Oracle 触发器

来源:互联网 发布:达内java培训课程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 21:43

create or replace trigger trg_jx0408
before insert or update or delete on jx0408
for each row
ary_kkzcmx t_varray;--申明数组保存kkzcmx
ary_kcsjmx t_varray;--申明数组保存kcsjmx
t_rxnf varchar2(4);
    if inserting then--增加操作    
           if :new.kkzcmx is not null then--如果kkzcmx不为空
              ary_kkzcmx := str_split(:new.kkzcmx,',');--分解kkzcmx并且保存在数组中
           end if;
           if :new.kcsjmx is not null then--如果kcsjmx不为空
              ary_kcsjmx := str_split(:new.kcsjmx,',');--分解kcsjmx并且保存在数组中
              select rxnf into t_rxnf from jx0404 where tzdid=:new.tzdid;
           end if;
           for i in 1 .. ary_kkzcmx.count loop
             if ary_kkzcmx(i) is not null then
                for j in 1 .. ary_kcsjmx.count loop
                    if ary_kcsjmx(j) is not null then
                       insert into jx0408_ct (tzdid,xq,kkzcmx,kcsjmx,rxnf,jsbh,kkdlb,xnxqh,kkd)
                    end if;
                end loop;
             end if;
           end loop;
    elsif updating then--更新操作      
           if :new.kkzcmx is not null then--如果kkzcmx不为空
              ary_kkzcmx := str_split(:new.kkzcmx,',');--分解kkzcmx并且保存在数组中
           end if;
           if :new.kcsjmx is not null then--如果kcsjmx不为空;
              ary_kcsjmx := str_split(:new.kcsjmx,',');--分解kcsjmx并且保存在数组中
           end if;
           select rxnf into t_rxnf from jx0404 where tzdid=:new.tzdid;
           delete jx0408_ct where kkd=:old.kkd and tzdid=:old.tzdid;
            for i in 1 .. ary_kkzcmx.count loop
             if ary_kkzcmx(i) is not null then
                for j in 1 .. ary_kcsjmx.count loop
                    if ary_kcsjmx(j) is not null then
                       insert into jx0408_ct (tzdid,xq,kkzcmx,kcsjmx,rxnf,jsbh,kkdlb,xnxqh,kkd)
                    end if;
                end loop;
             end if;
           end loop;
     elsif deleting then--删除操作
       delete jx0408_ct where kkd=:old.kkd and tzdid=:old.tzdid;
     end if;
end trg_jx0408;