[转]一.设计过程 2做出设计决定

来源:互联网 发布:安卓数据访问 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 12:15


Making Design Decisions

When making design decisions regarding features in your application, it’s important to weigh the costs, not all of which are financial, against the potential benefits. Every time you add a feature to your application, the following things can happen:


  • Your application gets larger.
  • Your application gets slower.
  • Your application’s human interface becomes more complex.
  • You spend time developing new features rather than refining existing features.
  • Your application’s documentation and help become more extensive.
  • You run the risk of introducing changes that could adversely affect existing features.
  • You increase the time required to validate the behavior of your application.

Choosing appropriate features and devoting the needed resources to implement them correctly can save you time and effort later. Choosing poor feature sets or failing to assign appropriate design, engineering, testing, and documentation resources often incurs heavier costs later when critical bugs appear or users can’t figure out how to use your product.

选择合适的功能并且正确的投入需要的资源来实现它们会随后节省您的时间和付出。在出现严重的 bug 或者用户不知道怎么使用您的产品时,为产品选择了错误的功能集合或者在产品开发时未能正确的投入合适的设计、开发、测试和文档资源将导致更多的支出。

The following sections present several additional factors to take into consideration before adding features to your product.



Avoid Feature Cascade

If you are developing a simple application, it can be very tempting to add features that aren’t wholly relevant to the original intent of the program. This feature cascade can lead to a bloated interface that is slow and difficult to use because of its complexity. Try to stick to the original intent of your program and include only features that are relevant to the main workflow.


The best products aren’t the ones with the most features. The best products are those whose features are tightly integrated with the solutions they provide, making them the most usable.


80% 方案

Apply the 80 Percent Solution

During the design process, if you discover problems with your product design, you might consider applying the 80 percent solution—that is, designing your software to meet the needs of at least 80 percent of your users. This type of design typically favors simpler, more elegant approaches to problems.

在设计过程中,如果您发现了您产品设计有问题,您可以考虑 80% 方案——也就是说,让您的产品设计至少满足 80% 的用户的需求。这种类型的设计通常倾向于简单,优雅的解决问题。

If you try to design for the 20 percent of your target audience who are power users, your design may not be usable by the other 80 percent of users. Even though that smaller group of power users is likely to have good ideas for features, the majority of your user base may not think in the same way. Involving a broad range of users in your design process can help you find the 80 percent solution.

如果您试图为您目标客户中 20% 的资深用户来设计产品,您的设计可能对其他的 80% 的用户变得不可用。即使这些资深的用户可能对产品的功能有一些非常好的想法,但是您的客户中的大部分不是这么想的。在设计过程中广泛的引入用户参与能够帮助您找到 80% 方案。