
来源:互联网 发布:十孔笔筒埙淘宝网 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 13:16

Is the price negotiable? 这价钱可以商量吗?


例句:Prices keep going up. 物价持续上涨。


例句:The country paid a heavy price for her independence. 该国为独立付出了沉重的代价。


例句:He says his claim is not negotiable. 他说他的要求是不容讨价还价的。

What are your salary expectations? 你期望的薪水是多少?

句中的Salary通常是指Workers of higher skill and rank (非体力劳动者) 所得到的“工资、薪水”。

Wages通常是指简单劳动或体力劳动者所得的“工资、工钱”, 常用复数形式。



例句:His parents have great expectations for his future. 他父母对他的前途深寄厚望。

She looks great from head to toe. 她从头到脚看起来都美。


例句:The huge parka covered the small child from head to toe, assuring that she would be well-protected against the cold.


Go toe-to-toe 紧张对峙和针锋相对的斗争

例句:The husband and wife often go toe-to-toe about money and how to raise the kids.

The world has passed into the new millennium peacefully. 世界平静地进入了新千年。

1、Pass into something:变为其中一部份,溶入,逐渐变成

例句:When water boils, it passes into steam. 水达到沸点时变成蒸汽。


Pass a dividend:(美)决定不付红利

Pass one's word:发誓

2、Millennium:一千年, 千周年纪念,千周年纪念日,千禧年

例句:Almost two millennia have passed since the birth of Christ.

Are you saying that Kelly is the other woman? 你是说凯丽就是那个小三吗?

Other woman:(前面与the连用)情妇;女第三者

Meaning : A woman who is romantically or sexually involved with another woman's husband or lover. (esp. a woman who is having an affair with a married man)

例句:She caught a coolly calculating glint in the other woman's eye. 她看到另一个女人眼中闪现冷厉而有心计的目光。

I can't imagine you ever lose your rag. 我想不出你发脾气的样子。

Lose your rag:发怒;生气

例句:It was the only time I've ever lost my rag with someone in an office situation.


例句:Everybody ragged him about his girlfriend. 人人拿他女朋友之事揶揄他。

平时常用的Lose someone's temper也是发脾气的意思。

例句:I hate to lose my temper at someone. I always end up feeling guilty.

Hey,do you want to grab a drink after work? 嗨,下班后想去喝一杯吗?


例句:Let’s grab a bite to eat. 让我们赶紧吃点东西吧。


Grab bag:摸彩袋,(各色人等、各种成分的)混杂,聚合

Grab the headlines:成为重要新闻

Grab. (a) hold of somebody/something:抓住;拿着;握着;握住


It's a real hassle to get a picky child to eat. 为了让挑食的小孩吃东西,真是要费九牛二虎之力。


例句:It is a real hassle to apply for the insurance money. (申请保险金实在是一件麻烦事。)


例句:Don't be too picky with a long shopping list nor too random in your choices.


We received no notification prior to today's date. 我们在今天之前没有得到通知。


例句:You should receive (a) notification of our decision in the next week.(关于我们的决定,下周你会接到通知。)


Advance/ Prior notification(=telling somebody in advance about something) 预先通告)

Written notification 书面通

Prior to 在前

例句:During the week prior to the meeting


She perserved in her efforts to win the championship. 她为赢得冠军而不断努力。


例句:He persevered in his design. (他坚持他的计划。)


例句:Solving the problem calls for efforts. 解决这问题得花些气力。


I relaxed my attention and got the wrong direction. 我一时疏忽走错了路。


例句:He appeared relaxed and confident before the match. (比赛前,他显得镇定而自信。)


例句:Small children have a very short attention span. (幼儿的注意力持续时间很短。)


Devote one's attention to 专心于

Pay attention to 关心,注意


Our hopes fell to zero. 我们的希望完全破灭了。


例句:Her voice fell to a whisper. (她的声音变小,成了耳语。)


Fall about 捧腹大笑。笑得前仰后合。

例句:We all fell about laughing. (我们都笑得前仰后合。)


例句: I rated my chances as zero. (我觉得我根本没有机会。)


I haven't had time to arrange everything, so I'm all at sixs and sevens. 我没来得及把每件事都安排好,因此心里七上八下的。

“At sixs and sevens”是一个英语成语,惯用语,它用来描述混淆或混乱的状态。

例句: At loose ends,心里没有着落

Bill is always at sixes and sevens when he's home by himself. (比尔自个儿在家时,总是心里没有着落(无所事事)。)

例句:The party was arranged quickly. (聚会很快就安排好了。).


The change of diet has done wonders for my skins. 改变饮食结构对我的皮肤产生了奇效。

句中“change of .....”,表示开始过另一种生活,换个活法 。

例句:Let's get away for the weekend. A change of scene(=time in a different place)(咱们出去度周末吧,换换环境会对你有好处的。)

也就是当我们说: On a diet,是啥意思呢?是指节食,减肥。

例句:I decided to go on a diet(=to lose weight) before my holiday. (我决定在休假前开始节食。)


Failure teaches success. 失败乃成功之母。


例如:What caused his failure? 什么使得他失败了?


A total failure 彻底的失败

A power failure 电力故障

对遭遇失败的朋友,你可以这么为他打气:Come on. Failure teaches success (Failure is the mother of success). Don't lose heart. I'm sure you'll succeed.别这样。失败是成功之母。不要灰心,我相信你一定会成功的。


Because of the nasty weather, she set out at six this morning. 因为天气不好,她今天早上六点就出发了。


例句:They played a nasty trick. 他们玩弄卑劣的伎俩。


A nasty accident 严重事故

Nasty-nice 笑里藏刀的

2、Set out:出发,动身,启程

例句:They set out on the last stage of their journey. 他们动身踏上最后一段行程。


I had met Anna before, but her friend was a complete stranger to me. 我见过安娜,但是从未见过她那位朋友。

A complete stranger是指素不相识的人,相当于A Perfect stranger / A Total stranger的意思。

例如:I was stopped on the street by a perfect stranger who wanted to know my name.

Had met:过去完成式,在过去之前就已经发生。(met是meet的过去式和过去分词)

过去完成式的结构: HAD+过去分词。

例如:I met that person this morning, but I had never met him before. 我今天早上见过他(对现在来说是过去式), 但是我以前从没见过他(在今早见他之前)。


You realize your ideals through your labor and you guide your labor by ideals. 用劳动实现自己的理想,用理想指导自己的劳动。

1、Ideal:Conception or standard of perfection,指理想。

例如:To realize one's ideal 实现某人的理想

Idea : Conception in mind,是指主意滴意思。

例如:That's a good idea.


例如:We try to help all students realize their full potential(= be as successful as they are able to be). 我们努力帮助所有的学生充分发挥他们的潜力。


She cannot help being indulgent with little children. 她对小孩总是溺爱有加。

Cannot help doing something:忍不住要……,不禁……

Meaning : Not able to refrain from doing something; not able not to do 例句:I cannot help thinking he is wrong. 我不禁认为他错了.


例句:They are indulgent with their children. 他们溺爱孩子们.


I had my first book accepted for publication last year. 那年,我的第一本书得以出版。


例句:My article has been accepted for publication. 我的文章已被采用准备发表。

Publication (书刊等的)出版,发行;出版物

例如:They thought the book worth publication. 他们认为这书值得出版。

相关词组:Electronic publication 电子出版,电子出版物


She was not senior enough to take such a decision. 她的资历还太浅,不能做这类决定。


例子:My son has had his heart set on becoming a senior lawyer. 我的儿子一心想当个高级律师。

另外一个用法:She is eight years my senior. 她大我八岁。

Take这字,也可这么用:He took control, She took a positive attitude......etc.




The work experience will launch you into something bigger and better anyway. 凭着在这里的工作经验,你一定能找到更大的公司、更好的工作。

1. Work experience工作经历

例句:The opportunities available will depend on your previous work experience and qualifications. 能否有机会要看你的工作经历和学历。

2. Launch into something/ Launch yourself into something使某人(某事物)开始做,投入

例句1After graduation Billy launched into politics. 毕业后比利投入了政界。

例句2He launched into a lengthy account of his career. 他开始啰啰嗦嗦地讲述自己的工作经历。


I can use my time to the best of my efficiency. 我可以最高效率利用我的时间。


例句:Maintain an army for a thousand days to use it for an hour. 养兵千日, 用兵一时。


A fat lot of use:毫无用处

Use up:用完,耗尽

2. Best of以最好的……


Make the best of something:尽力而为

To the best of one's ability:就自己能力所及

To the best of my knowledge:就我所知


All parents have great expectation of their children. 为人父母都对自己的子女寄予厚望。

1. Parent父亲(或母亲)

例句:He's still living with his parents. 他还和父母住在一起。


One-parent family( single parent family ):单亲家庭

Parent company:母公司


2. Expectation期望,指望(指期待某事发生或假设某事能发生,多含揣想的意味)

例句:Some parents have unrealistic expectations of their children. 有的父母对孩子的指望不切实际。


Beyond expectation:出乎意料

In expectation:期望着,在指望中的


College students usually choose to give private lessons as a part-time job. 大学生往往把做家教作为兼职。


例句:He gives Italian lessons to his colleagues. 他给同事们上意大利语课。相关词组:


Give and take:互相迁就

例句:You're going to have to learn to give and take. 你们必须学会互相迁就。

2. Private lessons家教

例句:She gives private English lessons at weekends. 她周末给私人教授英语。


Job prospects clearly concern them a lot. 显然,他们十分关注就业前景。

1. Prospect成功的机会,前景,前途

例句:What are the prospects of promotion in this job? 做这份工作有多少晋升的机会?

2. Concern使关心(往往强调与个人或团体利害有直接或重大关系的事)

例子:He didn't concern himself with the details. 他对细节不感兴趣。


One of my friends uses those bewildering symbols for her QQ status. 我一个朋友的QQ签名总是用一些稀奇古怪的符号。

1. Bewildering令人困惑的,使人糊涂的,使人狼狈的

例句:There is a bewildering variety of software available. 各种可供挑选的软件使人目不暇接

2. Symbols符号,代号,记号


Status symbol: 社会地位与财富的象征

Status :状态,情形,地位(通常指一个人在政治,社会,经济,法律上的地位或身份,暗含地位显要意味。)

例句:She was anxious to overstate her real social status. 她急于夸大自己的实际社会地位。


She can make similar designs with her eyes closed. 她毫不费力地就能设计出类似的款式来。

句中的With your eyes closed表示轻而易举,毫不费力

例句:I've made this trip so often, I could do it with my eyes closed. 我经常走这条路,闭着眼睛都能找到。


例句:The brothers look very similar. 弟兄几个长得很像。


Identical语气最强,可指同一个人或物,也可指数个人或物之间完全没有差别。例句:We are identical in our views. 我们的意见相同。

Similar强调不同的人或事物之间完全或部分相似,暗示可暂不考虑或无视其差异之处。例句:We have very similar interests. 我们兴趣相仿。



The scenery of this country is unparalleled. 这个国家的风景无与伦比。

1. Scenery:风景;景色;风光赋

例句:The scenery along the river is quite beautiful. 沿江的风景很美。

2. Unparalleled:无比的,空前的,绝无仅有的

例句:The book has enjoyed a success unparalleled in recent publishing history. 这本书在近期出版史上是空前的成功。


She was predestined to succeed. 显然,她是注定能成功的。

1. Predestine:预定,命中注定的,上天安排的

例句:These events were clearly predestined to happen. 这些事显然是注定要发生的。

2. Succeed:做成,成功,成就有作为

例句:She doesn't have the ruthlessness required to succeed in business. 要在生意场上干出一番名堂,她缺乏必要的冷酷心肠。

另外,Succeed 还有另一种定义:接替, 继任,随后出现,继承

例句:She succeeded to the throne in 1558. 她于1558 年继承王位。


Your performance will improve dramatically. 你的表现将得到显著提高。

1. Performance:表现,性能,业绩,工作情况

例句:The new management techniques aim to improve performance. 新的管理技术旨在提高效率。


The country's economic performance 国家的经济状况
High-performanc cars / aircraft 高性能汽/飞机

2. Dramatically:戏剧性地,激动人心的,引人注目的,给人印象深刻的

例句:The story begins dramatically but the plot peters out before the end. 这故事有些虎头蛇尾。


She has aspirations to become a great writer. 她立志成为一位大作家。


She has aspirations to become a pediatrician. 她立志成为一名小儿科医生。
He has aspirations to become a great lawyer. 他立志成为一位大律师。

1. Aspirations:渴望,抱负,志向

例句:I didn't realize you had political aspirations. 我没有意识到你有政治上的抱负。

2. Great writer:大作家


比如说:Sherlock Holmes, the great detective 赫赫有名的侦探福尔摩斯


This style prevails and picks up momentum. 这种款式很流行,而且越来越流行了。

1. Style:样式,款式

例句:Short skirts are back in style. 短裙子又流行起来了。

2. Prevails:流行,普遍存在,盛行

例句:Those beliefs still prevail among certain social groups. 这些信念在某些社会群体中仍很盛行。

3. Pick up:改善,好转,增强

例句:Trade usually picks up in the spring. 贸易一般在春天回升。

4. Momentum:推进力,动力,势头

例句:They began to lose momentum in the second half of the game. 在比赛的下半场,他们的势头就逐渐减弱。


It poured with rain throughout the night. 大雨下了整整一夜。

1. Pour:倒,灌,注,下大雨

例句:The rain continued to pour down. 大雨哗哗地下个不停。


(1) Pour/throw cold water on something 泼冷水,批评,责备
例句:She immediately poured cold water on his plans to expand the business. 她马上给他扩展业务的计划泼了冷水。

(2) Pour out your heart to somebody 向某人敞开心扉,倾诉衷肠
例句:I fancy I would enter your dreamland someday and pour out my heart to you. 我幻想有一天,能进入你的梦境,向你倾诉我的心里话。

2. Throughout:在所有各处,彻头彻尾,自始至终,遍及

例句:The smog persisted throughout the day. 烟雾终日不散。


I cannot see you on Monday because I have a previous engagement. 星期一我不能见你,因为我有约在先了。

1. Previous engagement:有约在先

例句:I have a previous engagement at 6:30. 6点半我已有约

2. Previous:先前的,以往的

例句:I was unable to attend because of a previous engagement. 我因有约在先,无法出席。


Previous to 在……以前,先于
例句:It happened previous to his arrival there. 事件发生于他到那儿以前。

3. Engagement:(尤指正式的或与工作有关的)约定,约会,预约

例句:I cannot meet you tomorrow, I have a prior engagement. 明天不能去见你,我之前和人约好了。



