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WriteRegionsToBootMedia ( )的详细分析


BOOL WriteRegionsToBootMedia(DWORD dwImageStart, DWORD dwImageLength, DWORD dwLaunchAddr)


    BYTE nCount;

    DWORD dwNumExts;



    DWORD dwBINFSPartLength = 0;

    HANDLE hPart, hPartEx;

    DWORD dwStoreOffset;

    DWORD dwMaxRegionLength[BL_MAX_BIN_REGIONS] = {0};

    DWORD dwChainStart, dwChainLength;


    //  Initialize the variables

    dwChainStart = dwChainLength = 0;

    EdbgOutputDebugString("+WriteRegionsToBootMedia: ImageStart: 0x%x, ImageLength: 0x%x, LaunchAddr:0x%x/r/n",

                            dwImageStart, dwImageLength, dwLaunchAddr);

    if ( !g_bBootMediaExist ) {

        EdbgOutputDebugString("ERROR: WriteRegionsToBootMedia: device doesn't exist./r/n");



    if ( !VALID_TOC(g_pTOC) ) {

        EdbgOutputDebugString("WARN: WriteRegionsToBootMedia: INVALID_TOC/r/n");

        if ( !TOC_Init(g_dwTocEntry, g_ImageType, dwImageStart, dwImageLength, dwLaunchAddr) ) {

            EdbgOutputDebugString("ERROR: INVALID_TOC/r/n");




    if ( !(IMAGE_TYPE_BINFS & g_pTOC->id[g_dwTocEntry].dwImageType) ) {

        EdbgOutputDebugString("ERROR: WriteRegionsToBootMedia: INVALID_IMAGE_TYPE: 0x%x/r/n",




    // Look in the kernel region's extension area for a multi-BIN extension descriptor.

    // This region, if found, details the number, start, and size of each BIN region.

    for (nCount = 0, dwNumExts = 0 ; (nCount < g_BINRegionInfo.dwNumRegions); nCount++)


        // Does this region contain nk.exe and an extension pointer?

        pExt = (EXTENSION *)GetKernelExtPointer(g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionStart,

                                                g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionLength );

        if ( pExt != NULL)


            // If there is an extension pointer region, walk it until the end.

            while (pExt)


                DWORD dwBaseAddr = g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionStart;

                pExt = (EXTENSION *)OEMMapMemAddr(dwBaseAddr, (DWORD)pExt);

                EdbgOutputDebugString("INFO: OEMLaunch: Found chain extenstion: '%s' @ 0x%x/r/n", pExt->name, dwBaseAddr);

                if ((pExt->type == 0) && !strcmp(pExt->name, "chain information"))


                    pChainInfo = (PXIPCHAIN_SUMMARY) OEMMapMemAddr(dwBaseAddr, (DWORD)pExt->pdata);

                    dwNumExts = (pExt->length / sizeof(XIPCHAIN_SUMMARY));

                    EdbgOutputDebugString("INFO: OEMLaunch: Found 'chain information' (pChainInfo=0x%x  Extensions=0x%x)./r/n", (DWORD)pChainInfo, dwNumExts);



                pExt = (EXTENSION *)pExt->pNextExt;



        else {

            //  Search for Chain region. Chain region doesn't have the ROMSIGNATURE set

            DWORD   dwRegionStart = g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionStart;

            DWORD   dwSig = *(LPDWORD) OEMMapMemAddr(dwRegionStart, dwRegionStart + ROM_SIGNATURE_OFFSET);


            if ( dwSig != ROM_SIGNATURE) {

                //  It is the chain

                dwChainStart = dwRegionStart;

                dwChainLength = g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionLength;

                EdbgOutputDebugString("Found the Chain region: StartAddress: 0x%X; Length: 0x%X/n", dwChainStart, dwChainLength);




    // Determine how big the Total BINFS partition needs to be to store all of this.

    if (pChainInfo && dwNumExts == g_BINRegionInfo.dwNumRegions)    // We're downloading all the regions in a multi-region image...


        DWORD i;

        EdbgOutputDebugString("Writing multi-regions/r/n");

        for (nCount = 0, dwBINFSPartLength = 0 ; nCount < dwNumExts ; nCount++)


            dwBINFSPartLength += (pChainInfo + nCount)->dwMaxLength;

            EdbgOutputDebugString("BINFSPartMaxLength[%u]: 0x%x, TtlBINFSPartLength: 0x%x /r/n",

                nCount, (pChainInfo + nCount)->dwMaxLength, dwBINFSPartLength);

            // MultiBINInfo does not store each Regions MAX length, and pChainInfo is not in any particular order.

            // So, walk our MultiBINInfo matching up pChainInfo to find each regions MAX Length

            for (i = 0; i < dwNumExts; i++) {

                if ( g_BINRegionInfo.Region[i].dwRegionStart == (DWORD)((pChainInfo + nCount)->pvAddr) ) {

                    dwMaxRegionLength[i] = (pChainInfo + nCount)->dwMaxLength;

                    EdbgOutputDebugString("dwMaxRegionLength[%u]: 0x%x /r/n", i, dwMaxRegionLength[i]);







    else    // A single BIN file or potentially a multi-region update (but the partition's already been created in this latter case).


        dwBINFSPartLength = g_BINRegionInfo.Region[0].dwRegionLength;

        EdbgOutputDebugString("Writing single region/multi-region update, dwBINFSPartLength: %u /r/n", dwBINFSPartLength);


    // Open/Create the BINFS partition where images are stored.  This partition starts immediately after the MBR on the Boot Media and its length is

    // determined by the maximum image size (or sum of all maximum sizes in a multi-region design).

    // Parameters are LOGICAL sectors.

    hPart = BP_OpenPartition(  PAGES_PER_BLOCK,              //logic 0 is block of MBR                             SECTOR_TO_BLOCK_SIZE(FILE_TO_SECTOR_SIZE(dwBINFSPartLength))*PAGES_PER_BLOCK, // align to block





    if (hPart == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )


        EdbgOutputDebugString("ERROR: WriteRegionsToBootMedia: Failed to open/create BINFS partition./r/n");



    // Are there multiple BIN files in RAM (we may just be updating one in a multi-BIN solution)?

    for (nCount = 0, dwStoreOffset = 0; nCount < g_BINRegionInfo.dwNumRegions ; nCount++)


DWORD dwRegionStart= (DWORD)OEMMapMemAddr(0, g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionStart);

        DWORD dwRegionLength = g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionLength;

        // Media byte offset where image region is stored.

        dwStoreOffset += nCount ? dwMaxRegionLength[nCount-1] : 0;


        // Set the file pointer (byte indexing) to the correct offset for this particular region.

        if ( !BP_SetDataPointer(hPart, dwStoreOffset) )


            EdbgOutputDebugString("ERROR: StoreImageToBootMedia: Failed to set data pointer in BINFS partition (offset=0x%x)./r/n", dwStoreOffset);



        // Write the region to the BINFS partition.

        if ( !BP_WriteData(hPart, (LPBYTE)dwRegionStart, dwRegionLength) )


            EdbgOutputDebugString("ERROR: StoreImageToBootMedia: Failed to write region to BINFS partition (start=0x%x, length=0x%x)./r/n", dwRegionStart, dwRegionLength);



        // update our TOC?

        if ((g_pTOC->id[g_dwTocEntry].dwLoadAddress == g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionStart) &&

             g_pTOC->id[g_dwTocEntry].dwTtlSectors == FILE_TO_SECTOR_SIZE(dwRegionLength) )


            g_pTOC->id[g_dwTocEntry].dwStoreOffset = dwStoreOffset;

            g_pTOC->id[g_dwTocEntry].dwJumpAddress = 0; // Filled upon return to OEMLaunch


            g_pTOC->id[g_dwTocEntry].dwImageType = g_ImageType;

            g_pTOC->id[g_dwTocEntry].sgList[0].dwSector = FILE_TO_SECTOR_SIZE(g_dwLastWrittenLoc);

            g_pTOC->id[g_dwTocEntry].sgList[0].dwLength = g_pTOC->id[g_dwTocEntry].dwTtlSectors;

            // copy Kernel Region to SDRAM for jump

            memcpy((void*)g_pTOC->id[g_dwTocEntry].dwLoadAddress, (void*)dwRegionStart, dwRegionLength);//拷贝镜像到下载地址

            EdbgOutputDebugString("Updateded TOC!/r/n");


        else if( (dwChainStart == g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionStart) &&

                 (dwChainLength == g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionLength))


            //  Update our TOC for Chain region

            g_pTOC->chainInfo.dwLoadAddress = dwChainStart;

            g_pTOC->chainInfo.dwFlashAddress = FILE_TO_SECTOR_SIZE(g_dwLastWrittenLoc);

            g_pTOC->chainInfo.dwLength = FILE_TO_SECTOR_SIZE(dwMaxRegionLength[nCount]);


            EdbgOutputDebugString("Written Chain Region to the Flash/n");

            EdbgOutputDebugString("LoadAddress = 0x%X; FlashAddress = 0x%X; Length = 0x%X/n",




            // Now copy it to the SDRAM

            memcpy((void *)g_pTOC->chainInfo.dwLoadAddress, (void *)dwRegionStart, dwRegionLength);

//            memcpy((void *)0x8c050000, (void *)dwRegionStart, dwRegionLength);



    // create extended partition in whatever is left


    hPartEx = BP_OpenPartition( NEXT_FREE_LOC,






    if (hPartEx == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )


        EdbgOutputDebugString("*** WARN: StoreImageToBootMedia: Failed to open/create Extended partition ***/r/n");







DWORD dwBlock = Log2Phys (pPartState->dwDataPointer / g_FlashInfo.wDataBytesPerSector + pPartState->pPartEntry->Part_StartSector) / g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock;//块地址

    DWORD dwOffsetBlock = (pPartState->dwDataPointer + pPartState->pPartEntry->Part_StartSector * g_FlashInfo.wDataBytesPerSector) % g_dwDataBytesPerBlock;//块偏移

    // Update the global indicating last written physical address.  Global variable is used by the caller.

    g_dwLastWrittenLoc = dwBlock * g_dwDataBytesPerBlock + dwOffsetBlock;

    // If current pointer is not on a block boundary, copy bytes up to the first block boundary

    if (dwOffsetBlock)


        if (!ReadBlock(dwBlock, g_pbBlock, g_pSectorInfoBuf)) {

            RETAILMSG (1, (TEXT("WriteData: failed to read block (0x%x)./r/n"), dwBlock));



        DWORD dwNumBytesWrite = g_dwDataBytesPerBlock - dwOffsetBlock;

        if (dwNumBytesWrite > dwLength)

            dwNumBytesWrite = dwLength;

        memcpy(g_pbBlock + dwOffsetBlock, pbBuffer, dwNumBytesWrite);  

        if (!FMD_EraseBlock(dwBlock)) {

            RETAILMSG (1, (TEXT("WriteData: failed to erase block (0x%x)./r/n"), dwBlock));

            return FALSE;


        if (!WriteBlock(dwBlock, g_pbBlock, g_pSectorInfoBuf)) {

            RETAILMSG (1, (TEXT("WriteData: failed to write block (0x%x)./r/n"), dwBlock));



        dwLength -= dwNumBytesWrite;

        pbBuffer += dwNumBytesWrite;




    // Compute number of blocks.

    dwNumBlocks = (dwLength / g_dwDataBytesPerBlock);

    while (dwNumBlocks--)


        // If the block is marked bad, skip to next block.  Note that the assumption in our error checking

        // is that any truely bad block will be marked either by the factory during production or will be marked

        // during the erase and write verification phases.  If anything other than a bad block fails ECC correction

        // in this routine, it's fatal.

        if (IS_BLOCK_UNUSABLE(dwBlock))



            ++dwNumBlocks;        // Compensate for fact that we didn't write any blocks.



        if (!ReadBlock(dwBlock, NULL, g_pSectorInfoBuf)) {

            RETAILMSG (1, (TEXT("WriteData: failed to read block (0x%x)./r/n"), dwBlock));



        if (!FMD_EraseBlock(dwBlock)) {

            RETAILMSG (1, (TEXT("WriteData: failed to erase block (0x%x)./r/n"), dwBlock));

            return FALSE;


        if (!WriteBlock(dwBlock, pbBuffer, g_pSectorInfoBuf)) {

            RETAILMSG (1, (TEXT("WriteData: failed to write block (0x%x)./r/n"), dwBlock));




        pbBuffer += g_dwDataBytesPerBlock;



    DWORD dwNumExtraBytes = (dwLength % g_dwDataBytesPerBlock);

    if (dwNumExtraBytes)


        // Skip bad blocks

        while (IS_BLOCK_UNUSABLE(dwBlock))



            if (dwBlock >= g_FlashInfo.dwNumBlocks)


                // This should never happen since partition has already been created

                RETAILMSG (1, (TEXT("WriteData: corrupt partition.  Reformat flash./r/n")));               

                return FALSE;




        if (!ReadBlock(dwBlock, g_pbBlock, g_pSectorInfoBuf)) {

            RETAILMSG (1, (TEXT("WriteData: failed to read block (0x%x)./r/n"), dwBlock));



        memcpy(g_pbBlock, pbBuffer, dwNumExtraBytes);  

        if (!FMD_EraseBlock(dwBlock)) {

            RETAILMSG (1, (TEXT("WriteData: failed to erase block (0x%x)./r/n"), dwBlock));

            return FALSE;


        if (!WriteBlock(dwBlock, g_pbBlock, g_pSectorInfoBuf)) {

            RETAILMSG (1, (TEXT("WriteData: failed to write block (0x%x)./r/n"), dwBlock));





    pPartState->dwDataPointer = dwNextPtrValue;




到这基本的磁盘方面的东西就介绍完了,最后就提一下MBR实际是在低格的时候创建的,而且其block位置也在低格的时候确定,而与分区的地址没有关系。所以分区的地址应该是镜像文件的开始地址,而在读取镜像文件的时候MBR也是通过搜索找到的,而与镜像地址没关系。从这里你也可以发现实际MBRBLOCK地址前不能有完好并且未使用的block,不然这个块会被处理为MBR的。这个大家注意一下就好了。(EBOOT分析结束)如果有不清楚的可以联系我:mail :
