Scala 2.8.1 RC1发布了

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝推广平台 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/07 08:38




Scala 2.8.1 发布 



TicketSummary#36When a val overrides an abstract var#254Scaladoc and val (constructor args and lazy)#577scaladoc for case class fields#742Assertion error on compilation#1220Stream.cons result not thread-safe#1445Scaladoc does not seem to correctly report singleton types#1693Implicit conversion ambiguity#1766Primary constructor does not initialize structural type when auxiliary constructors are present#2318Structural method is dispatched on non-public member when overriding public member#2331Assertion Error Erasure$Eraser.cast(Erasure.scala:442)#2413Types$TypeError when using inherited method from Java with repeated parameters#2416Unsound higher order typing#2462Better error messages for implicits#2464'class file is broken' error when extending Java static inner classes#2799spurious warning for deprecated case class#3105parameters with default values not distinguished#3193"Self" escapes SynchronizedMap#3209scalac crash on (invalid) input file with an annotation on package declaration#3247incorrect error message compiling trait with view bound#3249java generic signature should not refer to type parameters of enclosing method (partial fix)#3361NullPointerException in REPL when using DoubleLinkedList#3374error in kind checking: higher-order type parameters#3399IndexOutOfBoundsException on search for implicit =:=#3403Compiler error with renamed BeanProperty import#3414Option.empty#3419kind conformance and separate compilation#3435Compiler crash with TypeError during SpecializeTypes#3461Scala doc for List.sliding is incorrect#3468dated spec references to ByNameFunction#3477upper bound on type parameter leads inferencer to wrong arity#3486No Java Signature for mixed-in generic methods#3493The result of scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[A]#toString should be sorted#3494Parameterizing varargs method on singleton type crashes scalac#3495Cannot pass Java properties containing ':'#3496Stream.splitAt does not terminate#3497assertion failed in getPrimitive#3502Stream.range regression in Scala 2.8.0 (works with Scala 2.7.7)#3507assertion failure in mkAttributedQualifier#3508Stream.tabulate creates an infinite stream#3519Recent nsc change breaks AppEngine compatibility (partial fix)#3521Java annotation with negative double value causes error#3540TraversableFactory.iterate is too aggressive#3543Java annotations restriction; error message could be improved#3548scala.MatchError on code completion of a Tuple#3551jvm/actor-executor2 test fails very rarely due to incorrect use of j.u.c.Executor#3570Compiler crash in a small code#3580TraversableLike.toStream loops#3582Higher order type parameter results in implicit search failure#3584Random.shuffle not usable with Random objects initialized from a non-default seed#3603Integrate IntMap / LongMap into 2.8 collections#3604Compiler crash: XML parsing: <div></abbr>#3605No JSON Serializer in scala.util.parsing.json#3612Inner object does not conform to self-type#3615Enum with duplicate ordinal throws AssertionError#3616Enumeration.values is confused by methods returning Val instances#3618ill-formed type application with type constructors#3622Compiler crash with Java repeated parameters#3627ClassFormatError for specialized class extending specialized trait#3629Bring LinkedBlockingQueue up-to-date#3631java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while compiling xhtml1-strict.scala#3636scala.MatchError with Specialization#3645Stream.tabulate creates an infinite constant stream#3648VerifyError with named constructor parameter with default value#3649scalac crashes after reporting name clash between val and companion object#3650specialization incorrectly searches for specialized variants#3653Repetitive method name/signature in class file#3663IllegalAccessError when using package proptected members of a Java class#3667Java Serialization Issue with Nested Class and Default Parameter#3676Compiler crash when trying to implement a custom view#3679scalac memory leak with NoPhase#3684ArrayBuilder.ensureSize can resize twice#3685field type inference fails when using named arguments with same name#3688JavaConversions.asMap can't be used a a view bound due to overloading#3691Compiler crash accessing higher kinded type in refinement#3692Infinite loop when compiling a simple manifest test#3697compile error applying curried method with repeated and default parameters#3709performance: use of implicit conversion to RichInt in ResizableArray wasteful#3716illegal characters in msil source causes compilation failure#3717ScalaSigParser in scalap doesn't use the new format#3726Blocks with application of a function-typed variable are seen as pure#3728Wrong generic Java signature for methods with Array[T] parameters#3729stack traces on file not found#3737scaladoc for Option is wrong in places, could use examples#3750No package-level scaladoc for the scala package#3751Update/improve scala.Array's scaladoc#3756Incongruous Java Class File / Package Crashes Scala Compiler#3757No error given when abstract base class is not fully implemented#3763type inference causes ClassCastException: Arrays are not ScalaObjects#3765Incorrect Position with /r/n Delimiters#3766Performance: ArrayBuffer.sizeHint could directly call arraycopy rather than Array.copy#3767Array.copy needs review#3769Compiler UnsupportedOperationException: Position.point when parsing ill-formed XML#3772companions and method-owned case classes (partial fix)#3773Missing deprecation warning#3774scalac hang on innocent looking source (partial fix)#3776scalac silently hangs while compiling (possibly with implicits)#3777type constructor inference should normalize to improve unification#3779@specialized collides with Manifest#3780cyclic reference when compiling sources using build manager#3786Improve scaladoc of scala.xml.pull#3793Improve scaladoc of scala.collection package and link to the new Guide#3803Specialization with function object causes null reference




