
来源:互联网 发布:js分享代码移动端 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 17:29

 push     edx
        push     ecx
        push     ebx

        mov      eax, 'VMXh'
        mov      ebx, 0 // any value but not the MAGIC VALUE
        mov      ecx, 10 // get VMWare version
        mov      edx, 'VX' // port number

        in       eax, dx // read port
                       // on return EAX returns the VERSION
        cmp      ebx, 'VMXh' // is it a reply from VMWare?
        setz     [rc] // set return value

        pop      ebx
        pop      ecx
        pop      edx


