
来源:互联网 发布:国密算法sm2公开的吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 06:22

通常,必须将一组进程当作单个实体来处理。例如,当让Microsoft Developer Studio为你创建一个应用程序项目时,它会生成C l . e x e,C l . e x e则必须生成其他的进程(比如编译器的各个函数传递)。如果用户想要永远停止该应用程序的创建,那么Developer Studio必须能够终止C l . e x e和它的所有子进程的运行。在Wi n d o w s中解决这个简单(和常见的)的问题是极其困难的,因为Wi n d o w s并不维护进程之间的父/子关系。即使父进程已经终止运行,子进程仍然会继续运行。

You often need to treat a group of processes as a single entity.
Usually we need to regard a group of processes as an unique entity.
For example, when you tell Microsoft Developer Studio to build a project, it spawns Cl.exe, which might have to spawn additional processes (such as the individual passes of the compiler).
Foe example,when Microsoft Developer Studio creates an application for you,it will generate cl.exe which in turn will generate other processes.
But if the user wants to prematurely stop the build, Developer Studio must somehow be able to terminate Cl.exe and all its child processes.
If the user wants to terminate the creation of the application permanently, then Developer Studio will need the ability to terminate cl.exe and all its subprocesses.
Solving this simple (and common) problem in Windows has been notoriously difficult because Windows doesn't maintain a parent/child relationship between processes.
In widows solving this simple (and faimliar) problem is extremely difficult for windows does not maintain the father-son relationship between processes.
In particular, child processes continue to execute even after their parent process has been terminated.
Father-process exits, however son-process can keep on its processing.

notes: 把...当作... 把...认作...
spawn 产生,产卵
in turn 不是 in turns
prematurely 过早地
common familiar
