
来源:互联网 发布:ant for mac 安装 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 14:58



1、检验 key_buffer_size 参数大小是否合适(适用 MyISAM 表)

key_buffer_size指定索引缓冲区的大小,它决定索引处理的速度,尤其是索引读的速度。通过检查状态值Key_read_requests和Key_reads,可以知道key_buffer_size设置是否合理。比例key_reads /key_read_requests应该尽可能的低,至少是1:100,1:1000更好(上述状态值可以使用SHOW STATUS LIKE‘key_read%’获得)(检查状态值,在查询工具里输入 SHOW STATUS ,执行)。




key_buffer_size – 402649088 (384M)

key_read_requests – 597579931

key_reads - 56188


key_buffer_size – 16777216 (16M)

key_read_requests – 597579931

key_reads - 53832731


2、查询缓存 query_cache_size 设置

从4.0.1 开始,MySQL 提供了查询缓冲机制。在启用查询缓冲的情况下,MySQL 将 SELECT语句和查询结果存放在缓冲区中(内存),之后对于同样的 SELECT查询语句(区分大小写),将直接从缓冲区中读取结果,避免了重复查询的无谓开销。和查询缓存相关的参数包括:Qcache_free_blocks、Qcache_lowmem_prunes、Qcache_free_memory、Qcache_not_cached、Qcache_total_blocks、Qcache_queries_in_cache、Qcache_hits、Qcache_inserts。其中,如果 Qcache_lowmem_prunes 的值很大,说明经常出现缓冲不够的情况(最好保持在零),同时 Qcache_hits的值非常大,则表明查询缓冲使用非常频繁,此时需要增加缓冲大小 Qcache_hits的值不大,则表明你的查询重复率很低,这种情况下使用查询缓冲反而会影响效率,那么可以考虑不用查询缓冲。另外,如果Qcache_free_blocks 的值非常大,则表明缓冲区中碎片很多。


吴威 (16:59:27):
The number of open tables for all threads ????

For more information about the table cache, see section 7.4.8 How MySQL Opens and Closes Tables

table_cache用于指定表高速缓存的大小。每当 MySQL访问一个表时,如果在表缓冲区中还有空间,该表就被打开并放入其中,这样可以更快地访问表内容。通过检查运行峰值时间的 Open_tables 和Opened_tables 状态值,可以决定是否需要调整 table_cache 的值。如果你发现 open_tables 的值等于table_cache,并且发现 opened_tables 状态值在不断增长,那么你就需要增加 table_cache参数值了(上述状态值可以使用 SHOW STATUS LIKE ‘Open%tables’ 命令获得)。注意,不能盲目地把table_cache 参数设置成很大的值,如果设置得太高,可能会造成文件描述符不足,从而造成性能不稳定或者连接失败。



table_cache – 512

open_tables – 103

opened_tables – 1273

uptime – 4021421 (measured in seconds)



table_cache – 64

open_tables – 64

opened-tables – 431

uptime – 1662790 (measured in seconds)



table_cache – 64

open_tables – 64

opened_tables – 22423

uptime – 19538


4、Measuring Key Buffer Usage

Whenyou add indexes to your data, it enables MySQL to find data faster.However, ideally you want to have these indexes stored in RAM formaximum speed, and the variable key_buffer_size defines how much RAMMySQL can allocate for index key caching. If MySQL cannot store itsindexes in RAM, you will experience serious performance problems.Fortunately, most databases have relatively small key bufferrequirements, but you should measure your usage to see what work needsto be done.

To do this, log in to MySQL and type SHOW STATUSLIKE ‘%key_read%’;. That returns all the status fields that describethe hit rate of your key buffer—you should get two rows back: Key_readsand Key_read_requests, which are the number of keys being read fromdisk and the number of keys being read from the key buffer. From thesetwo numbers you can calculate the percentage of requests being filledfrom RAM and from disk, using this simple equation:

100 – ((Key_reads / Key_read_requests) x 100)

Thatis, you divide Key_reads by Key_read_requests, multiply the result by100 and then subtract the result from 100. For example, if you haveKey_reads of 1000 and Key_read_requests of 100000, you divide 1000 by100000 to get 0.01; then you multiply that by 100 to get 1.0, andsubtract that from 100 to get 99. That number is the percentage of keyreads being served from RAM, which means 99% of your keys are servedfrom RAM.

Most people should be looking to get more than 95%served from RAM, although the primary exception is if you update ordelete rows very often—MySQL can’t cache what keeps changing. If yoursite is largely read only, this should be around 98%. Lower figuresmean you might need to bump up the size of your key buffer.

Ifyou are seeing problems, the next step is to check how much of yourcurrent key buffer is being used. Use the SHOW VARIABLES command andlook up the value of the key_buffer_size variable. It is probablysomething like 8388600, which is eight million bytes, or 8MB. Now, usethe SHOW STATUS command and look up the value of Key_blocks_used.

Youcan now determine how much of your key buffer is being used bymultiplying Key_blocks_used by 1024, dividing by key_buffer_size, andmultiplying by 100. For example, if Key_blocks_used is 8000, youmultiply that by 1024 to get 8192000; then you divide that by yourkey_buffer_size (8388600) to get 0.97656, and finally multiplying thatby 100 to get 97.656. Thus, almost 98% of your key buffer is being used.

Now,onto the important part: You have ascertained that you are reading lotsof keys from disk, and you also now know that the reason for readingfrom disk is almost certainly because you do not have enough RAMallocated to the key buffer. A general rule of thumb is to allocate asmuch RAM to the key buffer as you can, up to a maximum of 25% of systemRAM—128MB on a 512MB system is about the ideal for systems that readheavily from keys. Beyond that, you will actually see drasticperformance decreases because the system has to use virtual memory forthe key buffer.





1, 查看MySQL服务器配置信息
mysql> show variables;
mysql> show variables;
2, 查看MySQL服务器运行的各种状态值
mysql> show global status;
mysql> show global status;
3, 慢查询
mysql> show variables like '%slow%';  
| Variable_name    | Value |  
| log_slow_queries | OFF   |  
| slow_launch_time | 2     |  
mysql> show global status like '%slow%';  
| Variable_name       | Value |  
| Slow_launch_threads | 0     |  
| Slow_queries        | 279   |  
mysql> show variables like '%slow%';
| Variable_name    | Value |
| log_slow_queries | OFF   |
| slow_launch_time | 2     |
mysql> show global status like '%slow%';
| Variable_name       | Value |
| Slow_launch_threads | 0     |
| Slow_queries        | 279   |
4, 连接数

mysql> show variables like 'max_connections';  
| Variable_name   | Value |  
| max_connections | 500   |  

mysql> show global status like 'max_used_connections';  
| Variable_name        | Value |  
| Max_used_connections | 498   |  
mysql> show variables like 'max_connections';
| Variable_name   | Value |
| max_connections | 500   |
mysql> show global status like 'max_used_connections';
| Variable_name        | Value |
| Max_used_connections | 498   |
max_used_connections / max_connections * 100% = 99.6% (理想值 ≈ 85%)
5, key_buffer_size
key_buffer_size是对MyISAM表性能影响最大的一个参数, 不过数据库中多为Innodb

mysql> show variables like 'key_buffer_size';  
| Variable_name   | Value    |  
| key_buffer_size | 67108864 |  

mysql> show global status like 'key_read%';  
| Variable_name     | Value    |  
| Key_read_requests | 25629497 |  
| Key_reads         | 66071    |  
mysql> show variables like 'key_buffer_size';
| Variable_name   | Value    |
| key_buffer_size | 67108864 |
mysql> show global status like 'key_read%';
| Variable_name     | Value    |
| Key_read_requests | 25629497 |
| Key_reads         | 66071    |
key_cache_miss_rate = Key_reads / Key_read_requests * 100% =0.27%

mysql> show global status like 'key_blocks_u%';  
| Variable_name     | Value |  
| Key_blocks_unused | 10285 |  
| Key_blocks_used   | 47705 |  
mysql> show global status like 'key_blocks_u%';
| Variable_name     | Value |
| Key_blocks_unused | 10285 |
| Key_blocks_used   | 47705 |
Key_blocks_used / (Key_blocks_unused + Key_blocks_used) * 100% ≈ 18% (理想值 ≈ 80%)
6, 临时表

mysql> show global status like 'created_tmp%';  
| Variable_name           | Value   |  
| Created_tmp_disk_tables | 4184337 |  
| Created_tmp_files       | 4124    |  
| Created_tmp_tables      | 4215028 |  
mysql> show global status like 'created_tmp%';
| Variable_name           | Value   |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables | 4184337 |
| Created_tmp_files       | 4124    |
| Created_tmp_tables      | 4215028 |
Created_tmp_disk_tables / Created_tmp_tables * 100% = 99% (理想值<= 25%)

mysql> show variables where Variable_name in ('tmp_table_size', 'max_heap_table_size');  
| Variable_name       | Value     |  
| max_heap_table_size | 134217728 |  
| tmp_table_size      | 134217728 |  
mysql> show variables where Variable_name in ('tmp_table_size', 'max_heap_table_size');
| Variable_name       | Value     |
| max_heap_table_size | 134217728 |
| tmp_table_size      | 134217728 |
7,open table 的情况

mysql> show global status like 'open%tables%';  
| Variable_name | Value |  
| Open_tables   | 1024 |  
| Opened_tables | 1465 |  
mysql> show global status like 'open%tables%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| Open_tables   | 1024 |
| Opened_tables | 1465 |
Open_tables 表示打开表的数量,Opened_tables表示打开过的表数量,如果Opened_tables数量过大,说明配置中table_cache(5.1.3之后这个值叫做table_open_cache)值可能太小,我们查询一下服务器table_cache值

mysql> show variables like 'table_cache';  
| Variable_name | Value |  
| table_cache   | 1024 |  
mysql> show variables like 'table_cache';
| Variable_name | Value |
| table_cache   | 1024 |
Open_tables / Opened_tables * 100% =69% 理想值 (>= 85%)
Open_tables / table_cache * 100% = 100% 理想值 (<= 95%)
8, 进程使用情况

mysql> show global status like 'Thread%';  
| Variable_name     | Value |  
| Threads_cached    | 31    |  
| Threads_connected | 239   |  
| Threads_created   | 2914 |  
| Threads_running   | 4     |  
mysql> show global status like 'Thread%';
| Variable_name     | Value |
| Threads_cached    | 31    |
| Threads_connected | 239   |
| Threads_created   | 2914 |
| Threads_running   | 4     |

mysql> show variables like 'thread_cache_size';  
| Variable_name     | Value |  
| thread_cache_size | 32    |  
mysql> show variables like 'thread_cache_size';
| Variable_name     | Value |
| thread_cache_size | 32    |
9, 查询缓存(query cache)

mysql> show global status like 'qcache%';  
| Variable_name           | Value    |  
| Qcache_free_blocks      | 2226     |  
| Qcache_free_memory      | 10794944 |  
| Qcache_hits             | 5385458 |  
| Qcache_inserts          | 1806301 |  
| Qcache_lowmem_prunes    | 433101   |  
| Qcache_not_cached       | 4429464 |  
| Qcache_queries_in_cache | 7168     |  
| Qcache_total_blocks     | 16820    |  
mysql> show global status like 'qcache%';
| Variable_name           | Value    |
| Qcache_free_blocks      | 2226     |
| Qcache_free_memory      | 10794944 |
| Qcache_hits             | 5385458 |
| Qcache_inserts          | 1806301 |
| Qcache_lowmem_prunes    | 433101   |
| Qcache_not_cached       | 4429464 |
| Qcache_queries_in_cache | 7168     |
| Qcache_total_blocks     | 16820    |
Qcache_free_blocks:缓存中相邻内存块的个数。数目大说明可能有碎片。FLUSH QUERY CACHE会对缓存中的碎片进行整理,从而得到一个空闲块。
Qcache_lowmem_prunes:缓存出现内存不足并且必须要进行清理以便为更多查询提供空间的次数。这个数字最好长时间来看;如果这个数字在不断增长,就表示可能碎片非常严重,或者内存很少。(上面的         free_blocks和free_memory可以告诉您属于哪种情况)
Qcache_not_cached:不适合进行缓存的查询的数量,通常是由于这些查询不是 SELECT 语句或者用了now()之类的函数。

mysql> show variables like 'query_cache%';  
| Variable_name                | Value    |  
| query_cache_limit            | 33554432 |  
| query_cache_min_res_unit     | 4096     |  
| query_cache_size             | 33554432 |  
| query_cache_type             | ON       |  
| query_cache_wlock_invalidate | OFF      |  
mysql> show variables like 'query_cache%';
| Variable_name                | Value    |
| query_cache_limit            | 33554432 |
| query_cache_min_res_unit     | 4096     |
| query_cache_size             | 33554432 |
| query_cache_type             | ON       |
| query_cache_wlock_invalidate | OFF      |
query_cache_type:缓存类型,决定缓存什么样的查询,示例中表示不缓存 select sql_no_cache 查询
query_cache_wlock_invalidate:当有其他客户端正在对MyISAM表进行写操作时,如果查询在query cache中,是否返回cache结果还是等写操作完成再读表获取结果。
查询缓存碎片率 = Qcache_free_blocks / Qcache_total_blocks * 100%
如果查询缓存碎片率超过20%,可以用FLUSH QUERY CACHE整理缓存碎片,或者试试减小query_cache_min_res_unit,如果你的查询都是小数据量的话。
查询缓存利用率 = (query_cache_size


   mysql> show global status;

   mysql> show variables;

   mysql> show variables like '%slow%';

  | Variable_name | Value |


  | log_slow_queries | ON |

  | slow_launch_time | 2 |


  mysql> show global status like '%slow%';


  | Variable_name | Value |


  | Slow_launch_threads | 0 |

  | Slow_queries | 4148 |





  经常会遇见”MySQL: ERROR 1040: Too manyconnections”的情况,一种是访问量确实很高,MySQL服务器抗不住,这个时候就要考虑增加从服务器分散读压力,另外一种情况是MySQL配置文件中max_connections值过小:

   mysql> show variables like 'max_connections';

  | Variable_name | Value |


  | max_connections | 256 |



  mysql> show global status like 'Max_used_connections';


  Max_used_connections / max_connections * 100% ≈ 85%




   mysql> show variables like 'key_buffer_size';

  | Variable_name | Value |


  | key_buffer_size | 536870912 |



   mysql> show global status like 'key_read%';

  | Variable_name | Value |


  | Key_read_requests | 27813678764 |

  | Key_reads | 6798830 |



  key_cache_miss_rate = Key_reads / Key_read_requests * 100%



   mysql> show global status like 'key_blocks_u%';

  | Variable_name | Value |


  | Key_blocks_unused | 0 |

  | Key_blocks_used | 413543 |



   Key_blocks_used / (Key_blocks_unused + Key_blocks_used) * 100% ≈ 80%

   mysql> show global status like 'created_tmp%';

  | Variable_name | Value |


  | Created_tmp_disk_tables | 21197 |

  | Created_tmp_files | 58 |

  | Created_tmp_tables | 1771587 |


  每次创建临时表,Created_tmp_tables增加,如果是在磁盘上创建临时表,Created_tmp_disk_tables也增加,Created_tmp_files表示MySQL服务创建的临时文件文件数,比较理想的配置是:Created_tmp_disk_tables / Created_tmp_tables * 100% <= 25%











举例说明,以下语句where 条件s_lasttime有索引。另外在执行查询语句之前关闭查询缓存。

mysql> set query_cache_type=0;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


mysql> show global status like 'Handler_read%';
| Variable_name         | Value |
| Handler_read_first    | 3     |
| Handler_read_key      | 0     |
| Handler_read_next     | 0     |
| Handler_read_prev     | 0     |
| Handler_read_rnd      | 0     |
| Handler_read_rnd_next | 28    |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select i_uid from alluser where s_lasttime >= '2008-10-11 08:00:00' and s_lasttime <= '2008-10-11 08:01:10' ;
| i_uid    |
| 34450409 |
| 35283490 |
| 33006053 |
| 29974553 |
| 32078303 |
| 31638119 |
| 35733904 |
7 rows in set (0.06 sec)

mysql> show global status like 'Handler_read%';
| Variable_name         | Value |
| Handler_read_first    | 3     |
| Handler_read_key      | 1     |
| Handler_read_next     | 7     |
| Handler_read_prev     | 0     |
| Handler_read_rnd      | 0     |
| Handler_read_rnd_next | 35    |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

可以发现:Handler_read_key值加1, Handler_read_next 值加7,Handler_read_rnd_next值加7



Handler_read_rnd_next是执行show global status like 'Handler_read%';没有用到索引,有6行结果。