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      RANSAC为RANdom SAmple Consensus的缩写,它是根据一组包含异常数据的样本数据集,计算出数据的数学模型参数,得到有效样本数据的算法。它于1981年由Fischler和Bolles最先提出[1]。
      ②余集SC=P/S中与模型M的误差小于某一设定阈值t的样本集以及S构成S*。S*认为是内点集,它们构成S的一致集(Consensus Set);



[1] Fischler, M.A. and Bolles, R.C. Random Sample Consensus: A Paradigm for Model Fitting with Applications to Image Analysis and Automated Cartography. Communications of the ACM , 24(6): 381–395, 1981.
[2] Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman. Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision (2nd ed). Cambridge University Press .
[3] 程焱,周焰,林洪涛,潘恒辉. 基于SIFT特征遥感影像自动配准与拼接,遥感技术与应用,23(6):721–728,2008年12月



function correctPoints = match_ransac(P1,P2, it, N, t)% MATCH_RANSAC:RANSAC outliner detector for matched point-pairs%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Input:%       P1        - coordinates of points in the 1st image, [pointnum x 2]%       P2        - coordinates of points in the 2nd image, [pointnum x 2]%       it        - iterations (the number of subset to try)%       N         - number of points in a consensus set to determine a correct model has been found%       t         - error tolerance to determine whether a point is compatible for the model% % Output:%       correctPoints - indexes of point-pairs corrected matched determined by RANSAC% % Author: % Jiaolong Yang% Beijing Laboratory of Intelligent Information Technology,% School of Computer Science,% Beijing Institute of Technology% jiaolong@bit.edu.cn% % Reference:% Fishler M A, Bolles R C. Random sample concensus:A paradigm for model fitting% with applications to image analysis and automated cartography[J]. Communications% of ACM, 1981, 24(6):381—395.% % $Revision: 1.0 $  $Date: 2010.03.17 21:44:20 $ Original version% $Revision: 1.1 $  $Date: 2010.03.19 16:04:50% $Revision: 2.0 $  $Date: 2010.03.23 13:17:39%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%     switch nargin        case 2            it = size(P1,1);            N = fix(0.4*size(P1,1));            t = 3;        case 3            N = fix(0.4*size(P1,1));            t = 3;        case 4            t = 3;    end     correctPoints = [];    pointNum = size(P1, 1);    history = []for i = 1:it        %initialize consensus set with 4 points randomly selected         S = randperm(pointNum);        S = S(1:4);        %check whether every 3 points are noncollinear        if check_collineation(P1(S, :))            it = it+1;            continue;        end         %check whether the selected group haven't been used before        historyNum = size(history,1);        exist = 0;        for j = 1:historyNum            equal = 1;            for k = 1:4                if history(j,k) ~= S(k)                    equal = 0;                    break;                end            end            if equal                exist = 1;                break;            end        end        if exist            %reject used group            it = it+1;            continue;        else            history(end+1, :) = S;        end         %compute projective transformation matrix        H = projectivematrix(P2(S,:)', P1(S,:)');        %get full consensus set        S =  get_consensus_set(P1, P2, S, H, t);         %check if the model(namely the matrix) is correct or better than that we've found        if size(S,2) > N             N = size(S,2);            correctPoints = S;        end    end     %update projective transformation matrix    H = projectivematrix(P2(correctPoints,:)',P1(correctPoints,:)');    %get all points compatible with the best model    correctPoints =  get_consensus_set(P1, P2, correctPoints, H, t);end function S = get_consensus_set(P1, P2, S, H, t)     dataNum = size(P1,1);    %traverse all the points    for i = 1:dataNum        if size(find(S == i), 2) ~= 0            continue;        end         %project p1 to p1_h using the given transformation matrix        p1 = P1(i,:);        tmp = H*[p1,1]';        p1_h = tmp(1:2)' / tmp(3);         p2 = P2(i,:)%compute the error(euclidian distance betwween p1_h and p2)        dis = sqrt((p1_h(1)-p2(1))*(p1_h(1)-p2(1)) + (p1_h(2)-p2(2))*(p1_h(2)-p2(2)))%check error tolerance        if dis < t            S(end+1) = i;        end    endend function re = check_collineation(P)     num = size(P,1);    if num > 2        for i = 1:num-2            for j = i+1:num-1                for k =j+1:num                    a = [P(i,:)-P(j,:), 0];                    b = [P(i,:)-P(k,:), 0];                    %determine collineation of 3 points by "corss(p1p2,p1p3)==0"                    if cross(a,b) == 0                        re = 1;                        return;                    end                end            end        end    end     re = 0;end