JAVA class文件格式

来源:互联网 发布:微信恶搞视频软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 03:11












    cp_info {

    u1 tag;    u1 info[];    }






 The CONSTANT_Class_info structure is used to represent a class or an interface:


name_index 指向 CONSTANT_Utf8_info


2) CONSTANT_Fieldref, CONSTANT_Methodref, and CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref

 Fields, methods, and interface methods are represented by similar structures:


class_index 指向 CONSTANT_Class_info

name_and_type_index 指向 CONSTANT_Methodref_info CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info


3) CONSTANT_String 

The CONSTANT_String_info structure is used to represent constant objects of the type java.lang.String:

   string_index 指向 CONSTANT_Utf8_info



4) CONSTANT_Integer and CONSTANT_Float 

The CONSTANT_Integer_info and CONSTANT_Float_info structures represent four-byte numeric (int and float) constants: 



5) CONSTANT_Long and CONSTANT_Double

The CONSTANT_Long_info and CONSTANT_Double_info represent eight-byte numeric (long and double) constants:


6) CONSTANT_NameAndType


The CONSTANT_NameAndType_info structure is used to represent a field or method, without indicating which class or interface type it belongs to:


        name_index 指向 CONSTANT_Utf8_info

        descriptor_index 指向 CONSTANT_Utf8_info








The CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure is used to represent constant string values.






The items of the field_info structure are as follows:



name_index 指向CONSTANT_Utf8_info


descriptor_index 指向 CONSTANT_Utf8_info

attributes_count 属性计数

attributes[] 所有属性







Each method, and each instance initialization method <init>, is described by a variable-length method_info structure. The structure has the following format:



name_index 指向CONSTANT_Utf8_info

descriptor_index 指向 CONSTANT_Utf8_info

attributes_count 属性计数

attributes[] 所有属性



1) SourceFile Attribute



attribute_name_index 指向 CONSTANT_Utf8_info "SourceFile"

attribute_length 属性长度 = 2

sourcefile_index 指向CONSTANT_Utf8_info的源文件名 如 ,没有路径





2) ConstantValue Attribute


attribute_name_index 指向 CONSTANT_Utf8_info "ConstantValue"

attribute_length 定长2

constantvalue_index 指向常量池中的值,可以为以下类型 

Field TypeEntry TypelongCONSTANT_LongfloatCONSTANT_FloatdoubleCONSTANT_Doubleint, short, char, byte, booleanCONSTANT_Integerjava.lang.StringCONSTANT_String





3) Code Attribute

The items of the Code_attribute structure are as follows:


attribute_name_index 指向 CONSTANT_Utf8_info "Code"

attribute_length 属性长度,不包括初始的6字节

max_stack 方法的最大栈大小

max_locals 最大局部变量数

code_length 代码长度

code[] 代码数据

exception_table_length 异常表长度

exception_table[] 异常表


start_pc, end_pc 异常捕获的指令范围


handler_pc 捕获后的跳转位置

catch_type 指向CONSTANT_Class_info, 捕获类型


attributes_count 属性计数

attributes[] 所有属性




4) Exceptions Attribute(方法throws的异常)


 attribute_name_index 指向 CONSTANT_Utf8_info "Exceptions"

 attribute_length 不包括初始的6字节

 number_of_exceptions 异常数

 exception_index_table[] 异常表 指向CONSTANT_Class_info



5) LineNumberTable Attribute(行号表)


attribute_name_index 指向CONSTANT_Utf8_info "LineNumberTable"

attribute_length 不包括初始的6字节

line_number_table_length 行号表长度

line_number_table[] 行号表


start_pc 开始的指令位置

line_number 行号,对应于源文件




6) LocalVariableTable Attribute(局部变量表)

attribute_name_index 指向 CONSTANT_Utf8_info "LocalVariableTable"

attribute_length 不包括初始的6字节

local_variable_table_length 局部变量表长度

local_variable_table[] 局部变量表


start_pc, length 指令开始位置,长度

name_index, descriptor_index 名字索引,描述, 指向CONSTANT_Utf8_info


index 局部变量索引,也就是变量占用的slot








