltip="true">
19:     <s:textfield
20:             label="Name"
21:             name="name"
22:             tooltip="Enter your Name here"/>
23: <!--String-->
24:     <sx:datetimepicker
25:             tooltip="Select Your Birthday"
26:             label="Birthday"
27:             name="birthday" />
28:  <!--Date-->
29:     <sx:datetimepicker
30:             tooltip="Enter the time you wake up"
31:             label="Wake up time"
32:             name="wakeup"
33:             type="time"/>
34:  <!--Date-->
35:     <s:textarea
36:             tooltip="Enter your Biography"
37:             label="Biography"
38:             name="bio"
39:             cols="20"
40:             rows="3"/>
41: <!--String-->
42:     <s:select
43:             tooltip="Choose Your Favourite Color"
44:             label="Favorite Color"
45:             list="{'Red', 'Blue', 'Green'}"
46:             name="favouriteColor"
47:             emptyOption="true"
48:             headerKey="None"
49:             headerValue="None"/>
50: <!--String-->

51:     <s:select
52:             tooltip="Choose Your Favourite Language"
53:             label="Favourite Language"
54:             list="favouriteLanguages"
55:             name="favouriteLanguage"
56:             listKey="key"
57:             listValue="description"
58:             emptyOption="true"
59:             headerKey="None"
60:             headerValue="None"/>
61: <!--List-->

62:     <s:checkboxlist
63:             tooltip="Choose your Friends"
64:             label="Friends"
65:             list="{'Patrick', 'Jason', 'Jay', 'Toby', 'Rene'}"
66:             name="friends"/>
67: <!--List-->

68:     <s:checkbox
69:             tooltip="Confirmed that your are Over 18"
70:             label="Age 18+"
71:             name="legalAge"/>
72: <!--boolean-->

73:     <s:doubleselect
74:             tooltip="Choose Your State"
75:             label="State"
76:             name="region" list="{'North', 'South'}"
77:             value="'South'"
78:             doubleValue="'Florida'"
79:             doubleList="top == 'North' ? {'Oregon', 'Washington'} : {'Texas', 'Florida'}"
80:             doubleName="state"
81:             headerKey="-1"
82:             headerValue="---------- Please Select ----------"
83:             emptyOption="true" />
84: <!--String-->

85:     <s:doubleselect
86:             tooltip="Choose your Vehical"
87:             label="Favourite Vehical"
88:             name="favouriteVehicalType"
89:             list="vehicalTypeList"
90:             listKey="key"
91:             listValue="description"
92:             value="'MotorcycleKey'"
93:             doubleValue="'YamahaKey'"
94:             doubleList="vehicalSpecificList"
95:             doubleListKey="key"
96:             doubleListValue="description"
97:             doubleName="favouriteVehicalSpecific" headerKey="-1"
98:             headerValue="---------- Please Select ----------"
99:             emptyOption="true" />
100: <!--String-->

101:     <s:file
102:             tooltip="Upload Your Picture"
103:             label="Picture"
104:             name="picture" />
105: <!--File-->

106:     <s:optiontransferselect
107:             tooltip="Select Your Favourite Cartoon Characters"
108:             label="Favourite Cartoons Characters"
109:             name="leftSideCartoonCharacters"
110:             leftTitle="Left Title"
111:             rightTitle="Right Title"
112:             list="{'Popeye', 'He-Man', 'Spiderman'}"
113:             multiple="true"
114:             headerKey="headerKey"
115:             headerValue="--- Please Select ---"
116:             emptyOption="true"
117:             doubleList="{'Superman', 'Mickey Mouse', 'Donald Duck'}"
118:             doubleName="rightSideCartoonCharacters"
119:             doubleHeaderKey="doubleHeaderKey"
120:             doubleHeaderValue="--- Please Select ---"
121:             doubleEmptyOption="true"
122:             doubleMultiple="true" />
123: <!--List-->

124:     <s:textarea
125:             label="Your Thougths"
126:             name="thoughts"
127:             tooltip="Enter your thoughts here" />
128: <!--thoughts-->

129:     <s:submit />
130:     <s:reset onclick="alert('Resetting form now... Press OK to continue!');" />
131: </s:form>
133: </body>
134: </html>


 <s:combobox label="What's your favor fruit"
headerKey="-1" headerValue="--- Select ---"
name="yourFruits" />

<s:combobox label="Select a month"
headerKey="-1" headerValue="--- Select ---"
list="#{'1':'Jan', '2':'Feb', '3':'Mar', '4':'Apr'}"
name="yourMonth" />

<head><s:head /></head>
<head></head><body><s:head />...
<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %><html><head></head> <body><h1>Struts 2 - hidden value example</h1> <s:form action="helloHidden" namespace="/"> <h4>This page has a hidden value (view source): <s:hidden name="url" value="" /></h4>  <s:submit value="submit" name="submit" /> </s:form> </body></html>
<s:label key="userName" />6、optgroup
<s:select label="My Selection"           name="mySelection"           value="%{'POPEYE'}"           list="%{#{'SUPERMAN':'Superman', 'SPIDERMAN':'spiderman'}}">   <s:optgroup label="Adult"                list="%{#{'SOUTH_PARK':'South Park'}}" />   <s:optgroup label="Japanese"                list="%{#{'POKEMON':'pokemon','DIGIMON':'digimon','SAILORMOON':'Sailormoon'}}" /></s:select>
<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %><html><head></head> <body><h1>Struts 2 radio button example</h1> <s:form action="resultAction" namespace="/"> <h4>  <s:radio label="Gender" name="yourGender" list="genders" value="defaultGenderValue" /><!--genders List<String>-->  <s:radio label="Gender" name="yourLanguage" list="languages"       listKey="languageCode" listValue="languageDisplay" value="defaultLanguageValue" /><!--List<Language> languages -->  <s:radio label="Answer" name="yourAnswer" list="#{'1':'Yes','2':'No'}" value="2" /></h4>  <s:submit value="submit" name="submit" /> </s:form> </body></html>8、reset
<s:reset value="Reset" />
Render an button reset:<s:reset label="My Selection" type="button" key="reset"/>
<s:submit name="save" value="保存" align="left" method="save"/>
<s:submit name="print" value="打印" align="left" method="print" />         
        <action name="transfer" class="org.apache.struts2.showcase.token.TokenAction">
            <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack"/>
            <interceptor-ref name="token"/>
            <result name="invalid.token">doublePost.jsp</result>
            <result name="success">transferDone.jsp</result>
1: <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %>2: <html>3:     <head><title>Token Examples</title></head>4: 5: <body>6:     <h1>Token Example 1</h1>7: 8:     <b>Example 1:</b> This example illustrates a situation where you can transfer money from9:     one account to another. We use the token to prevent double posts so the transfer only10:     happens once.11:     <p/>12: 13:     <br/>Balance of source account: <s:property value="#session.balanceSource"/>14:     <br/>Balance of destination account: <s:property value="#session.balanceDestination"/>15:     <p/>16: 17:     <s:form action="transfer">18:         <s:token/>19:         <s:textfield label="Amount" name="amount" required="true" value="100"/>20:         <s:submit value="Transfer money"/>21:     </s:form>22: 23: </body>24: </html>token用于避免重复提交<result name="invalid.token">doublePost.jsp</result>重复提交时显示这个页面
<!-- Example 1: simple example --><s:updownselectlist="#{'england':'England', 'america':'America', 'germany':'Germany'}"name="prioritisedFavouriteCountries"headerKey="-1"headerValue="--- Please Order Them Accordingly ---"emptyOption="true" />
12:     <s:updownselect13:         tooltip="Prioritized Your Favourite Cartoon Characters"14:         label="Prioritised Favourite Cartoon Characters"15:         list="defaultFavouriteCartoonCharacters" 16:         name="prioritisedFavouriteCartoonCharacters" 17:         headerKey="-1" 18:         headerValue="--- Please Order ---" 19:         emptyOption="true"  />42:     public Map getDefaultFavouriteCartoonCharacters() {43:         Map m = new LinkedHashMap();44:         m.put("heMan", "He-Man");45:         m.put("popeye", "Popeye");46:         m.put("mockeyMouse", "Mickey Mouse");47:         return m;48:     }80:     public List getPrioritisedFavouriteCartoonCharacters() {81:         return _prioritisedFavouriteCartoonCharacters;82:     }