
来源:互联网 发布:工资条查询系统源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 09:01


1. 简单更新


update goods set price = 100 where gid = 1000;


update state set value = 0, time = unix_timestap() where state = 1;


update goods set prices = 100 where gid between 50 and 100;


sys_building(cid, bid,xy...)

sys_city(cid, uid...)

update sys_building b left join sys_city c on b.id = c.id set b.id = 9 where c.uid > 1000 and b.xy in(100,101,102,103);

(5)将普通城池(type=0)的等级为1的官府(bid = 1)的黄金最大值设置为10,0000

city_res(id, cid,gold_max....)



update city_res m left join sys_city c on m.cid = c.cid left join sys_building b on c.cid = b.cid set m.gold_max = 100000 where c.type = 0 and b.bid = 1 and b.level = 1; 


alter table sys_city add column ownerid integer default -1;


delete from goods where price > 100;


2. 插入



insert into sys_user_task (uid,tid,state) (select uid, $tid, 0 from sys_user_task where tid = 1000 and state = 1) on duplicate key update state = 0;


insert into task_group(`id`,`name`,`type`) values('1001','attack', 1);

insert into task_group values('1001','attack',1);


replace into sys_building(`cid`,`bid`,`level`) values('$cid',6,1);


3. 查询

(1) 查询当前时间戳

select unix_timestamp();


select count(*) from city group by province order by province;


4. 工作中遇到的一个需求,更新每个城市的黄金容量,黄金容量跟城市官府的等级有关系,城市分好几等级,普通城市,县城,州城等,黄金容量存储在mem_city_resource表中中

城市表sys_city, 城市建筑表 sys_building,  黄金容量表cfg_city_gold_max

update mem_city_resource aa, sys_building bb,sys_city cc,cfg_city_gold_max dd set aa.gold_max=dd.value  where bb.bid=6  and aa.cid=cc.cid and aa.cid=bb.cid and dd.type=cc.type and dd.level=bb.level;


