Flex EXCEL导出

来源:互联网 发布:停车软件的盈利模式 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 18:45


     <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx = "http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
                layout = "absolute">

            import flash.errors.*;
            import flash.events.*;
            import flash.external.*;
            import flash.net.URLRequest;
            import flash.net.URLVariables;
            import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

            private var datalist:ArrayCollection =
                            new ArrayCollection([{ 姓名: "张三", 性别: "男", 年龄: "23", 生日: "1984-01-12" },
                                                 { 姓名: "李四", 性别: "男", 年龄: "27", 生日: "1983-11-2" }]);

             * Convert the datagrid to a html table
             * Styling etc. can be done externally
             * @param: dg Datagrid Contains the datagrid that needs to be converted
             * @returns: String
            private function convertDGToHTMLTable(dg:DataGrid):String
                //Set default values
                var font:String = dg.getStyle('fontFamily');
                var size:String = dg.getStyle('fontSize');
                var str:String = '';
                var colors:String = '';
                var style:String = 'style="font-family:' + font + ';font-size:' + size + 'pt;"';
                var hcolor:Array;

                //Retrieve the headercolor
                if (dg.getStyle("headerColor") != undefined)
                    hcolor = [ dg.getStyle("headerColor")];
                    hcolor = dg.getStyle("headerColors");

                //Set the htmltabel based upon knowlegde from the datagrid
                //解决乱码<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/htm; charset=utf-8"></head>
                str +=
                                '<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/htm; charset=utf-8"></head><table width="' + dg.width + '" border="1"><thead><tr width="' + dg.width + '" style="background-color:#' + Number((hcolor[0])).toString(16) + '">';

                //Set the tableheader data (retrieves information from the datagrid header    
                for (var i:int = 0; i < dg.columns.length; i++)
                    colors = dg.getStyle("themeColor");

                    if (dg.columns[i].headerText != undefined)
                        str += "<th " + style + ">" + dg.columns[i].headerText + "</th>";
                        str += "<th " + style + ">" + dg.columns[i].dataField + "</th>";
                str += "</tr></thead><tbody>";
                colors = dg.getStyle("alternatingRowColors");

                //Loop through the records in the dataprovider and
                //insert the column information into the table
                for (var j:int = 0; j < dg.dataProvider.length; j++)
                    str += "<tr width=/"" + Math.ceil(dg.width) + "/">";

                    for (var k:int = 0; k < dg.columns.length; k++)

                        //Do we still have a valid item?      
                        if (dg.dataProvider.getItemAt(j) != undefined &&
                                        dg.dataProvider.getItemAt(j) != null)

                            //Check to see if the user specified a labelfunction which we must
                            //use instead of the dataField
                            if (dg.columns[k].labelFunction != undefined)
                                str +=
                                                "<td width=/"" + Math.ceil(dg.columns[k].width) + "/" " + style + ">" + dg.columns[k].labelFunction(dg.dataProvider.getItemAt(j),
                                                                                                                                                                              dg.columns[k].dataField) + "</td>";

                                //Our dataprovider contains the real data
                                //We need the column information (dataField)
                                //to specify which key to use.
                                str +=
                                                "<td width=/"" + Math.ceil(dg.columns[k].width) + "/" " + style + ">" + dg.dataProvider.getItemAt(j)[dg.columns[k].dataField] + "</td>";
                    str += "</tr>";
                str += "</tbody></table>";

                return str;

            private function loadDGInExcel(dg:DataGrid, url:String):void

                //Pass the htmltable in a variable so that it can be delivered
                //to the backend script
                var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
                variables.htmltable = convertDGToHTMLTable(dg);

                //Setup a new request and make sure that we are
                //sending the data through a post
                var u:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
                u.data = variables; //Pass the variables
                u.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; //Don't forget that we need to send as POST

                //Navigate to the script
                //We can use _self here, since the script will through a filedownload header
                //which results in offering a download to the user (and still remaining in you Flex app.)
                navigateToURL(u, "_self");

    <mx:DataGrid id = "statdatagrid"
                 dataProvider = "{datalist}"
                 width = "460"
                 x = "107"
                 y = "100">

    <mx:Button label = "导出Excel"
               x = "485"
               y = "70"
               click = "loadDGInExcel(statdatagrid,'excelexport.jsp');"/>



        <%@ page language="java"%>
       <%@ page contentType="application/vnd.ms-excel;charset=UTF-8"
         response.setHeader("Content-disposition","attachment; filename=test.xls");
         String str = request.getParameter("htmltable");

