
来源:互联网 发布:黄石市2017人口数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 17:40



Installation as redView – User – Developer

This is the normal Installation, if you’re working as a Developer and want to

  • start with redView
  • explore redView examples to see how redView works
  • integrate redView into your applications / products

After following these instructions you will have:

all redView Plug-Ins, Features and Dependencies you need. all provided Plug-Ins include Sources (as extra Source Plug-ins), so you always can take a look at the sources.

You’re not sure if this is the right installation for you ? redView can be used in different roles as user or developer – please read more about this at the installations site.

Installation Instructions (0.8.0)

Eclipse Helios EPP Modeling

redView needs Eclipse Helios EPP Modeling. (redView release version 1.0 will come out soon after Eclipse 3.6 – Helios – in july 2010)

Download required software

The best fit for our installation is the Eclipse EPP Modeling Package. If you haven’t done this, please download the EPP Modeling for your operating system:

→ download Helios EPP Modeling Package

Expand the archive at a location where you normaly place your Eclipse Installations.

Edit Memory Allocation

Now edit the eclipse.ini to change the memory allocation (if you want) – the recommended memory:


On OSX it should look like this:

If you want to avoid the question about “install unsigned software”, then you can add


at the end of the eclipse.ini. read more about this here at Chris Aniszczyk blog.

Start Eclipse and select a new Workspace at a Location you like.

Because of a Bug while restarting Eclipse with some Declarative Services used by redView (Bugzilla 288063), you have to explicitly set the Workspace location in your eclipse.ini:


should be look like this:

we’re working on this problem to avoid this step.

Edit Eclipse Preferences

Encoding and Workspace Name

Go to Preferences and edit the Encoding to UTF-8. It’s also a good idea to name your workspace, which is possible using Helios. As a redView developer it’s usual to open more then one workspace, so naming each helps to distinguish.

OSX: Encoding must be changed

Ubuntu: the default Encoding is already set to UTF-8:

Windows: encoding must be changed:

Software Sites

Please add the redView software-site: (optional)

Now we have to install new software.

Install New Software

Open menu “Install New Software“. Please select the “–> redView” ( site:

The checkbox ‘Contact all update sites…’ must be selected, also ‘Group Items by Category’.

  • Please select only core redView Components and IDE Components
  • Don’t select Target Components: redView User !

and then hit Next – Next – Finish.

the operation can take some time - please be patient

It can again take some time to download all artifacts.

You have to restart Eclipse if all is done.

We also provide a second Updatesite to install some useful tooling into your IDE:

  • PDE Graph Visualization Dependencies
  • Neil Bartlett’s Bundle Monitor
  • Mylyn  Assembla Connector. (redView uses Assembla as Issue Tracker)
  • XML, CSS, HTML, WebPage Editors

If you like to install them, please (if not already done before) add this software site:

…then go to “Install new Software” and select “redView Tooling for Developers” Updatesite:

select what you need – then hit Next – Next – Install.

the operation can take some time - please be patient

It can again take some time to download all artifacts.
You have to restart Eclipse if all is done.

Prepare the workspace

Now its a good time to prepare the workspace for your work with redView.

Please add the Plug-in Perspective and go to this Perspective.

It’s a good idea to show the Heap Status:

Set Target Platform

Now it’s time to set the Target Platform to get easy access to redView Example Projects. To make it easy there’s an Eclipse project to import with predefined Target Platform Definitions you can download

…from Sourceforge: simply hit the green button or go to “Files/redview-user-developer

…or from Bitbucket:

or from eclipseLabs:

Import the Project directly from the archive into your workspace – you don’t have to unzip !

File – Import – Existing Projects into workspace

select the Archive:

It’s a good idea to add a working-set “redview” and add the project.

After importing there should be the Project  ”org.redview.projects.redview-target-platform“:

please rename “target_template” into “target” and the launch config  ”launch_template” into “launch” – or copy these files into your own project where you store your launch configurations or target plat form definitions.

Now lets resolve and set the Target Platform:

Please open “” - Double-click should automatically open the file in Target Platform Definition Editor:

PDE is automatically resolving the Target Platform Definition.

the operation can take some time - please be patient

This can take a while.

ATTENTION: Do nothing until progress bar does nothing and all is resolved !

If all is done, check if there are no errors…

… then Click “Set as Target Platform“. This can take some seconds. If its ready you can close the Target Platform Definition File..

Exporting Target Platform

Since Helios you can export your Target Platform’s to a local directory. This is great, if you want to install on more machines without waiting that eclipse fetches all the plug-ins. …or if you want to be sure that you can use the Target Platform even if there are some Sites not reachable or you have to work offline.

Go to “File Export -> Target Definition“:

hit “Next” and select the folder “exported” from project “redview-target-platform” in your workspace:

hit “Finish” and all Plug-ins will be exported:

you’ll get the Features, Plug-ins and content Repository.

Now we can switch the Target Platform to this locally Target Platform. Open Target Platform Definition ““:

Wait that the Target Platform is resolved – then hit “Set as Target Platform” and you’re done with this step.

Test Examples in your IDE

Now it’s time to do some tests if redView’s examples are working well. From plug-ins View select some (or all) org.redview.examples projects:

…then import as Source Projects into your workspace:

you should get all projects without compile errors.

Now select all “org.redview.example*” projects in your workspace and add them to a working set named “redview-examples” - then its easier to distinguish these examples from your own. Also we’ll generate examples from red-open into this workspace later.

Let’s open the Hello World View from the examples:

…double-click should open in Designer Editor:



Windows 7:

Now you should also open the “Properties View” to see the properties from UI Elements:

To go through the examples in detail, please follow the instructions here.

As last step let us see if the Examples are also running from a Launch Config, which you’ll need to test Databinding etc.

Launch Eclipse Application

The last we do to check if all went well is to start an Eclipse Application and to see if redView is running well.

There is already a predefined Launch configuration. We’ll find them in the same project as the target platform definitions:

Choose the lauch_template and rename the *.launch_template into *.launch if you haven’t done this before.

Now open the Run Configurations… :

… and you should find the Eclipse Application:

The Launch config is feature-based and should run on all platforms.

Now you can “Run” the Application.

Lets verify that all works well. redView examples – Views should be found:

- please open the “Actions” View:



Great: redView has dynamically rendered a View.

Now lets open an EMFStore Example View:

There should be a message that no EMFStore Server is running – thats right. The View should open from a temp EMFStore.

Please open two Views from EMFStore Server: EMFStore Browser and Unicase Navigator:

The EMFStore Browser:

(Redview localhost) is the temp repository redView created on-the-fly without running an extra Server.

Unicase Navigator: shows all Views from EMFStore. Double click on one of them and the redView designer was opened.

Great: redView Designer Editor works and also the EMFStore Server :)

Now the last test: Open View “Plug-ins” and import a redView Example Plug-in as Source into the Workspace:

The project should compile without an error. Then open a view from /viewstore:

Double click on “ActionsExample.redview” should open the Designer Editor.

Go to the Preferences of the launched Application to change redView – Look and Feel: Preferences -> redview -> themes:

set to “light-blue“, “Apply” and the result should be visible in the Views:

Great: Projects compile, Preferences with Look and Feel works.

You’re done

all looks good and you can start developing for redView :)

At first you should go through the examples – a good starting point is here.


Eclipse starts but opens the default workspace from user-home instead of your last used: Because of a Bug while restarting Eclipse with some Declarative Services used by redView (Bugzilla 288063), you have to explicitly set the Workspace location in your eclipse.ini as explained above. We’ll have a workaround before 1.0 will be released.