第十一章: Collections of Objects--(1.数组)

来源:互联网 发布:免费淘宝客网站模板 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 11:29

第十一章: Collections of Objects数组部分

               the Java utilities library has a reasonably complete set of container classes


                    There are three issues that distinguish arrays from other types of containers:   
      efficiency, type, and the ability to hold primitives. The array is the most efficient   way 
      that Java provides to store and randomly access a sequence of object   references. The array 
      is a simple linear sequence, which makes element access   fast, but you pay for this speed; 
      when you create an array object, its size is fixed   and cannot be changed for the lifetime of that
      array object.数组可以持有  primitive,而容器则不行,容器将所含的对象均看成object.arrays of objects  
     hold references, but arrays of primitives hold the primitive values directly.
    // Arrays of objects:

    Weeble[] a; // Local uninitialized variable

    Weeble[] b = new Weeble[5]; // Null references

    Weeble[] c = new Weeble[4];

    for(int i = 0; i < c.length; i++)

      if(c[i] == null) // Can test for null reference

        c[i] = new Weeble();

    // Aggregate initialization:

    Weeble[] d = {

      new Weeble(), new Weeble(), new Weeble()


    // Dynamic aggregate initialization:

    a = new Weeble[] {

      new Weeble(), new Weeble()


   a = d;

2The Arrays class

which holds a set of static methods that perform utility functions for arrays. There are four basic methods: equals( ), to compare two arrays for equality; fill( ), to fill an array with a value; sort( ), to sort the array; and binarySearch( ), to find an element in a sorted array. All of these methods are overloaded for all the primitive types and Objects. In addition, there’s a single asList( ) method that takes any array and turns it into a List container

2.1Filling an array

int[] a1 = new int[6];

String[] a2 = new String[6];

Arrays.fill(a1, 19);

System.out.println("a1 = " + Arrays2.toString(a1));

    Arrays.fill(a2, "Hello");

    System.out.println("a2 = " + Arrays.asList(a2));

    // Manipulating ranges:

Arrays.fill(a2, 3, 5, "World");


System.out.println("a2 = " + Arrays.asList(a2));

2.2) Copying an array--System.arraycopy( ), which can make much

faster copies of an array than if you use a for loop to perform the copy by


         int[] i = new int[7];

         int[] j = new int[10];

         Arrays.fill(i, 47);

         Arrays.fill(j, 99);

         System.out.println("i = " + Arrays2.toString(i));

         System.out.println("j = " + Arrays2.toString(j));

         System.arraycopy(i, 0, j, 0, i.length);

         System.out.println("j = " + Arrays2.toString(j));

         // Objects:

          Integer[] u = new Integer[10];

          Integer[] v = new Integer[5];

          Arrays.fill(u, new Integer(47));

          Arrays.fill(v, new Integer(99));

          System.out.println("u = " + Arrays.asList(u));

          System.out.println("v = " + Arrays.asList(v));

          System.arraycopy(v, 0, u, u.length/2, v.length);

          System.out.println("u = " + Arrays.asList(u));

         The arguments to arraycopy( ) are the source array, the offset into

the source array from whence to start copying, the destination array, the

offset into the         destination array where the copying begins, and the

number of elements to copy.

2.3) Comparing arrays

import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;

import java.util.*;

public class ComparingArrays {

  private static Test monitor = new Test();

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    int[] a1 = new int[10];

    int[] a2 = new int[10];

    Arrays.fill(a1, 47);

    Arrays.fill(a2, 47);

    System.out.println(Arrays.equals(a1, a2));

    a2[3] = 11;

    System.out.println(Arrays.equals(a1, a2));

    String[] s1 = new String[5];

    Arrays.fill(s1, "Hi");

    String[] s2 = {"Hi", "Hi", "Hi", "Hi", "Hi"};

    System.out.println(Arrays.equals(s1, s2));

    monitor.expect(new String[] {






} ///:~

2.4Array element comparisons

Java has two ways to provide comparison functionality. The first is with the “natural” comparison method that is imparted to a class by implementing the java.lang.Comparable interface. This is a very simple interface with a single method, compareTo( ). This method takes another Object as an argument and produces a negative value if the current object is less than the argument, zero if the argument is equal, and a positive value if the current object is greater than the argument.second,use a strategy, create a strategy by defining a separate class that implements an interface called Comparator. This has two methods, compare( ) and equals( ).

// 一、Implementing Comparable in a class.-采用回调callback技术--------


import com.bruceeckel.util.*;

import java.util.*;

public class CompType implements Comparable {

  int i;

  int j;

  public CompType(int n1, int n2) {

    i = n1;

    j = n2;


  public String toString() {

    return "[i = " + i + ", j = " + j + "]";


  public int compareTo(Object rv) {

    int rvi = ((CompType)rv).i;

    return (i < rvi ? -1 : (i == rvi ? 0 : 1));


  private static Random r = new Random();

  public static Generator generator() {

    return new Generator() {

      public Object next() {

        return new CompType(r.nextInt(100),r.nextInt(100));




  public static void main(String[] args) {

    CompType[] a = new CompType[10];

    Arrays2.fill(a, generator());


      "before sorting, a = " + Arrays.asList(a));



      "after sorting, a = " + Arrays.asList(a));


} ///:~

//二、 Implementing a Comparator for a class.采用策略模式strategy

design //pattern通过实现comparator接口来定义策略对象-------------------------------

import com.bruceeckel.util.*;

import java.util.*;




class CompTypeComparator implements Comparator {

  public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {

    int j1 = ((CompType)o1).j;

    int j2 = ((CompType)o2).j;

    return (j1 < j2 ? -1 : (j1 == j2 ? 0 : 1));



public class ComparatorTest {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    CompType[] a = new CompType[10];

    Arrays2.fill(a, CompType.generator());


      "before sorting, a = " + Arrays.asList(a));

    Arrays.sort(a, new CompTypeComparator());


      "after sorting, a = " + Arrays.asList(a));


} ///:~

2.5) Sorting an array


2.6Searching a sorted array--Once an array is sorted, you can perform a

fast search for a particular item by using Arrays.binarySearch( ).

If you have sorted an object array using a Comparator ,you must include

that same Comparator when you perform a binarySearch( )

// Searching with a Comparator.

import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;

import com.bruceeckel.util.*;

import java.util.*;

public class AlphabeticSearch {

  private static Test monitor = new Test();

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    String[] sa = new String[30];

    Arrays2.fill(sa, new Arrays2.RandStringGenerator(5));

    AlphabeticComparator comp = new AlphabeticComparator();

    Arrays.sort(sa, comp);

    int index = Arrays.binarySearch(sa, sa[10], comp);

    System.out.println("Index = " + index);

    monitor.expect(new String[] {

      "Index = 10"



} ///:~
